Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 431 This Door-Closing Corpse King Is A Bit Handsome

It was also at this time that the four eyes met, and Zhang Wei saw the figure of the other party clearly.

The whole body is like a rice dumpling, tied up in circles with long strips of cloth, except for the head, the whole body is wrapped, and the cloth strips are full of Taoist symbols, and even densely covered with purple The colored talisman paper was also wrapped with an iron chain made of ancient coins.

Looking up at his face along the wrapped body.

It was a zombie face like a mummy, the skin was dead gray, as if the skin color of a corpse that had been dead for more than ten days, but aside from these, just looking at the appearance of the face, its appearance was not as scary as imagined, and its appearance was easy-going , with a kind of amiable approachability, faintly scrutinized, with a strange fairy air.

for sure.

The appearance of the door-sealed zombie is eye-catching even when walking on the road, but it is not the kind of attraction of a handsome celebrity, but a fairy-like bone like an old celestial master.

"Who was this guy before he was alive?"

Zhang Wei's eyes flickered, he looked at the door-closing zombie, and murmured in his heart.

Even though he is dead now, his face is dry and his skin is dead, but he still can't hide his temperament, obviously he was extraordinary in his lifetime.

at this time.

Seemingly seeing Zhang Wei's thoughts, Sun Jianyun's words came:

"Isn't it surprising that the door-closing zombie doesn't look hideous at all?"

"Yeah, the door-closing zombie I imagined is the same as the "Zombie" in 2013. Anyway, at least it gives people a creepy feeling. It belongs to the kind that goes out, let alone people, and chickens and ducks have to be scared. Kind of incontinent."

Zhang Wei nodded noncommittally.

【Ding! Door-closing zombie...? ? ? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +200]

With the sound of the system prompt, with Annie's skills, Zhang Wei had a thought, and the thought of the door-closing zombie came to his mind.


A screen appears.

It was the door-closing zombie walking on the road, and then a group of poultry passed by, including chickens, ducks, geese, dogs, cattle and sheep. When they saw the door-closing zombie, they all made animal noises in fright, poured all kinds of excrement and fart on the ground, and ran wildly Leave the door closed zombies.


Affected by Zhang Wei's words, the door-sealing zombie unconsciously imagined the scene Zhang Wei said, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

【Who is this dead brat who hurt me in front of me? Lao Tzu is a zombie, not an ugly monster. 】

Zhang Wei did not hide anything, and continued:

"Headmaster Sun, who was this door-closing zombie before he was alive? I think he had a high status in life, but he still has such a good temperament after death, a bit handsome."

【Ding! Door-closing zombies... Huh, dead brat, you're smart]

[Host obtains system points +210]

Same time.

An emotion called arrogance and pride flooded into Zhang Wei's mind. When the door-closing zombie heard Zhang Wei boasting about himself, he was in a good mood, but in the next second, a sad emotion flooded into Zhang Wei's mind.

Seeing the door-closing zombie being proud, he seemed to think of something, and murmured in his heart:

[Who was I before I was alive, why I still can’t remember what I did before I was alive, why most of my memory disappeared after I died, I can’t even recall who I am, the one in my memory What exactly is the battlefield, why is it never recorded in ancient history. 】

Immediately afterwards.

The door-sealed zombie, caught in remembrance, recalled the 'battlefield' memory, one of the few sporadic memories left, trying to recall who he was before he was alive again.

Also at this moment.

A grand ancient war scene appeared in Zhang Wei's mind.

in the picture.

It was in a vast plain, it might be in the ancient prairie, or it might be in other places, the area was vast and endless.


What attracted Zhang Wei was not Ping Yuan, but two people who appeared there. They were a group of people dressed in ancient costumes. Yellow talismans filled the sky, thunder light curses and golden light curses shone.

The two sides are like endless enemies, fighting each other, every time they kill each other.

Although the picture is short.

But the battlefield was tragic. The clear and green grassland was stained red with blood. There were corpses everywhere. The blood flowed like a river, and a vast number of people died. But even so, they did not stop fighting.


The picture turned, to be precise, the sight turned. This picture is the scene in front of a person. Obviously, it was the scene that the door-closing zombie saw before he was alive. After he killed a powerful existence whose strength was at least the ghost king level, , looking across the battlefield.


As his gaze swept, he landed on a person. Although his back was turned to him, he recognized him through his figure.


His eyes began to crazily draw closer to that person. Obviously, the door-closing zombie was killing that person. While the other person was fighting with others, he wanted to attack him from behind and kill him. There was a sound of puffing, accompanied by splashes of blood.

next second.

Leaving the man's eyes, he moved down slowly, and looked at his chest, only to see a sword pierced into his heart, and blood overflowed like money.

He was attacked.

He wanted to turn his head to see who killed him, but the attacker kicked him from behind, and he flew out.

At last.

The picture is dimmed, stained red with blood, a sight picture of a person lying on the grass, when the eyes are gradually lowered, you can vaguely see that a companion is running towards him, and seeing that he was attacked to death, his eyes are tearing away. Come.

Less than a few seconds of memory.

It passed so quickly.

Also at this moment.

An emotion called anger flooded Zhang Wei's mind.

[Who killed me, who was the person I wanted to kill before I was alive, and what was the battlefield for? Is it two forces of exorcists who are fighting? There are still multiple factions, which faction do I belong to, damn it, why has it been decades, I have never been able to figure it out! 】

The door-sealing zombie is angry at his amnesia.

To this.

Zhang Wei was not surprised, anyone who lost his memory, and only had the picture of himself being killed, it hurts to think about it and wants to curse.

at this time.

Sun Jianyun's words sounded, interrupting Zhang Wei's thoughts.

When Sun Jianyun heard Zhang Wei's question, he stroked his beard and said:

"Zhang Wei, it's not surprising that you have this idea. Anyone who has seen the appearance of the door-closing zombie has this idea. He thinks his identity should be not simple, but I don't know his identity before death."

"He is a senior executive of Senluosi, and he is also the corpse brought out from Suolongjing. Naturally, we also want to know who he was before he was alive, and why Senluosi brought him out."

"So we have interrogated the door-closing zombies"

"It's a pity that after so many years of interrogation, he is unwilling to reveal a single bit. Although he claims to have amnesia, after years of observation, we can detect that he should still have some memories. It's a pity that we can't ask."

in words.

Sun Jianyun sighed in his heart, if he could ask something, it would be great, but unfortunately the door-closing zombie is too stubborn, why is Sen Luosi so tenacious and unyielding, doesn't he know how to betray and reveal some information.


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