the other side.

A suburb of the capital.

The location here is very remote, except on the surface, there is only one village standing here, but if you look closely, you will find that the villagers here, although simple and honest, have sparkling eyes inadvertently.

The countryside looks dilapidated. Although the land is newly built and paved with cement roads, there are chickens, ducks and sheep in the village grazing from time to time, leaving chicken and duck droppings all over the place, creating a peaceful atmosphere in the countryside.

It was right after lunch.

All households had lunch, and some middle-aged and elderly people sat in the yard under the big tree to enjoy the shade.

at this time.

A roar sounded, interrupting the leisurely leisure of the villagers. As if they had been trained in advance, they looked towards the sky for the first time. It was an armed helicopter, and the roar was coming from its propeller.

When you see the logo of the Ministry of Health on the armed helicopter.


The people in the village looked away one after another, as if nothing happened, they were not curious and gossiping at all, and continued to whisper in the cool air.

This scene is amazing.

You must know that this is not a big city, even if it is a big city, no matter who sees the armed helicopter, everyone will look up a few more times, and even run to watch, but the villagers here don’t, let alone watch, instead they look surprised The strange appearance seems to have been used to it for a long time.


The helicopter landed on the lawn in the center of the village, and as the door opened, Zhang Wei stepped down from it.

Also at this time.

"Hello, please show your proof of coming here."

A young villager in a vest stepped forward carrying a hoe.


If Zhang Wei hadn't been reminded by someone in the entourage before he came, Zhang Wei would definitely have thought that the current countryside is so militarized that he needs a certificate to enter the village. It's not a rural area, it just looks like it on the surface.

Immediately afterwards.

After taking out a voucher card, Zhang Wei looked around the countryside full of rural atmosphere, looking at the scene of a rural village that has just started to be well-off and modernized, and couldn't help muttering in his heart:

"No wonder the security of the Prison of the Ministry of Health, even if it is well-known in the world, is impenetrable. Let alone going to prison, those who don't know can't find a prison."

Just when he was thinking.

Noticing Zhang Wei's actions, the rural youth said with a smile:

"Are you surprised that this place is actually the prison of the Department of Health?"

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei smiled and nodded:

"Yeah, who would have thought that the well-known Weidaosi Prison looks like a village."

"Haha, this is enough to deceive people's eyes and ears. Let alone attacking the prison, if they can't find it, what is the attack?"

The rural youth smiled proudly.

Zhang Wei nodded noncommittally, as if thinking of something, looked around at the villagers, and said curiously:

"Speaking of which, your place is no different from the countryside. Have you ever encountered that kind of passer-by passing by for a night, or ghosts coming here to hunt for food?"

"Of course there is. After all, this place is near the capital city. There are many passers-by. Sometimes they will stay overnight for some reason, such as a car breaking down. We will welcome them. After all, we are simple villagers."

Speaking of which.

The rural youth smiled and said:

"Of course, there are also ghosts who don't have long eyes to eat us. They dare not eat people in the capital. This is a rural area. They dare, but the end, you know, will become fertilizer for our flower garden."

Zhang Wei laughed out loud when he heard this:

"Those ghosts don't say they are unlucky. Those passers-by probably never thought of it. In fact, I didn't live in the countryside, but experienced living in a prison."

along the way.

Zhang Wei chatted with the rural youth, and came to the house he called the village head.

"Mr. Zhang, this is the entrance to the prison, let's go, the warden is already waiting for you below."

The rural youth pushed open the door of the village chief's house, walked into the courtyard, walked all the way towards the village chief's gate, and took Zhang Wei to open a cupboard door in the village chief's house. The door opened, and it looked like an elevator inside.

To this.

Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled, he knew that the prison of the Ministry of Health was underground, and the countryside was the first layer of protection on the surface.

Not long.

With the elevator doors open.

Look outside the elevator door, where there is no simplicity, replaced by a high-tech spacious passageway, Zhang Wei came to the basement floor of the Weidaosi Prison.


Without time to observe the prison, Zhang Wei looked at the four people standing in front of the elevator.

at the same time.

The white-haired old man who was the leader among the four smiled and held out his hand to Zhang Wei:

"Hello, Zhang Wei, I'm Sun Jianyun, the warden of the Department of Health and Justice. You look younger than I imagined. What Wang said is right and you are indeed handsome."

Zhang Wei shook hands with him friendly:

"Headmaster Sun was joking. It was Mr. Wang who praised me. I'm not that good."

"Haha, if it's flattering to praise those who can subdue the four ghost kings and kill the four fallen angels in Hawaii, then there is nothing to praise."

As Sun Jianyun said, he didn't go to ink too much. After introducing Zhang Wei, the deputy warden and others beside him, he wanted to take Zhang Wei to visit the prison in person.


He took Zhang Wei out of Tongdong and came to a spacious circular area similar to the Roman Colosseum. There is a separate cell.

"Don't look at this as a seven-story cell, but it's actually an underground prison, and the prisoners are all ghosts and exorcists who have relatively minor crimes and can be educated."

in words.

Sun Jianyun enthusiastically introduced him, and even took him to see the prison with several cells on the seventh floor.


The strength of the prisoners in this layer is too weak, so they just joined the red-clothed ghosts for the first time.

"Headmaster Sun, why are the prisoners here so weak? Are the strong ones locked up on the next level? I heard from my friends that there are many powerful prisoners in the Prison of the Department of Health and Justice. There are half-step ghost kings, and even ghosts of ghost kings."

"There must be, but at that level, we will all be imprisoned on the third floor of the basement."

After hearing this, Sun Jianyun squinted at Zhang Wei and said with a smile:

"That's right, with your strength, visiting the basement floor to see these low-strength prisoners will definitely not arouse your interest. You should come to the prison to see those powerful prisoners."

In his view, the reason why Zhang Wei wanted to visit the prison was because he wanted to see the legendary prisoners who were imprisoned, each of whom was a famous top criminal.

Zhang Wei nodded noncommittally, glanced at the prisoners on the basement floor and said bluntly:

"It's like this. The ghosts on the basement floor are too weak. I may not need a finger. I may sneeze and they will die. To put it bluntly, they really don't interest me. I take out the trash, and I'd rather do it than see it."

It's not loud.

But the group of ghost prisoners brought out by Sun Jianyun to show Zhang Wei were all stunned when they heard this.

【Ding! Ghosts and prisoners... Nima, I was offended]

[Host obtains system points +300]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Zhang Wei smiled in his heart.

Although these prisoners are weak, the mosquitoes are small and fleshy.

Also at this time.

Sun Jianyun's voice came:

"Haha, you are right, then I will take you to see those legendary prisoners."


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