Listen to Zhang Wei's voice from the pager.

The purser was stunned, and Weisili and the others were also stunned for a moment. In the next second, they all looked at the first-class cabin window on the left, looking at the smoking engine on the left wing of the plane, and the roar of the engine jammed from time to time.

Mr. Zhang/That Emperor Xia must be flying the passenger plane!

Without exception.

Everyone came up with this idea in unison, even if they didn't see it, they were sure and affirmed.

Just when they thought so.


The plane rang.

The captain called the flight attendant again.

at this time.

Inside the cockpit of an airliner.

The captain and co-pilot of this flight were extremely busy. While contacting the control tower, they frantically checked the condition of the equipment and the damage of the aircraft.

"This is flight u888, calling... The left wing of the plane has been severely damaged, and the left engine is no longer able to operate. It is difficult to maintain the flight to the nearest airport and prepare for an emergency landing at sea. Please send a sea search and rescue team over immediately."

The co-pilot opened his mouth and followed the tower to communicate.

in discourse.

When the control tower heard about the situation, their tone suddenly became serious, and they quickly asked about the situation:

"Please try to keep the plane steady. We will notify the maritime search and rescue team. In addition, what is the current casualty status of the passengers? Please compare your coordinates with us to see if they are consistent, so as not to cause the radar to fail and send the wrong location."

The co-pilot nodded upon hearing the words:

"I'll ask the purser."

But as soon as the communication was picked up, there was another voice from the control tower:

"Flight U888, your radar should be broken. I checked your situation here and found that you are still at an altitude of 8,000 meters. Are you still at an altitude of 8,000 meters? If yes, please quickly descend and lower the flight altitude. Based on your current altitude , even if it is forced to land at sea, it is difficult to make a safe forced landing."

As soon as his words came out.

The co-pilot changed his color and was busy checking the damage himself. He handed over the control of the plane to the captain. He didn't notice the plane. Hearing what the tower said, he quickly looked at the aircraft altitude equipment.

This look.

The co-pilot hurriedly said to the captain:

"Captain, haven't you finished descending yet? Why is it still displayed at 8,000 meters...Uh, what are you doing, Captain?"

He turned his head to look, and found that the captain was pressing down on the control panel to make the plane fly to a low altitude. However, he pressed the control panel to the lowest point, so that his face was red and his neck was thick, but the plane remained stable. flying high.

As the co-pilot's words came, the captain was sweating profusely, and looked over with a solemn face:

"No, the situation is worse than expected, the control panel is malfunctioning."

"Ah? Captain, are you sure? Wait, the passenger plane is flying so stable? Didn't you control it, the captain?"

As the pilot of the airliner, how could the co-pilot not know that the left engine failed and the aircraft was out of balance, but the current situation has nothing to do with the imbalance.

"I didn't do it, and I don't know what happened. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. It may be that the control of the plane failed, and the balance was unintentionally stabilized."

The captain said as he undid the safety buckle and stood up, going to open the circuit gate on the ground:

"Don't worry about it. In this situation, God is helping us. You should quickly notify the flight attendant and ask about the casualties of the passengers. I'll check the wiring of the control panel now. While the plane is still stable, I'll see if it can be repaired. Good handling to lower altitude."

"it is good!"

The co-pilot hurriedly called the flight attendant to call the landline, but before he could say a word, the flight attendant first heard a voice, telling him that the plane was fine and was gradually flying back to Daxia Luxia City Airport without calling Tower rescue.


Regarding the words of the purser, the co-pilot looked confused and instinctively looked at his captain's uniform.

Was the purser frightened crazy?

Both of our captains were not sure about a safe emergency landing. How dare you say that the plane does not need to be forced to land and can still fly back. Are you the captain or are we the captain?

Seemingly knowing what the co-pilot was thinking, the purser coughed awkwardly and said:

"It's true, co-pilot, a passenger on our side has stabilized the plane. Didn't you notice that the engine on the left wing of the plane was damaged, but the plane is flying smoothly now. It was the passenger who did it."

It's not loud.

But the captain who was opening the gate heard it all, and the two captains were stunned:


"Wait, what did you say, purser? The plane is stabilized by the passengers? Are you kidding me? How did he stabilize? He's not even in the cockpit. Are you frightened? Don't be nervous, me and the co-pilot I will do my best..."

