Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 425 Zhang Wei, Who Is Comparable To The Older Generation, Went To The Prison Of The Departme

Regarding Qiu Xiaolin's words, Zhang Wei smiled and said:

"Nonsense, I'm not bragging. Besides, I bragged so much last night. Even if I'm allowed to brag now, I can't do it anymore. My mouth is numb."

"You're going to die."

Qiu Xiaolin and the others blushed, and raised their heads to pinch Zhang Wei.


After a fight.

Zhang Wei waved goodbye to Qiu Xiaolin and the others, and got into the car driven by Lin Tong:

"Captain Lin, you came on time."

"It must be on time. There are procedures for going to such an important place as the Department of Health and Justice Prison. You have to be on time. If you miss it, you will not be admitted. Let's go quickly. I have already called the Department of Health's private jet."

Lin Tong told the driver to drive, and then continued:

"By the way, I forgot to take care of you carrying the plane yesterday. I almost forgot to ask you. Your two ghost kings have told you no, and Chief Sheng asked you for help."

"I told me that I was going to go to the prison as soon as I finished, and I also asked the four of them to deal with it first."

"That's fine."

Lin Tong nodded:

"One more thing, Zhang Wei, you went to the prison this time, because you provided us with a lot of ghost kings for the Ministry of Health, which made the research department very happy. Those people from the research department jointly signed up to help you apply. You can visit the prison this time. All floors, including the lowest prison."

"Really? So good!"

Zhang Wei's eyes lit up when he heard this.

For Weidaosi Prison, Zhang Wei naturally knows about Weidaosi Prison. According to Zhang Chao and Lu Lianxue, Weidaosi Prison is similar to the large undersea prison in the anime One Piece. It has several floors, and no one knows how many floors there are. .

But one thing is certain, the lower the floor, the more terrifying the prisoners and the higher the degree of harm.

That's why.

The security level of the prison of the Department of Health is higher than that of the headquarters of the Department of Health. Especially after the attack by Sen Luosi, the Department of Health has further strengthened the security. It is said that there are now several alternate guards of the real dragon guard.

You must know that each of the candidates who can become a real dragon guard has the strength to reach the strength of a real dragon guard under the burst of full strength, and the level of security is, to put it bluntly, impregnable.

in addition.

Because the lower the prison of the Ministry of Health, the more dangerous prisoners are held, and they are all prisoners who cannot be released.

Also for this.

Unless there are special circumstances, very few people can enter the lowest level, but Zhang Wei is an exception. Shengxuan was also optimistic, so he was specially approved.

"It's true. It was originally the Secretary of Health and Dao who took you to visit the other floors except the last two floors. But the corpse of the fallen angel you brought made the research department happy, and you made a joint name. In addition, Mr. Wang is optimistic about you. , and Director Sheng also raised his mouth, so you can go to the bottom floor."

Lin Tong said with a smile:

"Zhang Wei, you are really a celebrity in Daxia now, and your reputation is not inferior to the older generation. You can be on an equal footing with them."

in words.

Lin Tong added in his mind:

"Worthy of being the founder of muscle physical ghost exorcism. The higher Zhang Wei's achievements, it means that this path is correct. I will work harder to reach the height reached by Zhang Wei and carry forward muscle exorcism ghosts."

Just thinking about it.

Zhang Wei replied after hearing the words:

"How can I be so good, Captain Lin, you have learned how to brag."

"I'm not bragging about you, it's the truth. Zhang Wei, it seems that you didn't watch the Department of Health and Justice forum last night."

"Huh? What happened to the forum?"

"You'll know when you open it."

Lin Tong said out loud.

Out of curiosity, Zhang Wei went to the Ministry of Health Forum, and saw the current hot search post:

【Stunning! Zhang Wei went to Hawaii alone, but he didn’t come back alone with company]

Look at the title of this post.

Zhang Wei was stunned on the spot:

"Wori, what kind of headline is this? Who slandered me, huh? Xiaoxuan posted it?"

As he spoke, he glanced at the poster, and found that it was the poster of the potential new star list, a well-known person in the Department of Health Forum'Xiaoxuan'.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei clicked on the post and looked at the content. It seemed that he understood what was going on. It told about Zhang Wei going to Hawaii, subduing the drowning ghost king and the others, torturing and killing the blasphemers, killing four fallen angels, and passing through Xiaoxuan Zhang Wei was blown away by his embellished and praised narration.

to this end.

As soon as the post was published, although it was only one night, it had more than tens of thousands of comments, and the number of hits became the number one hot search.

And read the comments carefully.

The comments with the highest number of likes had their ids recognized, and they were actually ghost exorcists of the older generation, many of whom were comparable to Grandpa Lu Lianxue's generation. As for the matter, these older generations were attracted in and praised Zhang Wei's strength.

[As expected of the grandson-in-law that the old Taoist favored, you have done a good job. I am a Daxia person walking outside, so I should be famous for my Daxia. 】

This is one of the most liked comments.

Looking at this comment, Zhang Wei was stunned, and couldn't help but frowned and said:

"This can't be Xiaoxue's grandfather."

"Which one?"

Lin Tong leaned over, saw the comment Zhang Wei was referring to, laughed and replied:

"Old Daoist Lu is right, how about it, Zhang Wei, I'm right, you are famous among the older generation now, and your reputation will attract them all. If you don't believe me, you are reading other comments."

Zhang Wei followed the comments he pointed to.

【Amitabha, benefactor Zhang drives away ghosts but does not kill ghosts. It is a great good to subdue them and discipline them. It is a pity that benefactor Zhang is not my disciple of Mount Wutai. 】

[No wonder my son Zhang Chao exaggerates how great Zhang Wei is every day. I now understand a little bit that this is no longer great, and he can be a pioneer. 】

[With such a younger generation, I will be able to relax when the older generation sees it, hahaha]

[After reading this post, I am suddenly looking forward to meeting Zhang Wei tomorrow. 】

Follow along with the last comment.

Zhang Wei said in a daze:

"Huh? Expect to meet me? Who is this commenter?"

He subconsciously looked at the time of posting:

"The comment posted yesterday, it said that tomorrow is today. Could it be...Captain Lin, do you know this person? He can't be from the Prison of the Department of Health, right?"

in words.

He pointed to this comment and asked about Lin Tong.

"Haha, it seems that you have discovered that this person is from the Weidaosi Prison. That's right. He is the current warden of the Weidaosi Prison, Sun Jianyun."

Lin Tong said with a smile:

"This is a big boss, and he rarely bubbles up in the Weidaosi forum, but your deeds have impressed this big boss. You may not know that it is actually this big boss who has the unbreakable Wei Daosi today. prison."

"Zhang Wei, do you still remember that you asked Mr. Wang for the magic weapon for protection? Didn't he say that a friend gave it to him? It was Sun Jianyun."

Zhang Wei was surprised when he heard the words. It was also at this moment that he understood why Mr. Wang was optimistic about the reason why he went to the lowest floor of Weidaosi Prison. Could it be that Sun Jianyun told Mr. Wang?


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