Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 421: A New Batch Of Little Jade Emperor Fans

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Even the reporters who were standing in the airport and asked questions and came to take pictures were stunned, forgot to take pictures for a while, and stared straight at the u888 flight that was gradually landing.


Everyone seems to have entered the era of Eve, where human beings share one brain, and their thoughts are strange.

In this world... there is Emperor Xia!



I saw Emperor Man, he seems to be hijacking the plane, his Emperor Dragon smoked the left wing of the plane.


Those who came to pick up relatives and friends on flight u888 at the airport lost expression control one by one, and wondered in their hearts:

My brother/aunt/best friend/little three... was hijacked by Emperor Xia on a plane? !

Why did Emperor Xia hijack them? Did someone on the plane offend Emperor Xia? who is it? It can't be my brother/aunt/little three.

Or is there another reason? For example, there are... ghost demons on the plane? ! who is it? It can't be my brother/aunt/little three.

It's not just them.

Even Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue were the same, but they thought differently from everyone else, because the one they wanted to pick up was the Emperor Xia.

at this time.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the plane landing on the airport runway, Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue looked at each other, and finally hesitated for a few seconds, Lu Lianxue whispered something:

"Wouldn't that be the surprise Zhang Wei wanted to give us?"

Lu Lianxue seemed to remember something. In addition to telling them that Zhang Wei would come back today, he also said that this time he came back with a good thing. He planned to use that thing to surprise them at night.

Think here.

After she couldn't help but finished speaking, she turned to Zhang Wei who jumped out of the plane in the distance again, and her beautiful eyes stared back and forth at the emperor's armor he was wearing.

The emperor's armor is the surprise that Zhang Wei said he would give them tonight, wearing the emperor's armor to trick them?

Just thinking about it.

Qiu Xiaolin's voice came:

"It's not impossible. After all, with Xiaoweizi's temperament, he can really do this. Emperor Xia's theme night, you know."

It seemed that Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue thought of going together.

at the same time.

On flight u888, as it landed, the flight attendant and the flight attendant were in a daze:

"It's really back to Daxia."

in words.

As if they thought of something, they, as flight attendants, looked at the time habitually in their profession, and after seeing it, they were stunned again:

"Not only has it arrived, it's also more than half an hour early, this... Emperor Xia is so fast."

The shock was shocking, but the purser did not forget the business, and hurriedly asked the stewardess to open the door and wait for the elevator car to come and let the passengers get off the plane.

But the words just came out.

There was a snort.

The yellow talisman of the big hole was torn open, and Zhang Wei, who was wearing the armor of Emperor Xia, walked in from the big hole.


The stewardesses kept their postures about to open the cabin door, and met Zhang Wei's eyes, and the air was suddenly dead silent for a second.

Zhang Wei coughed:

"Cough, sorry, I should have walked through your main entrance instead of this hole."

Stewardesses: "..."

Wesley and the others: "..."

The little priest and others: "Emperor Hero, handsome!"

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei touched the belt casually, released the transformation, and faced the economy class, ready to get off the plane with luggage.


Dannok and the others surrounded him, those flawless eyes were full of little stars:

"Mr. Zhang, are you Emperor Xia?"

"Oh my god, Emperor's Man is not a special feature film, is it a documentary? Now I understand why the archbishop and the pope say not to underestimate Daxia, because Daxia is hiding a dragon and crouching tiger."

"Mr. Zhang, are you going back to Wuying Village, which is near Luxia City?"

in words.

They seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Matt one after another. Their eyes were self-evident, as if they were saying, "Father Matt, you are right, Mr. Zhang, you are amazing!" '

Also for this.

Feeling their eyes, Matt didn't wait for Zhang Wei to explain, and said excitedly first:

"Look, look, let me tell you, Mr. Zhang is very powerful, now you believe it, children, remember, Mr. Zhang is great, just like the merciful Lord, Amen."


The little priests responded one after another, drawing a cross on their chests. Although they were praying to God, they were different from the past. The incident had a huge impact on their young minds.

If Zhang Wei could hear their voices, he would definitely be flooded with messages in his mind:

【Mr. Zhang is amazing, is this the Jade Emperor mentioned by Father Matt? 】

【No wonder Father Matt said that the Jade Emperor is omnipotent! ! This emperor can change. 】

[Emperor Xia is so handsome, more than a benevolent coach]

[Jade Emperor or God, who is more powerful? Forget it, I choose Emperor Xia o(n_n)o, so handsome~]

at the same time

After Matt finished speaking, he also noticed the expressions of the little priests, and couldn't help nodding proudly in his heart, muttering in his heart:

"Very good, you finally understand the power of the Jade Emperor, right? I'll tell them more about the Jade Emperor's deeds and power when we have dinner tonight."

Zhang Wei didn't know what Matt was thinking, and when he saw Matt explaining for himself, he ignored it. Compared to explaining to the little priests, he cared more about the suitcase containing the Bloody Ghost King.

After picking up his luggage, Zhang Wei walked towards the middle-aged man in a suit.

Not long.

After questioning, Zhang Wei learned about the middle-aged man in the suit and the blood-faced ghost king:

"Sir, it is illegal for you to bring the King of Ghosts into the country without permission. I have already contacted my friend. They are responsible for managing ghosts. I think you know even ghosts. You should know the Department of Health and Dao. My friend asked me to take this suitcase."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, take it away."

The middle-aged man in the suit didn't refuse, Zhang Wei saved his life, so let's take the blood-faced ghost king away.

heard the words.

Zhang Wei smiled in satisfaction, then opened the Department of Health's trading app, logged in to his account, clicked on the trading button, waited for the door to connect with the aisle before getting off the plane, and filled out the trading form there.

【Trade Item】: Ghost

[Level]: Ghost King level.


Filled in here, Zhang Wei searched in the category column, selected 'Ghost of Siam', and clicked OK.

Wait to fill out and submit the form.

Zhang Wei recalled the blood-faced ghost king, and murmured:

"Sure enough, ghosts in every country are different. Siam's ghosts are very special. There are even self-exploding ones. It's really evil. It seems that when you travel to Siam in the future, if you encounter ghosts, you must always be on guard, otherwise If the ghost blows up, the value of the transaction will be less."

"However, rather than going to Siam, I would rather go to countries such as the country of cherry blossoms, the country of stealing, and the country of pyramids."

That's all for words.

Zhang Wei had already stepped off the plane and arrived at the exit, and soon saw Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue waving at him in the distance.


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