at the same time.

When Zhang Wei and the water ghost I "recognized relatives".

The entrance from the third basement to the fourth basement.

"Xiao Fu, what do you think of Zhang Wei?"

Sun Jianyun raised his eyes to scan the eyes of the entrance and said, then reached out to unlock with fingerprints.

Hearing the words, the deputy warden thought for a while and said:

"A man who can be made, has reached this strength at a young age. As long as he doesn't die young in the future, he will become a real dragon guard. To be honest, I thought that little master Wu Nian was already talented enough. I didn't expect such a little monster to emerge. .”

"Not only is he strong, but he also has guts. Not only is he not afraid of Sen Luosi's revenge, he even dares to fight back. The only pity is that he doesn't join our Department of Defense."

Sun Jianyun nodded in agreement, without concealing his emotion:

"Yes, if he can join our Department of Health and Dao, he will definitely have a seat in the True Dragon Guard in the future."

The deputy warden seemed to think of something after hearing this and said:

"He has many advantages, but he has one disadvantage, that is, he is overconfident."

"Oh? How to say?"

Sun Jianyun looked over.

The deputy warden didn't hold back, and said bluntly:

"Although the door-sealing zombie is currently the only source of information for Sen Luosi, it is unnecessary to spend a lot of ghost king corpses in order to obtain information from him. After all, we have captured the door-sealing zombie for so many years."

"If we can really get information from the door-closing zombies, why do we need him to get it? Obviously Zhang Wei is very confident that even if we can't get it, he can get it."

Sun Jianyun heard the words and did not refute his point of view, but nodded instead:

"It seems that you have also seen it. When I actually learned that Zhang Wei was coming towards the door-closing zombie, I felt that this little guy was overconfident. But yes, it would be strange if he didn't inflate to achieve his current achievement strength."

"I was at his age, and even though I had just been promoted to the Qilin guard class, I was also very swollen, not to mention that he was more accomplished than me, and the swell should be."

For its words.

The deputy warden smiled and said:

"That's why, Mr. Sun, you let Zhang Wei interrogate the door-closing zombie, right? Let him suffer a little bit of frustration, knowing that no matter how powerful he is, there are still shortcomings. He must learn to always be open-minded and ask for advice instead of blind self-confidence."

Sun Jianyun solemnly responded:

"Yeah, Zhang Wei is a good man, but he starts high, and the easier it is to miss, even if he is not from the Department of Wei Dao, but he is also my Daxia's ghost exorcist. I don't want him to be too easy to break. Asking him to interrogate the door-closing zombie for the first time is a knock on him."

"Not only the door-closing zombie, but also the water ghost on the third floor underground, I think Mr. Sun did it on purpose."

"Yes, for his kind of talent, one attack from the door-closing zombies is not enough, but it can really knock him out over and over again. You have also experienced the hardness of the water ghost's mouth. It's just a matter of lending his hand to Zhang Wei first." Bring a brick, hahaha."

"It seems that Mr. Sun, you like Zhang Wei very much."

"It's not that I like it, it's Lao Wang. He likes Zhang Wei very much, and even that boy Shengxuan is also very fond of him. I definitely can't let it go."

The words fell.

With a clicking sound, as if a huge gear was turning, the gate leading to the fourth underground floor was slowly rising.

"It takes about ten minutes to open a door. The security is enough, but it's too laborious."

Sun Jianyun said leisurely:

"It's all to blame for the attack by Sen Luosi. Without that, there would be no need to install so many security devices. Let's go, Zhang Wei is also exhausted by the Water Ghost King, so go and ask Zhang Wei to visit the fourth underground floor. Meet the prisoners on the fourth floor of the basement."


He turned and walked towards the interrogation room on the third floor underground.

Immediately afterwards.

Maybe it's because they have been in prison for a long time and have nothing to do because they have been in contact with prisoners all the year round. Sun Jianyun and Sun Jianyun exchanged vicious jokes along the way. What will Zhang Wei's expression look like now?

"I'm sure I'll be deflated, I'm afraid that he will get angry and arrest the Water Ghost King and beat him...uh..."

The deputy warden opened the room connected with the interrogation room, where the interrogation room can be seen from the one-way glass.

Then the next second.

No matter whether it was Sun Jianyun or the deputy warden who came in, they were all dumbfounded, staring blankly at the scene of the interrogation room through the one-way glass, all of them dumbfounded and full of bewildered eyes.

I see.

Interrogation room...

At this moment, the Water Ghost King burst into tears, hugging Zhang Wei and crying so much that his nose bubbled out, not to mention how sad, the emotion was written on his face undisguised.

Same time.

It continued to speak in its mouth:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you."

at the same time.

Zhang Wei embraced the water ghost, like a Mama from an orphanage, stretched out his hand and patted the back of the water ghost king, and said softly:

"It's okay, it's all over, everything will be fine."


This word has been said.

The Water Ghost King cried even more, like a child in kindergarten who was accidentally bullied by his classmates and fell down, and then faced with the teacher who came to comfort him, his little feelings of grievance burst out all of a sudden.

That crying voice, that crying sound, that crying expression, even Sun Jianyun and the others couldn't help feeling pity when they saw it.

They froze for a moment.

For a long time.

When I come to my senses:

"...Is this a fight with the Water Ghost King?"

A person next to the deputy warden spoke.

The corners of Sun Jianyun and the others couldn't help twitching:

"Are you sure this is a fight?"

"Have you ever seen someone who hugged and cried together? This is definitely not a fight."

"I think it's about the same as beating a crying water ghost."

"Is it possible that after the fight, we developed feelings for each other. Didn't we have a sentence, we didn't know each other if we didn't fight, maybe the fight went deep, we hugged and cried together?"

The staff member figured it out and replied.


Sun Jianyun and the others were silent. The situation in front of them was as outrageous as their speculations. They couldn't imagine what happened.

"When I went to open the fourth basement, Zhang asked what he was doing."

Sun Jianyun had just finished speaking.

There was a knock on the door.

A prison staff member came in. He was the guard standing guard in the interrogation room. Seeing Sun Jianyun and the others coming, he quickly handed over a document and said:

"Director, this is the confession report of the water ghost Wu Cheng. After Mr. Zhang Wei talked to him just now, he signed the confession, saying that he was responsible for the incident on the Yellow River. Having said that, I have sent others to get the information about that incident."

can be seen.

Following the words of the guard.

Sun Jianyun and the others: "????"





In just a short moment, their faces were covered with various emotions, and they watched the staff for a long time without speaking.

pleaded guilty? !

The water ghost king Wu Cheng, who has been interrogated for more than ten years and made them use various methods, has always pleaded guilty? Inspired by Zhang Wei?

I thought of this.

They subconsciously looked towards Zhang Wei...

My goodness, what the hell did Zhang Wei do while we were away?

It is also this moment.

Sun Jianyun and the deputy warden looked at each other, recalling their previous conversation, they fell silent... Zhang Wei is arrogant? No, this Nima is really confident!


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