Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 427 Have You Forgot Kabuda’S Agreement?

"it is good."

Zhang Wei nodded and smiled, his eyes brightened, and there was anticipation in his heart.

He knows it.

Those who can be called "legendary prisoners" by Weidaosi Prison, among other things, are the ghost kings with the least strength, and the reason why they are called legendary is only because the things they did were sensational and significant, causing a wide range of crimes. The news and influence, and caused a large number of casualties, became a vile existence like an urban legend.


Sun Jianyun took Zhang Wei down to the second basement floor by elevator, introduced him casually, and then went down to the third floor.

"This is the third floor. There are prisoner ghost kings, half-step ghost kings, and some top red-clothed ghosts. Do you want to see them?"

Sun Jianyun said.

Zhang Wei's eyes lit up when he heard the words:

"Is there a ghost king? Then you must see it."

The words did not fall.

He looked towards Sun Jianyun and captured the key information of his words:

"Director Sun, in addition to the third basement, is there another fourth basement? I remember there are rumors from the outside world that all the ghost kings are detained on the lowest level of the Weidaosi Prison. The third basement level does not conform to the rumors. Could it be that the rumors are just rumors? "

"It's not a rumor, there are indeed four basement floors, and that's the bottom floor. All the prisoners in it are prisoners. There are all legendary prisoners there. It's never open to the public. If it's not for Lao Wang and the research department , plus that kid Shengxuan, it stands to reason that you can't get into the bottom floor."

"Hey, Mr. Wang and the others fell in love with him at that time."

As soon as his words came out.

Sun Jianyun smiled, waved to the subordinates beside him to prepare to open the fourth underground floor, and said:

"The fourth underground floor requires a permission key. There are some cumbersome steps. You can't take the elevator down. It will take some time to open it. Let me take advantage of the opening and show you the ghost king who is imprisoned on the third underground floor."

Zhang Wei nodded:

"Okay, by the way, Warden Sun, I heard that the door-closing zombie is also imprisoned in the Weidaosi Prison. What floor is he on?"

"The door-closing zombie? You mean the zombie king who committed the massacre in Fengmen village decades ago?"

Sun Jianyun was a little surprised, why Zhang Wei mentioned it so easily, but after confirming it, he remembered Zhang Wei's information, and suddenly understood:

"I remember that you have a grudge with Sen Luosi, are you planning to find out some of Sen Luosi's details from it?"

To this.

It is naturally impossible for Zhang Wei to say that he is doing it for the sake of gaining wool. Since the other party thinks so, he nodded noncommittally:

"Hey, as expected of Warden Sun, I still can't hide it from your eyes."

As soon as his words came out.

Sun Jianyun immediately confirmed it.

Zhang Wei came to Weidaosi Prison, in addition to visiting, the most important purpose was to see the Zombie who closed the door, in order to obtain information from Senluosi. After all, he was vengeful by Senluosi, but he didn't want to sit still and take the initiative to attack, so he needed information from Senluosi , and the only one who has obtained information so far is the door-closing zombie.

"Young people are awesome. I didn't expect you to spend a lot of corpses of ghost kings in prison in order to obtain information about Sen Luosi."

After thinking about this, Sun Jianyun stroked his beard and spared no effort to praise Zhang Wei.

"Director Sun praised him."

"It's not a compliment, I'm just stating the facts."

That's all for words.

Sun Jianyun added another sentence:

"I'll go to the fourth basement later, and I'll take you to see the door-closing zombie, and I'll open a single room for you so that you can have a chance to find information with it, hahaha."

Although I have no hope of Zhang Wei getting information from the door-closing zombies, after all, they have interrogated the door-closing zombies a lot. If they could interrogate them, they would have interrogated them long ago. It would be Zhang Wei's turn, but Zhang Wei's courage, he is satisfied. Thoughts by Zhang Wei.

Immediately afterwards.

Waiting for the opening of the fourth underground floor.

Sun Jianyun first took Zhang Wei to the third basement level, and ordered his subordinates to bring a ghost king-level ghost prisoner.


The third basement floor, the interrogation room.

at this time.

Through the one-way glass, Zhang Wei stood outside the glass of the interrogation room, watching a ghost being escorted in. It was a drowned water ghost.

Accompanied by the water ghost being escorted to sit down, Sun Jianyun took the information about the water ghost and told Zhang Wei:

"The water ghost was captured ten years ago by a Yellow River corpse hunter in the Yellow River area. When there was a big flood in the Yellow River, the water ghost took the opportunity to kill many people. I remember Zhang Wei, you also caught it. Have you ever been to Water Ghost?"