The words are not finished yet.

The flight attendant spoke and interrupted:

"It was really the passengers who stabilized the plane. Trust me, captain."

"How can I believe you, you must be in the cockpit to control the plane, and he is not there, so what can he do, run out of the cabin to repair the engine?"

"Hey, captain, that passenger did run out of the cabin, but it wasn't for repairing the engine, he was flying with the plane on his back."

As soon as his words came out.

Both the captain and the co-pilot were stunned, feeling that the flight attendant was no longer frightened, but out of his mind, the co-pilot directly said in a bad mood:

"At an altitude of 8,000 meters, you said that you ran out of the cabin. It was not blown away by the high air pressure. It is a miracle that you can repair the engine. You actually said that there are passengers running with the plane on their shoulders. Calm down, purser. We are carrying Passenger, no, not Superman."

"No, co-pilot, that's not Superman, it's Emperor Xia."


The two captains were stunned again after hearing this, and in the next second, they couldn't hold back any longer, and shouted in unison:

"Fuck! Emperor's Man? Are you crazy, purser?"

this moment.

They were absolutely sure that the chief purser was crazy and was going to ask the chief purser to call another flight attendant to talk.

However, before the two captains could speak, the flight attendant spoke first:

"I know the captain doesn't believe you, forget it, just wait for me, and I'll see if I can talk to the Emperor... No, communicate with that passenger and let him tell you."

Immediately afterwards.

The purser unilaterally hung up the phone and quickly picked up the pager to call Zhang Wei.

To this.

Both captains were speechless. The younger co-pilot rubbed his temples and said with a headache:

"It's bad enough that the left wing engine is damaged. Why are you crazy as a flight attendant? There's nothing we can do about it. Captain, let's leave the passengers alone. There should be no problem. After all, the plane is stable. Let's fix the control panel first... Captain, what's the matter with you?"


The co-pilot suddenly noticed that the captain seemed to be frozen, staring at the windshield ahead, with an undisguised shock, as if he had seen something shocking.

at the same time.

The co-pilot didn't know if it was an illusion, but a strange voice came from his ear.

Boom boom boom...

The co-pilot heard that the sound was coming from the windshield. It was the kind of sound that could only be made if something hit the windshield.


The co-pilot looked out the windshield.


Like the captain, the co-pilot was stunned, his eyes were wide open, and his expression was surprisingly consistent with the captain's, full of deep shock, he yelled out in shock:

"I Cao————— Emperor, Emperor Xia?!"


the other side.

half a minute ago.

Underneath the passenger plane, Zhang Wei, who was holding the plane in the plane with one hand and playing a game of mini games on his mobile phone with the other, was wearing Emperor Xia armor, and the pager on his waist rang.

It was the flight attendant who called Zhang Wei and asked Zhang Wei if he could explain the situation to the captain himself. After all, what he did was hard to believe.

To this.

Zhang Wei responded:

"That's right. It's normal for the captain to act cautiously. After all, he is responsible for the safety of the passengers. It's okay, flight attendant. Let me talk to the captain."

"Okay, okay, then I will transfer you to the captain now."

"No need to transfer, it's too troublesome, I'll go and talk about it myself." Zhang Wei replied leisurely.


The purser was stunned for a moment, although she wanted to ask, but Zhang Wei didn't intend to delay, he had already hung up the phone, and stretched out his hand towards the side button of the emperor's belt.

The Emperor of Light Fights the Dragon!

The golden light bloomed, and a golden shield appeared in front of him in an instant.

next second.

A golden and white imperial mount 'Emperor's Horse' appeared, it rushed towards the shield, passed through the shield for a moment, and appeared as a dragon. Bursts of dragon chant.

Zhang Wei drove the emperor war dragon, entangled the entire fuselage, and used the dragon to pull the passenger plane to fly smoothly.

Finish these.

Without any ink marks, Zhang Wei flew straight towards the head of the passenger plane, and soon came to the windshield of the cockpit at the head, and knocked on the windshield outside the plane.

Stay to attract the attention of the two captains.

Zhang Wei waved to them and greeted them:

"How are you two captains?"


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