The door-closing zombie was thinking.

Also at this time.

When Zhang Wei's voice came, he first imitated the door-closing zombie, carefully looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping, and then said the costume, and even said:

"The person who came back alive is not from our family, but he is from the same side as grandpa. He told our family members at that time that when grandpa died, he actually wanted to go to rescue him."

"However, he was entangled by someone, and he couldn't get away from the other party to save him, but he saw a man in a black Taoist uniform, handsome and masculine, with long hair covered by a wooden hairpin. The man ran over to save you."

As soon as this word came out.

The Zombie who sealed the door shook violently, and couldn't help recalling the memory of one of the few remaining memories of the "battlefield" in his mind. In the last scene before his death, a companion ran towards him screaming with tears in his eyes.

And the figure of that companion was dressed exactly as Zhang Wei said!

at this moment.

The door-sealing zombie stared at Zhang Wei, his body trembling violently with emotion.

【Ding! Door-closing zombies... are my descendants, there is no mistake! My family and children! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +280]

The system prompt sounded in Zhang Wei's mind.

at the same time.

There is also the touching emotion of the door-closing zombie. I didn't expect that I still have family members and descendants alive. I thought I would live with amnesia for the rest of my life, and no one would know my descendants. But now some people still remember me, and they are still the descendants of my family.

Just when the door-closing zombie was immersed in joy.

Zhang Wei's voice came:

"Grandpa, you believe me now. I am your descendant. As for why I am on the fourth basement floor, it is because my family accidentally inquired about your appearance, grandpa, and then found that you are the same as the portrait of your ancestors, so let me follow you." Make friends with the Department of Health and Dao, and then get the qualification to enter the fourth underground floor all the way."

The door-closing zombie nodded:

"So that's how it is, child, thank you for your hard work. The four underground floors have strict rules. It must have taken a lot of effort for you to get the qualification to come in. I believe it, you are my descendant."

Zhang Wei also nodded when he heard the words, and then changed the subject:

"It's good for grandpa to believe, but grandpa, as you said, I need to provide proof to prove my relationship with you. Now that you have finished asking, I think I should also ask to make sure you are really me. Grandpa, I hope grandpa will not be offended."

In the face of Zhang Wei's words.

The door-closing zombie was not surprised, on the contrary, he was very satisfied and nodded in his heart:

[As expected of my family, even after several generations, not only have I inherited my handsomeness, but even this cautiousness has also been inherited from me. 】

I thought about it.

The door-sealing zombie tried to calm himself and replied:

"It's right to be careful, you ask, I can answer, I will answer."

"Okay, grandpa."

Zhang Wei said in his mouth, and added in his heart:

"Haha, it's my turn to attack, idiot, wait until I get all your secrets out, Jie Jie Jie."


Zhang Wei thought for a while and asked:

"Grandpa, may I ask why you went to the battlefield? If you were my grandpa, I think you would know."


The door-closing zombie, who was smiling happily one second, twitched the corner of his mouth the next second, and the smile stopped abruptly.

【Ding! The door-closing zombie is embarrassing]

[Host obtains system points +290]

Followed by.

The idea of ​​door-closing zombies flooded Zhang Wei's mind:

[Fuck, what should I do, I don't know, I lost my memory. 】


Feeling that he couldn't answer, Zhang Wei gradually narrowed his eyes.

[Son, don't look at me with suspicion, I'm really your grandpa, you believe me, damn it, what should I do, I can't answer, what should I do if my family doesn't recognize me]

The door-sealing zombie thought about it, and finally bit the bullet and said:

"Son, you may not believe it. I may be a zombie because I was refined, so I have a lot of memory loss now, and I can only remember some sporadic memories. Regarding the memory of the battlefield, I only remember the fight on the battlefield. "

"As for the reason for going to the battlefield, I have no memory left. Really, you believe me."

in words.

The Zombie who sealed the door was a little impatient. He finally found his family members. He was very afraid that his family members would not recognize him.


Zhang Wei said with a pensive expression:

"It seems that what Secretary Wei Dao told me was correct. Grandpa, you have lost your memory. I thought it was because you deliberately didn't want to say it, but you pretended to have lost your memory. So it turns out that you really lost your memory."

"Yes, I really lost my memory."

"Grandfather, what memories do you still remember? Tell me about it. There are still a lot of information about you preserved at home. Let me see if what you said can be matched."

Following Zhang Wei's words.

The door-sealing zombie couldn't help thinking of the few memories he had left. The information of the memory seemed to come to mind, and appeared in Zhang Wei's mind at the same time.

He doesn't have many memories.

first memory.

It was his deepest memory. It was a message about Suolongjing—"Suolongjing must not be occupied by others. The only place must be mine!"

second memory.

The same about Suolongjing, that is after he killed the strong man, not only him, but also other ghost exorcists in the family, even his companions, after they killed the enemy, they would throw their bodies into Suolongjing.

And this is accompanied by a memory picture...

That was when he killed a ghost exorcist, whose strength was at the level of a half-step ghost king. He took the body and threw it to the nearest Suolongjing.

As the corpse was thrown down, he said leisurely to himself:

"Although it's not at the level of the ghost king, it's okay. Calculate how much has been thrown away. Damn it, how many corpses do you need?"

third memory.

This time it's not about Suolongjing, but Zombie Zombie himself. Because of his handsome appearance, he was definitely comparable to a star in that era, and as long as there are women who pursue him, anyone who is not bad-looking , he will accept it, and his behavior is more Ximen Qing than Ximen Qing.

Seeing these review screens and seeing this, Zhang Wei was a little speechless. This is a useless memory.

The fourth memory...

It was the door-closing zombie teaching the juniors to practice in the family. On the practice field, the elders were making tea and playing chess, and the juniors worshiped themselves and accepted their instructions.

One of the juniors said:

"Uncle, if I practice like this, can I become as strong as you? I also want to help."

To this.

The door-closing zombie smiled and stretched out his hand to rub his head:

"Yes, Xiao Zhuojun is so talented, he will become stronger than me."

It is hard to imagine that the warm family picture will emerge from the mind of a zombie king who wiped out the entire closed village and killed many powerful ghost exorcists.


Also saw this picture.

Zhang Wei raised a hey smile in his heart:

"Very good, little Zhuojun, I decided to use you and let you be my ancestor, hahaha."


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