Zhang Wei nodded when he heard that, if it wasn't for the Weidaosi prison, when he saw the door-closing zombie, he would have wished to go in and have a chat with the door-closing zombie as soon as possible, especially after seeing the battlefield.

Immediately afterwards.

With a dull creak, the cell door was opened.

Also at this time.

A subordinate came over and said softly:

"Prisoner, the interrogation room over there has been arranged, and the prisoners have also been brought there."

"okay, I get it."

Sun Jianyun nodded, and then said:

"Zhang Wei, go in and see the door-closing zombies yourself. I need to interrogate prisoners here, so we won't go in."

The fourth basement floor is closed to the outside world all year round, but this is for outsiders and the basic level of the prison. For the high-level prison, especially the warden, he often comes, because all the prisoners here are legendary criminals. Big events, or have unknown secrets.

And if it was the latter, interrogation would naturally be required. As the warden, Sun Jianyun had an important duty on the fourth basement floor, including interrogation.

Now I bring Zhang Wei to visit the fourth basement floor, but the seal of the door-closing zombies is there, and they are also on the fourth basement floor, so they are not afraid of problems. Since everyone has come, it is better to continue to interrogate the prisoners.

at the same time.

Zhang Wei was not surprised when he heard Sun Jianyun's words. He had heard Sun Jianyun say it when he came here.

"Okay, Warden Sun, please be busy. By the way, I'm going to wait for you in the hall on the fourth floor after I finished watching the door-closing zombies."

"Haha, you don't have to wait, don't you still want to see the other prisoners on the fourth floor of the basement? After you finish watching the door-closing zombies, ask the guards to show you the other prisoners' cells."

Sun Jianyun replied, leaving the strongest guard behind, and went to interrogate the prisoner.


Zhang Wei didn't stay idle either, he turned and walked into the closed zombie cell.

The cell is not big, about the size of an ordinary single cell. As soon as Zhang Wei entered, he quickly came to the door-closing zombie.


The distance between the two is very close, almost so close that their cheeks touch their cheeks.

【Ding! Door-closing zombies... dead brat, did you come in to see me, or to see my blood capillaries, fuck]

[Host obtains system points +250]

Same time.

The idea of ​​door-closing zombies flooded into Zhang Wei's mind:

【Fuck, how could this dead brat come to the fourth basement floor? He doesn't look like the Secretary of Health. Get so close to see what I'm doing. 】

[Damn it, why are you still watching, it’s endless, this damn brat doesn’t have any special hobbies...]

Thinking of his own zombie status, coupled with Zhang Wei's staring back and forth, and he was tied up and unable to move, even if Zhang Wei made any move, he couldn't fight back.

Can't help it.

Thinking of this, a creepy thought appeared in the door-seal zombie's mind.


Just when this thought came to mind.

Followed by.

Zhang Wei's voice sounded:

"Grandpa, you really are grandpa!"

Seeing Zhang Wei sizing up the face of the door-closing zombie, he seemed to have discovered something, showing a hint of surprise.

【Ding! Door-closing zombie...? ? ? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +260]

Faced with Zhang Wei's sudden words, even the door-closing zombies were stunned:

【what? Grandpa? Are you talking about me? 】

[This damn brat...is he insane, is he not a necrophilia, but a father-in-law? 】

Feeling Zhang Wei's scorching gaze, the door-sealing zombie couldn't help thinking that before he was locked up, he had heard of people suffering from this serious disease, and that some people would like people older than themselves.

Of course.

If it's just a few years older, it's actually nothing, it's human nature.

But these people are different, what they like is not a few years older, but tens of years old, that is no longer a relationship between siblings, but a relationship between grandfather and grandson, and in their view, Zhang Wei belongs to this type of person.


This thought disappeared in a second.

I see.

Under the gaze of the goalkeeper, Zhang Wei seemed to have seen his thoughts, leaned over, and whispered:

"Grandpa, I'm not crazy about you. I'm your descendant. I know you won't believe it, but you are really my grandpa. You look exactly like the portrait of my grandpa inherited from my family. It's the face of a dead person now. It's a little bit bigger, but it doesn't prevent you from being handsome."

The words did not fall.

Zhang Wei looked at the guards outside the door, and said in a low voice:

"Grandpa, I'm really your descendant, you believe me, I have evidence, do you still remember the battle hundreds of years ago, the time you died, our family went to that battle, you When you die, your good brother still wants to save you, and other grandparents in our family also want to save you."

"But it's too late, alas."

Speaking of this, Zhang Wei once again recalled fighting with Qiu Xiaolin and the others to exhaustion, squeezed out a few tears and said:

"Grandpa died in that battle. All the elders in our family died. Only the women and children who did not go to the war were left in the family. If it weren't for the people who came back alive in the end and knew about you, we wouldn't know about you. died."

【Ding! The door-closing zombie is shocking! 】

[Host obtains system points +270]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

this moment.

The door-closing zombie trembled violently as if struck by lightning, and looked at Zhang Wei with dilated pupils, feeling unbelievable and indescribably shocked.

【He knows that battlefield! ! ! 】

"I asked just now, grandpa, you don't seem to have told Wei Daosi about your life experience, so grandpa, you probably didn't tell them about the battlefield. This should prove my identity, I... ...It’s really your descendant, grandpa.”

As soon as his words came out.

The thoughts in the mind of the door-closing zombie flooded into Zhang Wei's mind

【He... is really my descendant? ! 】

[Do I still have family members alive, my family. 】

I thought about it.

Recalling Zhang Wei's words, the door-closing zombie first looked at Zhang Wei squarely, and at this time, Zhang Wei continued to add:

"Grandpa, let's not talk about the battlefield. Look at my looks. I'm so handsome. No matter how you look at it, it's a family inheritance. These can prove our relationship."

【Ding! Door-closing zombie... you are indeed handsome]

[Host obtains system points +280]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

[Damn brat, no, this kid is indeed as handsome as I am. Looking at it this way, it seems that he is indeed so close to my handsome appearance]

【The most important thing is the battlefield. Even Sen Luo, I didn't tell him. Only I know about it. It's impossible for this child to know in advance. 】

Although Zhang Wei has already been believed by seven or eight percent.

But the cautious door-closing zombie still asked again.

"Then why are you here? This is the basement level of the Weidaosi Prison. Not everyone can come in."

"Also, you said that the living person came back and told you, do you still remember the battlefield situation, clothing, or appearance that the living person said at that time?"

The words fell.

The door-closing zombie thought to himself:

[Although you are my descendant and have not participated in the battlefield hundreds of years ago, if you are really my descendant, the battlefield situation that the living person said will definitely be passed down from generation to generation. I am sure that you are my offspring. 】


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