"Yes, Mr. Cao Yushan asked me to catch it. At that time, he said that the corpse hunters in his department were sent to other places, so he asked me to help catch a water ghost."

"This water ghost was actually caught by the elder of the corpse hunter. How about it, Zhang Wei, do you want to interrogate it? I'll give you a preview of the door-sealed zombie interrogation."


Zhang Wei immediately agreed.

Sun Jianyun nodded and said:

"Then you chat with that water ghost king here first, and I'll go to open the fourth underground floor first, and my permission is needed over there."


Watching Sun Jianyun and the others leave, Zhang Wei walked into the interrogation room alone.

one in.

The Water Ghost King, who was sitting on the seat, saw Zhang Wei, and couldn't help being stunned:

"Yo? The new interrogator is so young? You..."

However, he didn't wait for the words to finish.

Zhang Wei's voice came, interrupting his words:

"Old Cousin, I finally see you, it's me! Don't you recognize me!!"

in words.

Zhang Wei swooped and hugged Shuigui me tightly, and then thought about the time when he and Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue almost collapsed in a fight. Suddenly, his eyes turned red, and he looked sad with tears rolling down his face.

【Ding! Water Ghost King... Wo Ri, what's the matter? 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

next second.

With a thought in Zhang Wei's mind, another system prompt sounded.

[Use the one-time skill card "Waku Waku, Annie sub-adult version"]

[Skill card aging countdown starts: 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds]


In Zhang Wei's mind, the thoughts of the water ghost flooded into my heart.

【Ok? Cousin? Ah? This time the interrogation was a trick, did it rely on the relationship to get closer? Why don't I remember that I have such a big nephew like you. 】

As soon as the idea came out.

Zhang Wei said with red eyes still on his face:

"Old Cousin, don't you really recognize me? Yes, I was just a kid back then. It's been more than ten years now. Think about it carefully, you hugged me before."

Words speak.

The Water Ghost King frowned.

[Pretending to be decent, but thinking about it carefully, I really haven't seen my nephew for many years, alas. 】

With Zhang Wei's last words, the water ghost couldn't help but recall the past scene in his mind, that is, before he drowned and became a ghost, he went to his sister's house as a guest. Although more than ten years have passed, he still clearly remembers that scene, At that time, I came to visit, and my nephew, whom I hadn’t seen for a long time, flew into my arms, showing off the newly bought toys to him, and the family members were so happy watching.

The picture is vivid.

Same time.

It is also vivid in Zhang Wei's mind.


Zhang Wei changed the topic:

"Old cousin, do you remember, thirteen years ago, you came to my house and brought me Kabuda toys. I just came back from the boarding school, and my mother bought me toys."

"Then you looked at my toy and said, 'Nice toy, but not as good as mine', and then you pulled out the Kabuda toy you bought me, and my mother was still sitting in that house The old broken sofa said, if I knew you bought it, I wouldn’t need her to buy it.”

Zhang Wei began to make gestures at the scene, the scene at that time, the arrangement of the old sofa at home, and where the family members sat.

In the end.

Zhang Wei thought about having the heart of a demon god, and finally stopped struggling, his eyes became redder, and he said bluntly:

"Old cousin, do you still remember these things? After that time, you never came to my house again. You agreed to buy me another Kabuda."

this moment.

Every word and every sentence is vividly told on the screen.

Hitting the depths of the water ghost's heart, his body couldn't help shaking violently, and he raised his head to stare at Zhang Wei.

【impossible! How could he know this? Even if he had asked my family members, it was impossible for him to know the details of what I said at the time. Could it be that he...]

Faced with the detailed pictures described by Zhang Wei, they are exactly the same as the pictures in my memory.


The Water Ghost King, who had been silent for quite a while, trembled and couldn't help trembling:

"You...are you really a nephew?"

"It's me, it's really me, old cousin, ┭┮﹏┭┮, have you forgotten Kabuda's agreement? When you went back, you told me quietly, next time you come, bring me Jiro's toy."

Zhang Wei cried out in tears.

As soon as his words came out.

The Water Ghost King couldn't hold back any longer, and his eyes were red.

[It's my old nephew, really my old nephew, Jiro Jingui's agreement, I only told my nephew, no one else knew about it. 】

【Ding! Water Ghost old nephew! 】

[Host obtains system points +140]

next second.

Under Zhang Wei's passionate cry, Water Ghost Wang Hong gave Zhang Wei a big hug:

"Nephew, it's really you, I miss you so much┭┮﹏┭┮"

"I miss you too, old cousin."

Zhang Wei hugged the water ghost king, and when he finished talking, his face was turned away from the water ghost king. Compared with the water ghost king's touch, he showed a hey smile o(n_n)o~


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