Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 429 Zhang Wei You Were Baogong In Your Previous Life, Right?


The deputy warden opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when he saw Wu Cheng, the water ghost king, he fell silent. Is this the water ghost king he knew?

For a long time.

He just choked out a sentence:

"Zhang Wei, how did he do it? Does anyone know what Zhang Wei did?"

in words.

He frantically looked back and forth on the water ghost king, trying to find some clues. For example, if the water ghost king was injured, it must have been tortured to extract a confession. Unfortunately, no wound was found, and all he saw was the water ghost king crying. Zhang Wei's strange eyes.

Not only the deputy warden, Sun Jianyun and the others also discovered this.

That look was different from the water ghost king's look at them in the past. The look he looked at Zhang Wei was...moved, relieved, happy, and even excited! Cheer up!

This look.

Inexplicably, they felt that the style of painting in front of them had changed, as if it was not an interrogation, but rather a tearful scene where relatives who hadn't seen each other for many years met.

Think here.

Everyone, including Sun Jianyun, was like Cao Cao possessed, reappearing in their hearts the classic Cao Cao waved his hands and categorically shouted 'impossible, absolutely impossible! ’ Got to act.

"I must have misunderstood."

Sun Jianyun murmured, they put a lot of effort into the interrogation of the Water Ghost King, including pretending to be his relatives, but the Water Ghost King was cautious and saw through every time.

Can't help it.

The voice of the deputy warden also came:

"So no one knows what Zhang Wei did?"

As a result, everyone present shook their heads. They were not here, even the guards guarding the interrogation room shook their heads. In their view, Zhang Wei's interrogation was just an entertainment program for visiting, and no one took it seriously. No one will see it.

Just when the deputy warden was about to say something more.

"Look quickly, what is the Water Ghost King doing?"

The guard glanced out of the corner of his eye, and instantly pointed to the interrogation room inside the glass.


When everyone heard the news and looked at it, they were all stunned, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

can be seen.

In the interrogation room, after being patted on the back by Zhang Wei and crying for a while, the Water Ghost King looked at Zhang Wei very relieved, then hurriedly got up, pulled Zhang Wei to sit on his seat, and felt sorry for Zhang Wei. Just standing, you must be exhausted, sit down soon.

"Wu Cheng, the water ghost king, has recognized his master? Is he licking like this?"

"Is this really the cold-blooded water ghost king Wu Cheng I know?"

They were dumbfounded.

But this was not the scene that made them confused, but what happened next. After Zhang Wei sat down, a guard who didn't know the situation walked in. He told Zhang Wei what happened to the inquiry. According to the prison time, now It's the activity time for the prisoners on the third basement floor. They should take the Water Ghost King away and let the prisoners go to the activity area on the third basement floor.

To this.

The water ghost is not as happy as before. You must know that no matter which prison it is, the prisoners are locked up. They can only be released for activities during the activity time. That is the happiest time for the prisoners, but now the water ghost king is not happy. , but showed reluctance.


Still struggling to prevent the guards from taking him away, they pulled Zhang Wei's hand vigorously, and Zhang Wei also showed a look of reluctance, his words and deeds, they almost thought that they would see the life and death of Jack and Rose, the heroes and heroines of the Titanic.

Immediately afterwards.

The water ghost pleaded with the guard, as if he was asking for a little time. The guard was a little surprised, but he still planned to refuse, but at this time, Sun Jianyun's words came from the interrogation room broadcast:

"Give him a minute."

in words.

Sun Jianyun had doubts and curiosity in his eyes. He wanted to know what the Water Ghost King was going to do. Not only him, but also the deputy warden and the others were also curious.


After the guards went out, they saw that the Water Ghost King whispered something in Zhang Wei's ear. His behavior was secretive. Maybe he knew that Sun Jianyun and the others were watching from outside the glass, so he put his hand to his mouth to cover his own. , do not let them see their own mouth, so as to read the lip language.

"What is the water ghost king talking about?"

"What are they talking about?"

Sun Jianyun and the others were very curious. They thought they could investigate the situation, but the water ghost king was still the same water ghost king, and they were too cautious.

