Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 416 Are You Sure Mr. Zhang Is The Jade Emperor? Instead Of Emperor Xia?

Accompanied by the radiance of the emperor's belt, the familiar battle song bg of the emperor's armor fitting is ringing.

at the same time.

One by one, golden rays of light outlined the armor parts in the blink of an eye, and emerged on Zhang Wei's body, turning into gold and white armors intertwined.


Looking at Zhang Wei again, he is still no longer the same as before, and has become a figure in armor, as mighty as an emperor.

"my Lord!"

"Emperor, Emperor Armor??"

Seeing Zhang Wei's figure, Dannok and the other young priests stared blankly, staring at Zhang Wei in the gorgeous and domineering armor. They recognized the armor, wasn't it just now Did you see the armor of the armored warrior 'Emperor Xia'? !


The little priests of Dannok were stunned, and felt their minds were confused... Oh my God, Zhang, Mr. Zhang has become Emperor Xia? !

Think here.

They seemed to be thinking of something, and couldn't help but look at Matt who was following, their eyes seemed to speak together silently—Father Matt, are you sure Mr. Zhang is the Jade Emperor? Instead of Emperor Xia?

the other side.

Not only the little priests, but also the money-worshiping stewardesses and other flight attendants were equally sluggish. When Zhang Wei appeared, they recognized Zhang Wei. Isn't that the handsome Daxia guy who was suspected of being a local tyrant.


Looking at Zhang Wei at this time, the stewardesses don't have any previous ideas, they have already refreshed Zhang Wei's understanding... The handsome guy in Daxia is not a local tyrant, but a warrior in armor - Emperor Xia? !

【Ding! The blood-faced ghost king is confused, I Cao? ! what? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +170]

The system prompt sounds.

can be seen.

The blood-faced ghost king stared blankly at Zhang Wei, who had turned into an armored warrior, with a dazed expression, but quickly reacted:

"It doesn't matter if you are a Great Xia Exorcist or some armored warrior, it depends on you, the result will be the same."

sound up.

The blood-faced ghost king didn't have the demeanor of a ghost king at all, so he shot straight away, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Zhang Wei. His five fingers with spiky ghost nails stretched out, piercing Zhang Wei's chest, trying to dig Zhang Wei's heart out. come out.

【Ding! Blood-faced ghost king... Do you think you can resist being beaten by wearing heavy armor? I am the ghost king. With this little armor, I can just... huh? ? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +180]

Accompanied by a reminder sound.

There was a clang, a sound like metal colliding.


The blood-faced ghost king was stunned, and looked at Zhang Wei's chest in emperor armor, and saw his five fingers, which could be easily crushed by diamonds, imprinted on Zhang Wei's chest, the expected five fingers pierced through, and the ghost hand The picture of holding the heart was not found.

The opposite of.

The feeling called pain came from his five-fingered ghost hand.

It hurts so much.

Those five fingers hit Zhang Wei's armor, just like the little toe of an ordinary person's foot hit the corner of a table, and the blood-faced Ghost King's heart twitched in pain.

【Ding! The Bloody Ghost King... It hurts! ! I, Cao, why are you so hard? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +190]


Pain to pain, the blood-faced ghost king also reacted quickly, and another ghost hand raised his backhand, and slammed it on the head of Zhang Wei's emperor armor, and there was another clang, the ghost hand was numb from the shock, and turned into an emperor Huang Xia's Zhang Wei stood motionless like a mountain.

Followed by.

Dannok and other young priests were dumbfounded.

see you...

The blood-faced ghost king burst out with a terrifying ghost king-level aura, and his momentum was unmatched, like a demon king coming out of an abyss, facing Zhang Wei's constant attacks, every palm, claw, foot, punch, etc. Powerful and terrifying, with the power to open mountains and crack rocks.

But it turned out that every time he hit Zhang Wei, it was as if he was hitting a wooden stake. Apart from the bang bang bang sound, Zhang Wei had nothing to do, and he didn't even move a step.

Instead, after the ghost king finished the beating, he grinned and rubbed his hands and legs, the pain was written all over his face.


Dannock and the others stared wide-eyed. On each of their immature faces, their mouths were opened in the shape of an o, and little stars were shining in their flawless and pure eyes.

my Lord!


This, this, we have seen this scene, yes, we have seen it, isn’t this the scene where Emperor Xia fights the four beasts? Let them hit him, but nothing happened.


The little priests cried out in unison:

"So handsome, Emperor Hero!!"

Same time

While Dannok exclaimed, he couldn't help thinking of the conversation he had with Zhang Wei in his seat before, and recalled that Zhang Wei said that he bought the Emperor Xia and collected the Emperor Xia peripherals. He couldn't help but whispered:

"Mr. Zhang collects Emperor Xia belts... the peripherals?"

I thought about it.

Dannok remembered playing with the emperor's belt, and saw the anti-counterfeit certification and other marks on the emperor's belt, and his immature face was full of shock:

" Daxia's toy made so high-end, no, is it so realistic, not only the appearance, but also the transformation?"

the other side.

Compared to the little priests who were in a daze, the Bloody Ghost King was even more dazed:

"What the hell are you?"

【Ding! Bloody Ghost King... I dare to swear, I beat all the energy out of breastfeeding, why didn't you get hurt, you armored warrior is so fleshy? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +200]


Before Zhang Wei could answer, Dannok and the little priests responded first:

"He is the armored warrior, Emperor Xia!"

"Dear ghost king, that's not a thing, it's the armored warrior Emperor Xia."

"Yes, is he the Armored Warrior, or is he the cutest Emperor Xia among the Armored Warriors?"

They speak out.

The blood-faced ghost king looked over, and although he didn't speak, the expression on his ghost's face was beyond words, as if he was saying, 'What are you talking about Gouba, what is an armored warrior, and what is the Emperor Xia? ! '

next moment.

Knowing that he couldn't hurt Zhang Wei, the blood-faced ghost king also retreated back, distanced himself from Zhang Wei, changed his previous contempt, and his face was full of solemnity.

【Ding! The blood-faced ghost king is dignified... Emperor Xia? I know the ghost king, what is the emperor? The emperor in the ghost king class? 】

[Host obtains system points +210]

But it was too late to think.

Zhang Wei moved.

After being attacked by the blood-faced ghost king one after another, Zhang Wei finally moved. He twisted his lower neck, fisted his hands, and walked straight towards the opponent:

"You're done, then it's my turn."

His words come out.

The blood-faced ghost king's pupils shrank suddenly, feeling an unprecedented crisis, and a ghostly aura surged out, trying to repel Zhang Wei.


next second.

The surging ghost energy stopped abruptly.

I saw Zhang Wei raised his hand and shook his five fingers towards the blood-faced ghost king in the air. In an instant, the blood-faced ghost king who distanced himself from Zhang Wei felt an invisible hand grabbing his neck, and then lifted it up. up.

This scene.


Zhang Wei, who was obviously transformed into Emperor Xia, was a few meters away from the blood-faced ghost king, but the blood-faced ghost king was lifted by him from a distance, faintly visible, and there was a golden light shining on his neck.

Watching this scene.

Dannok waited for the little priests to get excited, and they all shouted:

"It's Emperor Xia's air control object!!"


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