Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 418 The Plane Is About To Make A Forced Landing? That Won't Work

at this time.

In the blood-faced ghost king and Wei Sili, when Indanok explained the meditation seal, a reminder sounded in Zhang Wei's mind.

【Ding! It was detected that the host used the system point blessing to display an ability that exceeded the rules. Due to the lack of system points held by the host, the effectiveness of this ability was greatly halved.]

"Sure enough, it is a weakened meditation seal."

Zhang Wei murmured in his heart, he had already expected it.

To know the strength of things blessed by system points, not only depends on what is blessed, but also the number of system points blessed. The ability of meditation seal to pause time is a bug-level ability that violates the rules. To use this ability, you must It takes a lot of system points to support it.

as predicted.

I have more than 100,000 system points. Although I can use the meditation seal, the effect is very short and can only be used for a very short time. Fortunately, Emperor Xia itself is extremely fast. It's easy for a few people in a small space.

I thought about it.

Zhang Wei was not idle, he held the blood-faced Ghost King in the void with one hand, and beckoned Wei Sili to bring the suitcase with the other.

Before boarding the plane, he felt that the suitcase was where the blood-faced ghost king was, and the blood-faced ghost king was sealed. Who knew it would be released by the money-worshiping stewardess, otherwise he wouldn't let the plane take off at will.

at the same time.

Seeing Zhang Wei holding the suitcase and trying to pack himself back, the blood-faced ghost king struggled:

"No! You can't do that!!"


Zhang Wei was indifferent to this, grabbed the bloody ghost king and threw it into the suitcase.


In the depths of the blood-faced ghost king's pupils flashed panic, and also madness.

Zhang Wei didn't know what the middle-aged man in the suit was going to do to the blood-faced ghost king, but the blood-faced ghost king knew that once he was packed into a suitcase, the waiting result would be no different from death.

Also for this.

The Bloody Ghost King became ruthless.

boom! !

Accompanied by a deafening noise, the blood-faced ghost king exploded his entire lower body as a trigger, bursting out monstrous ghostly aura, even if Zhang Wei had the meditation seal, it was useless, the explosive power swept across the entire first-class cabin in an instant, intending to engulf everyone.


A big hole was blown out of the first class cabin.

I'm sure that even if everyone was not swallowed to death by the ghost energy, they would still be blown out of the big hole. Under the strong air pressure, everyone present would follow the big hole and be sucked out of the plane.

On the nick of time.

Zhang Wei shot, and he turned towards the left side of the emperor's belt around his waist.

"Aurora Shield!"

A bright golden shield appeared out of nowhere, blocking the crowd and blocking the ghostly aura.

at the same time.

Zhang Wei tossed it casually, the golden light moved, and a large-scale yellow talisman appeared.

That is Zhang Wei's prop "Infinite Yellow Talisman". After previous research, Zhang Wei found that not only can yellow talismans be thrown infinitely, but also yellow talismans of various sizes can be thrown, such as the huge yellow talisman that is four or five meters long.


Zhang Wei pointed at the yellow talisman and printed it on the big hole to seal it, preventing everyone from being sucked out.

【Ding! The blood-faced ghost king...fuck, this is okay? ! How many good things do you have on your horse! 】

[Host obtains system points +250]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Zhang Wei wrapped several huge yellow talismans towards the blood-faced ghost king, sealed it tightly to ensure that it would not be able to self-explode while performing ghost tricks, then threw all the suitcases, and used yellow talismans on the inside and outside. Seal the suitcase.

After finishing these, Zhang Wei clapped his hands and said:

"Sure enough, it's a fragile product. I just touched you, and you broke your lower body. I don't know if the Department of Health will accept the half-body ghost king."

It is also at this time.

Seeing the Bloody Ghost King being put into the suitcase, everyone felt at ease.


The gold-worshiping flight attendant stared blankly at Zhang Wei... I now understand why the priests worship this handsome guy, ah! ! ! Why didn't I pick him, I, I, I missed it!

Not only the gold-worshiping stewardesses think this way, but other stewardesses too. When they looked at Zhang Wei who had cleaned up the blood-faced ghost king in front of them, they couldn't help but look at the money-worshiping senior sister... You are at a big loss. Husband can be Emperor Xia.


Just when their ideas first came out.

There was a deafening bang, and everyone felt that at this moment, the sense of direction was pouring. To be precise, the whole plane was shaking violently, as if it had encountered turbulence.

Also at this time.

The jingling air stewardess landline rang.

The purser hurriedly stabilized his body to pick it up, but this time, her expression of the rest of her life after the robbery faded again:

"It's not good. The captain told me that the plane was malfunctioning. The first-class cabin exploded just now. It seemed that there was a piece of debris curling up in the engine of the wing. Now the left wing has lost its function, and it is impossible to maintain the flight. It has to make an emergency landing in the sea. "

in words.

The purser will tell the stewardess to arrange for the first-class passengers to sit in the economy class and prepare for an emergency landing.

But at this time.

Zhang Wei's voice came through leisurely:

"Forced landing? That's not acceptable. I made an appointment with my girlfriends to go back on time today."

"But without a forced landing, the plane can't fly." The chief purser said.

"Just less engines."

Zhang Wei replied casually.

Wesley and the others: "..."

The purser and others "..."

Danok waited for the little priest: "Huh???"

Faced with Zhang Wei's words, everyone present was stunned, looking at Zhang Wei like a fool, you are kidding me, the engine is broken, how can the plane fly, do you rely on gliding? Isn't it common sense that the engine is the power that drives the plane to fly?

However, the next second.

They were just about to explain basic common sense to Zhang Wei.

After Zhang Wei took away a flight attendant's pager, he went to the big hole sealed by a huge yellow symbol, opened an opening, and jumped out of the plane directly through the big hole.

"My Cao?! Mr. Zhang!!"

Weisili was startled, and hurriedly ran to the cabin window next to the big hole to look.

This look.

Pupils constricted.

"My God, Mr. Zhang can still fly?"

Outside the window, Zhang Wei was flying next to the plane, and then they made an OK gesture to Wei Sili and the others inside the window, and then greeted him, indicating that he was going down, and then flew towards the bottom of the plane .

next second.

Everyone only felt that the plane that had lost its engine and was violently turbulent in the air stopped shaking, and everyone felt that the plane had returned to stability.


Wei Sili and the others looked at you and me, and fell silent for a while.

Although they have never piloted a plane, they still understand the basic common sense. It is impossible for the plane to fly so smoothly when one of the engines is missing.


Recalling Zhang Wei's previous actions, and thinking about the whereabouts of the other party, an unbelievable idea imprinted in everyone's minds.

Mr. Zhang/Handsome Emperor Xia, isn't he flying with a plane...

Just came up with an idea.

With a beep, the stewardess pager in the purser's hand rang.

The purser subconsciously picked up the pager, and Zhang Wei's voice suddenly came from inside:

"Hi, is the purser here?"

The voice fell.

the other side.


A scene that shocked the world appeared.

At the high altitude of the Pacific Ocean, under a large airliner with smoke from its left wing, an armored warrior was flying the airliner with one hand, and pointed a pager into it with the other hand, and said leisurely:

"I have stabilized the plane and told the captain and the control tower that we may land in Daxia earlier to make them ready."


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