The little priest's voice didn't hold back at all, and everyone present heard it.

"Dannok, you have been talking about Emperor Xia since just now, what is that? The name of Mr. Zhang's magic weapon?"

Wei Sili's face was blank. Originally, he got up to deal with the ghost king when he knew that there was a ghost king on the plane. As a result, halfway through, Zhang Wei walked over from behind.

I still remember.

When Zhang Wei approached, Wesley specially reminded Zhang Wei to be careful, after all, this is an airplane, so we can’t use the violence on the beach anymore, otherwise, if the airplane explodes, they can survive, but the passengers can’t.

To this.

Zhang Wei just grinned and replied:

"Okay, I will treat this ghost king as a fragile commodity, and handle it with care."

Think here.

Wei Sili looked forward, saw Zhang Wei raised one hand, pinched the blood-faced ghost king in the void and raised it, the opponent couldn't break free no matter what, and recalled that he let the blood-faced ghost king beat him, he couldn't help muttering in his heart:

"Mr. Zhang really treats it as a fragile commodity, and he doesn't even touch it."

Just thinking about it.

When Dannok's voice came, he didn't hide it. He raised the tablet computer in his hand and told about Emperor Xia. After talking about it, he was afraid that Weisili would not believe him, so he turned on the tablet computer and showed it to Weisili:

"Bishop Weisili, look, there is Emperor Xia in Baidu in Daxia, and Baidu is similar to our Sogou."


It can be seen that on Dannok's tablet computer, Baidu searched for "Armored Warrior Emperor Hero", and there was a line of words "Baidu found about 10,900,000 related results for you."


Wei Sili was sluggish, and felt that his brain was short-circuited. Is Mr. Zhang the Emperor's Hero in the cartoon? What are you kidding? Isn't he the Jade Emperor?

Can't help it.

He looked at Matt aside. Matt knew the Jade Emperor best, and he might be able to give some explanation.

Matt saw what he was thinking, even though he didn't know the Emperor, but he admired Zhang Wei, he coughed and muttered:

"Dihuangxia, it sounds like the existence of the emperor. It is not surprising for Mr. Zhang. After all, all the gods in Daxia have incarnations outside the body. The Jade Emperor has an emperor-like clone of Emperorxia. It is normal. Wei Wei Don't make such a fuss, Siri."

Matt didn't notice that as soon as he said this, not to mention Wesley, even Danock and other young priests were stunned, and they all looked at him.


Didn't wait for them to think too much.

"Let go, let me go!"

Sen Han's hoarse ghost voice struggled to rise.

Seeing the blood-faced ghost king being pinched and lifted, he struggled to break free for a while, but couldn't. While startled, he yelled at Zhang Wei:

"Don't let me go, don't blame me for doing things to these passengers."

The voice starts.

The blood-faced ghost king gave up struggling, and didn't give Weisili and the others a chance to react. He raised his hand and rushed towards the passengers on both sides of the aisle.

"not good."


When Wei Sili and the others saw this, their faces changed immediately, and they wanted to stop it, but the plane had a small space, and the ghost king was too close to the passengers.

"Ah, no!!"


It was a female passenger, a gold-worshiping stewardess, and a stewardess called Xiaoxiao. They were too close to the Ghost King, and the space in the plane was narrow, so there was no time to escape, so they could only scream and wait to die.

To this.

The blood-faced ghost king ignored them, and looked directly at Zhang Wei in front of him. When he was paying attention, the moment he made a move, Zhang Wei also made a move. He slowly raised his hand, as if he wanted to rescue him.

【Ding! The blood-faced ghost king sneered...It's late, no matter how powerful you are, you can't handle it at such a short distance, haha...]

[Host obtains system points +220]

Accompanied by a system beep.

Zhang Wei's hands were also raised in front of his waist, with one hand above and the other below, appearing parallel, and he clasped his palms up and down in the next second.

this moment.

An invisible energy, centered on the palms of his hands, spread to the first-class cabin in the blink of an eye.


Whether it's Weisili, them, or the blood-faced ghost king, even the spewing ghost energy is still, as if time has stagnated at this moment, no! It's not as if, it's true. At this moment, the time of the first class has stopped.

