Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 432: Door Sealed Corpse King: You Curse Again

While sighing.

Sun Jianyun also added:

"However, it's not that we don't know anything about the situation of the door-sealing zombie. At least we know that he was brought out of Suolongjing. According to the year of Suolongjing, and the circumstances of the door-sealing zombie we witnessed at the time, we can be sure that the door-sealing zombie is not a modern person. , at least hundreds of years ago."

"Exactly how many years ago, I don't know. I think apart from Zombie Zombie, Sen Luosi is the only one who knows about his background."

"After all, Sen Luosi brought him out, right?"

The last words were spoken by Zhang Wei.

He said, through the cell window, his eyes fell on the face of the door-closing zombie, no one knew what he was thinking.

Sun Jianyun nodded and said:

"Yes, not only because Sen Luosi brought him out of Suolongjing, the most important point is that the door-closing zombie was brought out. He was brought out with clothes on his body, not naked. Although after hundreds of years, the clothes on his body Corroded for sure, but if there is clothing, at least the year can be deduced from it."

As soon as his words came out.

He didn't notice that Zhang Wei's brow twitched.

Although Zhang Wei didn’t see the Zombie wearing the Zombie’s clothes because of his angle of view in the battlefield memory of the Zombie, he could clearly see the clothing of the people around him. You must know that it was not rotten, it was the clothing of the era at the scene .


Zhang Wei didn't tell Sun Jianyun about the clothes, so he couldn't tell him that he has the ability to read minds, so he can spy on the images he thinks about.

"I have to find an opportunity to draw those costumes and find someone to ask what era they are from."

I thought about it.

Zhang Wei continued:

"Governor Sun, if you can't find out your identity from the door-sealing zombie, why not start with Suolongjing? Since he was thrown into Suolongjing, he should have something to do with Suolongjing, right?"

Sun Jianyun shook his head:

"We have also thought about this, but the door-sealing zombies were thrown into the Suolongjing, not necessarily related to the Suolongjing. After all, the Suolongjing was built a long time ago. Looking back, it is much longer, and it cannot be ruled out that the door-sealing zombies fell into the well by themselves. Possibly dead."

"Suolongjing is covered today, but it was not in the past. According to records, many people have fallen into Suolongjing. The most important point... In fact, we don't know the origin of Suolongjing. It is too old. , under the change of dynasties, many materials have been lost."

"The only thing I know is...forget it, it's okay to tell you. Although it's a secret, it's not forbidden to reveal the secret. How about it, Zhang Wei, do you want to know? It can be traded with the corpse of the ghost king, as long as two ghost kings Just a corpse..."

Zhang Wei was taken aback when he heard the words, looking at Sun Jianyun's old smiling face, he couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

This old man Sun seems to be a money fanatic, but if he wants to know, he doesn't have to pay two dead ghost kings.

next second.

With a thought, Zhang Wei launched the Annie sub-skill at Sun Jianyun.

"Headmaster Sun, isn't the corpse of the two ghost kings a little expensive? Isn't it just a well? It shouldn't be so expensive. You can't deceive me, a young and helpless child."

The corner of Sun Jianyun's mouth twitched.

[As long as you are young and helpless, have you ever seen a child kill the king of ghosts, and even directly kill ghosts by physically exorcising ghosts, oh, there are, but it is Nezha. 】

I complained in my heart.

Sun Jianyun said on the surface:

"The corpses of the two ghost kings are not expensive. Think about it, it's Suolongjing. It's a long time ago, and the door-sealed zombies were brought out of it. Obviously, it's not just a simple well. It's just the year, and there is also Suolongjing. Those deeds, these mysteries are worth the corpses of two ghost kings, don’t you think so?”

[The secret of Suolongjing, although it can’t be revealed to the outside world, is not available to everyone, but the only remaining secret is ‘absolutely can’t allow Suolongjing to be opened again’, even if the dynasties change, this one will be used by every court. If it continues to be passed down, it will definitely be worth two ghost kings]

The thought came to mind.

Zhang Wei couldn't help being startled, is this the current secret of Suolongjing? No wonder Xiaoxue and Zhang Chao said that Suolongjing has been guarded all the time, so this is the reason.

Then Zhang Wei replied:

"Indeed, these alone are worth two dead ghost kings."

As soon as his words came out.

Sun Jianyun stroked his beard with a smile and said:

"That's right, so why don't you exchange information?"

"No more, it's too expensive."


Sun Jianyun's smile froze for an instant, and his hands were still in the position of touching his beard, thinking that he was hallucinating:

"No? Are you sure? Zhang Wei, don't you want to know the secrets of Suolongjing? Don't you know the legends about Suolongjing?"

"I know."

Zhang Wei told what he knew about Suo Longjing to scare away the foreign enemies who invaded at that time.

[Damn, is this Zhang Wei so calm? It’s agreed that young people are gossiping now. Why is Zhang Wei so overage, but I’m curious. Is Zhang Wei so indifferent to curiosity?]

Sun Jianyun complained in his heart.

He wondered if Zhang Wei knew about it, but he quickly denied it. Few people know the secret of Suolongjing, and only some senior officials of the Department of Health and Dao and those who have good relations with the Department of Health know about it.

Just thinking about it.

Zhang Wei ignored Sun Jianyun's thoughts. After learning the secret of Suo Longjing, he continued to use Annie's sub-skills on the door-closing zombies, and observed the door-closing zombies there.

I have been watching the door-closing zombie so uncomfortable, I always feel as if my heart has been completely seen by the other party.

Also this moment.

The door-closing zombie finally spoke:

"Damn kid, have you seen enough, treat me as an exhibit?"

【Ding! The door-closing zombie is upset. Who is this dead brat? It shouldn't belong to the Department of Defense. Then how could he enter the fourth basement floor, Sun Jianyun's illegitimate grandson? 】

[Host obtains system points +230]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Zhang Wei grinned:

"Quite grumpy."

The words did not fall.

Zhang Wei ignored the murderous eyes of the door-closing zombies, and asked Sun Jianyun to the side:

"Director Sun, I don't think other prisoners are bound so tightly. Why is he bound like this? Does he have a habit of being abused?"

【Ding! Door-closing zombies... scold you again! 】

[Host obtains system points +230]

"Haha, that's not true. This cell is special. It is made of special materials and formations. It can make people or ghosts unable to perform any exorcism or ghost skills. Here, everyone and ghost prisoners are just like ordinary prisoners. There is no difference between people, but you know, zombies are physically strong."

"The strength of the body is not easy to limit. In order to avoid the possibility of destroying the door-closing zombie with his physical strength, his body was bound and suppressed."

Sun Jianyun said with a smile, and ordered the subordinates beside him to open the cell:

"Don't just stand in the cell, let's open the cell for you and let you get in close contact with the door-closing zombie. Zhang Wei, I remember that you have beaten the iron coffin zombie. In fact, the door-sealing zombie is also of this type."


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