Time flies, and a minute passes quickly.

Sun Jianyun and the others saw it. One second Zhang Wei looked farewell, and the next second he watched the Water Ghost King leave, the sad expression on his face changed instantly, and he returned to calm, as if nothing had happened before.

"Wori, with this speed of changing face, it's a pity not to come to our Prison of the Department of Health and Justice to be an interrogator, even if you are an undercover agent."

The deputy superintendent grunted.

But they didn't have time to lament the speed of Zhang Wei's face change, and they hurried out of the room to ask what happened to Zhang Wei.

"Hey, Warden Sun, you are here."

Zhang Wei said with a smile.

Sun Jianyun nodded:

"Yeah, it's not long since you opened the fourth basement floor. By the way, Zhang Wei, I heard that you made Wu Cheng, the water ghost king, plead guilty?"

"No, I just chatted with Wu Cheng, the water ghost king, and got him to plead guilty by luck."

You are lying.

Everyone couldn't help but reply in their hearts when they heard the words, and at the same time, Sun Jianyun also said:

"Luck is also a part of strength, don't be humble, how did you do it?"

"It's nothing, I just chatted with him about the family, and he suddenly cried while talking, maybe he was homesick."


Sun Jianyun and the others were stunned, looking at Zhang Wei's serious appearance, he didn't seem to be lying, and they were a little suspicious of life for a while.

at this time.

Zhang Wei's voice came:

"Oh, by the way, Warden Sun, I have something to tell you."

"whats the matter?"

Sun Jianyun replied subconsciously.

"Just now before Water Ghost King Wu Cheng was taken out, he whispered something to me."

As soon as Zhang Wei's words came out, Sun Jianyun and the others were all shocked, and they all looked over with undisguised curiosity in their eyes.


Zhang Wei did not go to the ink, and said bluntly:

"Wu Cheng, the water ghost king, told me about a treasure location just now, saying that some of his precious resources are hidden there. He thought about being caught, so just in case, he put more resources there, saying yes Those resources are many, enough to make the ghost king greedy."

"Oh, by the way, he also said that he didn't tell anyone about it, he only told me about it. I was thinking, Warden Sun, you see, I asked about this matter. Are these treasured resources considered mine?" earned."

Dead silence.

Sun Jianyun and the others were mostly stunned.

this moment.

Even Sun Jianyun, everyone is looking at Zhang Wei like a god... My God, gods, can you even ask this question? !

As the prison officials of the Department of Health and Dao, how could they not know about the 'stab head' water ghost king Wu Cheng on the third floor underground? The reason why they have been interrogating the other party is not only to make him confess, but the most important thing is to ask about this treasure point. They do know Yes, when Wu Cheng, the water ghost king, was caught empty-handed, he obviously hid everything he owned.

It was the treasure of Wu Cheng, the water ghost king, and his wealth would definitely make the ghost king jealous. This is why the prison has been interrogating him. However, after more than ten years of interrogation, he still couldn't find out why, but now Zhang Wei asked.

Can't help it.

Sun Jianyun subconsciously glanced at the watch in his hand. It was only 15 minutes since he left the interrogation room, went to the fourth basement floor, and returned to the interrogation room to learn that the Water Ghost King pleaded guilty.

"In 15 minutes, let the water ghost king confess his guilt and confess the treasure..."

Sun Jianyun murmured in his heart, looked up at Zhang Wei, his old eyes were shining brightly, and couldn't help saying:

"Zhang Wei, you were Baogong in your previous life, right?"


In Sun Jianyun's eyes, Zhang Wei is simply a natural prison interrogator. It would be a pity if he didn't come to the Prison of the Department of Health and Justice.

Think here.

Sun Jianyun has already made up his mind. Although it is impossible to recruit Zhang Wei, he will definitely let Zhang Wei come to the Prison of the Department of Defense in the future!

at the same time.

The news of Zhang Wei's interrogation of the water ghost king Wu Cheng spread like a plague in the Prison of Wei Dao Si.


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