Zhang Wei looked at the first-class cabin that was stopped by his own time, and showed a satisfied smile:

"Sure enough, besides Yanlongxia, Fengyingxia, and Black Rhinocerosxia, as the strongest armored warrior, Emperorxiaxia, he can also practice meditation seals."

in words.

Zhang Wei was not idle, and with the extraordinary speed of Emperor Xia, he flashed in front of the female passenger, stewardess and others, and carried them to Wei Sili and others in the rear, away from the blood-faced ghost king.

Zhang Wei reached out to touch the emperor's belt around his waist.


The first-class cabin that was stopped suddenly, time resumed.


The ghostly spirit rushed towards the stewardess and the others, and the blood-faced ghost king also let out a ferocious smile:

"Did you see that, Emperor Hero, put me down quickly. If you don't put me down, don't blame me for doing something to other passengers. I will end up just like the stewardess and passengers just now."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei's voice sounded immediately, and he pointed to the money-worshiping stewardess and female passenger behind him and said:

"Same as the flight attendants and passengers just now, are you talking about them?"

"Yes, just with them...huh? My Cao?!"

【Ding! The Bloody Ghost King is sluggish]

[Get system points +160]


The blood-faced ghost king stared at the gold-worshiping stewardess and others behind Zhang Wei with an expression of seeing the devil, and then looked back and forth. At this glance, the money-worshiping stewardesses and others had long since disappeared.

Blood Face Ghost King: "????"

Wei Sili: "My Cao, why are you here?"

Money-worshiping stewardesses and passengers: "Ah!! No!! Huh? We are not dead? No, where are we?"

Wei Sili was taken aback, and looked at the money-worshiping stewardess beside him in disbelief, with a horrified look of seeing God, just like the blood-faced ghost king, looking back and forth at the place where the stewardess was before, and then at the stewardess beside her.

What's going on, what happened? How did they come here? I shouldn't have blinked.

The money worshiping stewardesses were also confused, they didn't understand why they appeared here, weren't they still next to the ghost just now, why they teleported suddenly.

At this moment.

Zhang Wei's voice sounded:

"Now there are no passengers or stewardesses next to you, what threats are you using?"

The blood-faced ghost king was silent when he heard the words. Looking at the empty passenger seats all around, he couldn't help but stare at Zhang Wei:

"What the hell did you do!"

Facing the words of the blood-faced ghost king.

What responded to him was the excited voice of Dannock and the others:

"It's the meditation seal."

"This must be the meditation seal!"

Dannok and the others recognized Zhang Wei's skills.

"Dhyana seal? What is that?"

Weisili looked over, and looked at Dannok suspiciously. He was a majestic ghost king-level exorcist priest. Why did he feel that he was cuter than these cuties? He didn't know anything.

Dannok and the others did not hide anything, and explained excitedly:

"The seal of meditation is the ability of armored warriors. Once cast, it can suspend time within a certain range. Although I haven't seen Emperor Xia perform it, I have seen Yanlong Xia, Feng Yingxia, and Black Rhinoceros perform it."

As soon as his words came out.

Wei Sili and the blood-faced ghost king were stunned. Seeing that Zhang Wei remained silent, they acquiesced to what Danok and the others said. For a moment, their hearts trembled.

【Ding! The blood-faced ghost king... is it a draft, are you kidding me, time stops? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +230]

Although he didn't want to believe it, the facts in front of him forced him to believe it, and only the cessation of time could explain the current situation.

Also at this time.

Knowing the ability used by Zhang Wei, Weisili and the others were also shocked:

"My God, this is a... miracle!"

"Weisili, calm down, Mr. Zhang is the Jade Emperor, it's normal to pause for a while."

As soon as Matt said this.

The blood-faced ghost king who was still being strangled was stunned again.

【Ding! The Bloody Ghost King... the Jade Emperor? Armor warrior? Emperor Xia? I'm on a horse... Who am I fighting with? The Jade Emperor who became Emperor Xia]

[Host obtains system points +240]

at the same time.

Zhang Wei didn't care about the blood-faced ghost king's thoughts, and was attracted by another system notification sound in his head at this time.


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