Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 420 All Eyes Are On, Emperor Xia Hijacked The Plane?

the other side.

Daxia, Luxia International Airport, Control Tower.

at this time.

The control tower was unprecedentedly busy, not to mention the high-level executives of the airport, even the mayor of Luxia City. The reason for this was that not long ago, they received a communication from flight u888, and no one could understand the situation. He could sit still and rushed over immediately.


Waiting for the high-level executives to arrive, before they opened their mouths to ask, the control tower first told them the latest communication about flight u888, and then they were all confused.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Are you sure the u888 communication you just received was not a prank?"

"Am I crazy, or are you crazy?"

Without exception.

The moment they came back to their senses, their eyes were full of weirdness.

To this.

The person in charge of the control tower didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and bit the bullet and said:

"I don't know whether the left wing engine of flight u888 was damaged or it was hijacked, so I sent us ridiculous communication content, but the captain of flight u888 is indeed right. This can be confirmed."

As soon as his words came out.

A high-level executive in Luxia City said categorically:

"It shouldn't be that the passenger plane broke down. It was 100% hijacked. After all, the reason is too ridiculous. It's fine if the engine is damaged. You tell me that the plane can still fly out of the Pacific Ocean and return home smoothly, because the emperor is carrying the plane back. , What nonsense is this, and what exactly is Emperor Xia."

"Mayor, Emperor Man is a cartoon."

It was the mayor's assistant who spoke. He leaned into the mayor's ear and whispered about Emperor Xia to the mayor.


Upon hearing this, the mayor said without saying a word:

"Don't think about it, it must be a hijacking. Go and inform the special police and the serious crime team to come over, and check all the current personnel at the airport, so that there is a possibility that the criminal accomplices may cooperate in the airport."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Just when the assistant was busy turning around to make a phone call.

"Wait a minute, Xiao Zhao, call Captain Lin Tong over."

The mayor thought for a while and added.

Being able to achieve this position, it is naturally impossible for him not to understand the other side of the world, and he is more willing to believe in the possibility of ghosts haunting the plane than Emperor Xia carrying the plane.

Not only him.

On the field to the high-level, down to the tower correspondents, they all have the same opinion as him... Are you kidding, Emperor Xia carries the plane? It's just nonsense, why don't you say that Emperor Xia and God are affected by the passing of the plane.


One order after another was issued.

In less than half an hour, all kinds of police cars and special police arrived, and the airport was quickly blocked, including passengers and staff.



In the airport lobby.

Facing the police and armed special police who came in in batches, everyone was talking about what happened. Soon, some well-connected airport passengers and staff learned part of the situation after continuous inquiry.

That was the news that the top management had to release in order to appease people. After all, if the plane crashes, it will be on the news sooner or later. Instead of concealing it, it is better to say it earlier, because what they have to do is not to conceal the matter, but to try their best to save the people on the flight.

Also at this time.

On a public seat at the airport, two beautiful figures listened to the conversations of the people around them, instinctively looking at each other with surprise on their faces.

"Huh? Flight u888 is suspected to be hijacked?"

"Why does this flight number sound so familiar?"

in words.

Lu Lianxue, Qiu Xiaolin and the others looked at the flight reminder screen not far away, and they were all stunned.

"It's Xiaoweizi's flight, no way, how could it be hijacked with Xiaoweizi around? Could it be..."

Qiu Xiaolin exclaimed.

Lu Lianxue also responded with doubts:

"With Zhang Wei's strength, it is definitely impossible to hijack the plane, unless it is hijacked by a ghost or ghost exorcist."

Just when you're worried.

"Lianxue girl, why are you here?"

Hearing a rough voice, Lin Tong came in after being let by the police, and was about to go to the control tower, when he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Lu Lianxue and the others.


After being questioned by both parties, Lin Tong and Qiu Xiaolin knew about the situation of both parties, and because of this, both parties were stunned.

"Zhang Wei is on flight u888?"

"Ah? The engine of the u888 airliner is damaged?"

Both Lin Tong and Qiu Xiaolin looked at each other.

Immediately afterwards.

After repeatedly confirming that Zhang Wei was on u888, Lin Tong's face became strange. Qiu Xiaolin and the others noticed this. After asking, Lin Tong couldn't help but looked around, fearing that people around would hear him, and whispered:

"Actually, the news I received, apart from the suspected hijacking of flight u888, or the damage of the engine, I also got a message. I thought it was impossible, but Zhang Wei was also on that plane, so..."

That's all for words.

Lin Tong told the story of Emperor Xia coming back with the plane on his back.

His words come out.

Qiu Xiaolin and the others were all stunned, their beautiful eyes staring round.

Just when they were about to say something.

Ding dong.

Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue chatted on WeChat, and at the same time there was a ringtone.

Pick up your phone and watch.

It was from Zhang Wei. He sent them a photo and looked at it closely. In the next second, no matter whether it was Lin Tong, Lu Lianxue, or Qiu Xiaolin, they were all petrified.

can be seen.

That photo was a selfie. An Emperorman was standing on top of a plane sailing at high altitude, making a victory V sign with one hand, and under his feet, a cool white armored golden dragon of that plane was flying around the plane.

【Zhang Wei】: Xiao Mantou/Xiaoxue, I just want to ask you whether I am handsome or not.

see this.

Qiu Xiaolin and the others were silent, they looked at each other, their expressions were the same, it goes without saying... My God, it is true that Emperor Xia is flying the passenger plane!


the other side.

Airport control tower.

Getting closer with time.

at this time.

Several hours have passed since the flight of flight u888. In the end, while everyone was waiting anxiously:

"Here we come!! Flight u888!"

"Look, flight u888 is there."

The armed special police, the police, and the control tower waiting at the airport called out one after another.

next moment.

Everyone looked towards a certain sky. In the direction of the distant sky, there was a faintly flying passenger plane. Although the appearance of the flight was not clear yet, judging from the flight radar of the tower, it was certain that it was U888 flight.


As the passenger plane approached, it gradually descended from a high altitude, and the appearance of the passenger plane came into everyone's eyes.

Immediately afterwards.

When you see clearly.

Without exception, no matter if they are high-level or staff members, male or female, old or young, they are all stunned. At this moment, the expressions of thousands of people are surprisingly the same. They are stunned and lose their ability to think. .

In the distant sky in front of you, there is an airliner with a left-wing engine smoking. On that airliner, there is a cool and domineering white armored golden dragon, wrapping around the fuselage, leading the airliner to land steadily.

As if to remind the personnel at the airport below to prepare for landing, the white armored golden dragon uttered a loud and clear dragon chant as it was about to land.


this moment.

Facing the deafening dragon chant, everyone seemed to have not heard it, and still maintained a sluggish posture of raising their heads, and their eyes never left the plane from the beginning to the end.

Do not.

to be exact.

He didn't leave the plane, but stood on a domineering armored figure standing on the nose of the plane.

For a long time.

After the plane landed, everyone finally came back to their senses. Also here, everyone was elated, and thoughts emerged in shock.

"Fuck, that's... Emperor Xia?!"

"My God!"

"...Am I dreaming, is there really an emperor carrying a plane?"

"Mom, I seem to have seen Emperor Xia hijacking the plane."


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