Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 435 The Door-Closing Corpse King Is Angry, I Want Sen Luosi To Be Destroyed

Accompanied by Zhang Wei talking to himself in his heart.

The fifth memory about the door-closing zombie emerges.

It was when the door-closing zombie was still alive, talking to the companion who had tried to save him before he died.

The content of their conversation is simple, only a few sentences:

"Now more and more people know about Suolongjing. It is necessary to prevent the situation from spreading, otherwise more people will spy on Suolongjing."

The door-closing zombie said in a deep voice.

His companion nodded, solemnly nodded and responded:

"The secret of Suolongjing must not be known by more exorcists, no one can resist the temptation of Suolongjing.

in words.

The companion sighed:

"I now understand why the dynasties prevent the Dragon Well from being opened. This secret will only cause chaos in the world, and I think the emperors of the dynasties actually want to monopolize the secret, so every time before the dynasties fall, they must Destroy the secret about locking Longjing, leaving only a warning that cannot be opened."

For his words, the door-closing zombie agreed:

"There is no way. The more things that bring huge benefits, the more risks are associated with them. The secret of Longjing Lock is too tempting. Such a huge temptation is bound to have huge risks. Just spreading the secret of Longjing Lock will bring about a lot of risks. The world is in chaos, and no emperor's family can bear this risk."

"Even those Mingjun, who resisted the secret temptation of Suolongjing, are still afraid. Once Suolongjing is revealed, the consequences will be unimaginable. It is enough to make people crazy, especially the powerful ghost exorcists and ghosts."

"So control it as soon as possible, and don't let the secret of Suolongjing spread."

That's all for words.

Although it is the sight of the door-closing zombie, Zhang Wei can't see the expression on his face, but from his next tone, Zhang Wei can also understand how much he attaches importance to the secret of Locking Longjing:

"As long as the people on our side don't know the secret, they will all be killed. It is just used to raise Suolongjing. After all, the opening of Suolongjing requires a certain number of people. It needs to be a powerful ghost exorcist and ghost."

This memory picture.

With the words of the door-closing zombie, it's over.


There is no more.

The door-sealed zombie who was refined into an iron coffin zombie has too few memories, only a few.


Although there are only a few memories, it also let Zhang Wei know the important secrets.

"Brother Fat, the tailor, and Joan of Arc have all said that Senluosi's next plan needs to use a large number of powerful ghosts. Is it not to expand the scale of Senluosi, but to lock the Dragon Well?"

Recalling these memories, Zhang Wei thought to himself:

"The purpose of Senluosi's establishment is to lock Longjing. The secret of locking Longjing mentioned by the door-closing zombie is the same as Senluosi's purpose."

Just when Zhang Wei was thinking.

The door-closing zombie also recalled the memory, and said to it:

"In today's era, regarding Suolongjing, as the times change, only the words that Suolongjing must not be opened are left. Even the Department of Wei Dao, who is in charge of the Great Xia Exorcism World, doesn't know."

"But child, according to the memory information I left behind, the reason why Suolongjing cannot be opened is not only because of the danger of Suolongjing, but also because Suolongjing hides a secret. It's a huge temptation."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei's thoughts flooded into the mind of the door-closing zombie:

[Although the secret about Suolongjing has been destroyed by various dynasties over time, since my family still has my portrait, they must still remember the secret of Suolongjing. many. 】

【I say this now, it should let the child know that I am really his grandpa. 】

Immediately afterwards.

A door-closing zombie with a confident look appeared in Zhang Wei's mind.

To this.

On the surface, Zhang Wei showed excitement on his face after he finished speaking:

"You actually know this. It seems that the probability of you being the grandpa is at least 90%. Grandpa, do you have any evidence, please provide another one."

"Uh, isn't that enough?"

The door-sealing zombie thought about it, he had too little memory, and he had nothing to prove.

But at this time.

Zhang Wei knew what he was thinking, and added casually:

"Well, let me ask some questions. Although grandpa has lost his memory, he should still have memories about the family. I will ask a few questions, half of which are true and false. You can judge for yourself. If you can judge one, it will prove that you are My grandpa is gone."


Zhang Wei randomly made up a few questions until he came up with a question:

"Grandfather, do you still remember a man named Zhuo Jun? If you remember, what does he have to do with you?"

As soon as his words came out.

The pupils of the door-closing zombie shrank suddenly:

"Zhuo Jun?! I remember this, I am his uncle."

Then Zhang Wei said with an extremely excited look:

"Yes, you are really my grandpa. I didn't expect that I would casually mention my grandpa's name. Grandpa still remembers him. I was wrong. It should be said to be grandpa now."

"Huh? Old ancestor? What's your relationship with Zhuo Jun, my child?"

"To be honest with my grandfather, I am a descendant of Zhuo Jun's ancestor, and to be honest, the portrait of my grandfather's grandfather at home was left by Zhuo Jun's grandfather after his death. I heard that he has always admired you. I'm thinking about you."

【Ding! The tearful eyes of the door-closing zombie... Zhuo Jun, it turned out to be you, and he is actually Zhuo Jun's descendant. 】

[Host obtains system points +300]

this moment.

Knowing Zhang Wei's identity, the door-closing zombies are more pleasing to Zhang Wei.

[The little guy Zhuo Jun who admired me at the beginning, seems to be able to take charge of his own when he grows up. My family has not perished, he is still alive, and he has passed on my portrait. 】

[Not to mention, I feel that this child looks so similar to Zhuo Jun, both of them have very clear eyes, Zhuo Jun has successors! 】


After recognizing his relatives, Zhang Wei became acquainted with the door-closing zombies, and they almost talked about everything.

"Son, can you tell me what's going on in the family now? By the way, what is the secret of locking Longjing? My amnesia is too serious, and I can't remember what the secret is."

"I can't tell my grandfather about this. The main reason is that you are still locked up here and will be interrogated frequently. Although you are a grandfather, for the sake of the family, I can't take the risk of revealing the secret." , what if the Secretary of Health uses a special method to get the grandfather to confess."

"That's right, you are right to be so cautious, haha, as expected of my descendants, this cautiousness is very good!"

Zhang Wei smiled.

After chatting with the door-closing zombie for a while, he took the opportunity to ask the question he wanted to know the most after looking for a few topics:

"Grandpa, grandpa, I heard that you are an iron coffin zombie made by Senluosi, and you joined Senluosi?"

"That's right, because they also secretly went to Suolongjing, so the two sides reached an agreement."

"So that's it. By the way, I heard that the establishment of Senluosi is related to Locking Dragon Well. Is it related to that secret?"

"Yes, it does matter, Sen Luo told me about this."

The door-sealing zombie said, looking at Zhang Wei with curiosity in his eyes:

"Son, are you also interested in Senluosi? When I have a chance to go out, I just want our family to cooperate with Senluosi"

"There's no need to cooperate, and of course I'm not interested. In fact, I have a little bit of trouble with Sen Luosi."

Zhang Wei pretended to hesitate for a while, and then, under the questioning of the door-closing zombie, he revealed his feud with Sen Luosi.

next moment.

【Ding! The door-closing zombie is angry, damn Sen Luosi, you dare to harm my descendants, don't let me go out, I want Sen Luosi to be destroyed! 】

[Host obtains system points +310]


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