Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 430 The Fourth Basement Floor, I See You, The Legendary Corpse King Who Seals The Door

"Have you heard that the Water Ghost King has pleaded guilty?"

"Which water ghost king? Aren't there three water ghosts imprisoned in our prison? Is it the new one, the one that calls for the Squirrel Turtle?"

"No, it's Wu Cheng, the water ghost king. He pleaded guilty and revealed the hidden treasure."

"Wori, is it true or not? It's been more than ten years. Has he finally lost his grip? Who made Wu Cheng plead guilty, the warden? Or the deputy warden? Or the interrogation team leader?"

"Neither, it's Zhang Wei, the same Zhang Wei who came to visit our prison."

As the man spoke, he told about Zhang Wei's 15-minute confession to the water ghost king Wu Cheng.

the latter:"????"

next second.

The latter exclaimed in astonishment:

"Wori, how did he do it? I heard that a man would spend 800,000 yuan for me in three minutes. Could it be done through interrogation?"

A similar situation happened in the Prison of the Ministry of Health, without exception, those who heard the news were all stunned and wanted to meet this 'Gong Bao'.

the other side.

Zhang Wei didn't know about the Weidaosi Prison. Not long after the water ghost king Wu Cheng was taken for interrogation, Sun Jianyun led him to the fourth underground floor.

at this time.

They walked down the stairs on the fourth floor underground.

Since the prisoners on the fourth underground floor are legendary criminals, they are absolutely not allowed to see the light of day again. For this reason, in order to prevent them from escaping, the fourth underground floor is separated from the other three floors, connected by a passage, and then returned to the prison. You need to go through a staircase, no one knows how long the staircase is and which direction it leads to.

"The fourth underground floor is very deep, located several thousand meters underground, and is actually far away from the countryside above..."

Sun Jianyun introduced to Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei nodded:

"Speaking of Warden Sun, may I ask you, how many prisoners are there in addition to the door-closing zombies on the fourth floor of the basement?"

"Not many, because all the prisoners are legendary criminals. From the founding of the country to the present, there are currently about 20 prisoners in total."

Sun Jianyun spoke.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but look towards the system panel, looking at a countdown column on it.

[Skill card aging countdown starts: 23 hours, 40 minutes and 02 seconds]

See here.

Zhang Wei said:

"Director Sun, since I have come to the fourth basement floor, can I have a look at all the prisoners on the fourth basement floor? I really want to know which prisoners are detained here."

As soon as his words came out.

Sun Jianyun was taken aback for a moment. Before, he might not agree. After all, it is not good to have too much contact with legendary criminals. You have to know which one can be called a legend, which one is not terrifying and cruel. There are many good words among them. What to do if Weipua leads astray.

But after experiencing the water ghost king Wu Cheng, Sun Jianyun did not refuse Zhang Wei's request. He was eager to have a good relationship with Zhang Wei, and even wanted to win Zhang Wei into the Weidaosi Prison. Now that Zhang Wei made the request, he was naturally happy , which helps to win over Zhang Wei.

As for whether Zhang Wei will be puaed, Sun Jianyun is not worried. Just kidding, if the Water Ghost King is dealt with in 15 minutes, maybe it is a legendary criminal who is puaed.

"No problem, anyway, I will show you around the fourth basement. It's okay to let you meet the criminals, but you have to be careful, some criminals are very tempting, don't be misled."

"Okay, thank you Warden Sun."

Zhang Wei thanks for speaking out.

Also at this time.

The stairs in front of them came to an end, and a huge dim space appeared in front of Zhang Wei's eyes.

This space is very large, with only a dim lamp hanging there, surrounded by cells, the cells are very tight, only a half-person-wide iron fence is exposed, allowing people to see the scene inside the cell.

It is also this moment.

Zhang Wei could feel it. With the gears turning bang, after the main door of the cell was opened, there were pairs of eyes looking at himself and the others. They looked through the cells.

"A rare guest, what a rare guest, Sun Jianyun, what kind of wind brought you here today."

"Huh? Why is there a brat next to me?"

"That little boy next to you looks a little handsome, I'm so greedy, Sun Jianyun, send the handsome little boy next to you here, so that I can have a good time."

One after another, voices came from one cell to another.

To this.

Zhang Wei ignored it, focusing on the strength of these prisoners.

From their aura, Zhang Wei understands why they can be called "legendary criminals". Each strength is at the level of ghost kings, and they are not ordinary ghost kings. He felt palpitations.


Several of these criminals are top ghost kings.

"If Senluosi came here, he would probably be ecstatic. To recruit these prisoners into Senluosi, each of them can be a senior executive of Senluosi."

Zhang Wei muttered in his heart.

at the same time.

Faced with the ridicule of the prisoners, Sun Jianyun just snorted coldly, and an incomparably powerful aura emanated from him. Even if it wasn't aimed at Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei could still feel the terrifying strength of him. This kind of strength, which he had before I only felt it in the old man Liushu.

"Shut up, everyone, if you want to be burned, you can just say it."

Sun Jianyun's old voice came out slowly.


The originally noisy fourth floor of the basement was suddenly quiet, followed by cold snorts, it was the prisoners in the cell:

"Sun Jianyun, don't be arrogant. If I go out with you, I will definitely make you look good."

Sun Jianyun didn't care, turned around and said:

"Zhang Wei, the prisoners on the fourth floor of the basement are all here. You don't need to pay attention to what they say. They are just a bunch of garbage that has been locked up for too long. I will take you to the door-closing zombie."

in words.

In order to prevent these prisoners from speaking rudely and damaging the prestige of his prison, Sun Jianyun waved his hand, and a series of silent yellow symbols flew out, and they were accurately pasted in the center of each cell door, completely isolating the sound of the cell, and then he took Zhang Wei Go to a cell.

"The door-closing zombies are locked inside."

Sun Jianyun opened the window of that cell so that the scene inside could be seen.


Through that window, although the lights on the fourth basement floor were dim, Zhang Wei could still see the scene of the cell inside.

Unlike other cells, when I was waiting for someone to come in, most of the cells had voices coming out, but this cell was one of the few exceptions. Cells do not hold prisoners.

"Is that the legendary door-closing zombie?"

Looking at the figure inside, Zhang Wei's eyes flickered, and he whispered something in his heart.

at the same time.

It seemed that he felt Zhang Wei's gaze, and the moment he looked, the figure in the cell also raised his head slightly.

for a while.

The two looked at each other.


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