Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 436: The 4Th Basement Floor's Acknowledgment Begins

The system prompt sounds.

The idea of ​​door-closing zombies also flooded into Zhang Wei's mind:

[What the hell am I doing? I actually cooperated with Sen Luosi who dared to harm my offspring, and even became a high-level executive inside. If the child is killed by Sen Luosi, then am I... an accomplice, ah! ! ! Damn Senros]

As soon as the idea came out.

Zhang Wei's mind came up with a picture of the door-closing zombie.

It was a man wearing a mask, and the door-closing zombie yelled the word "Sen Luo" at the masked man, tearing him apart, blood and flesh flying everywhere, and the scene was extremely bloody.

[Damn Sen Luosi, damn Sen Luo, I will tear you to pieces! ! ! 】

[Go out, I must go out from the fourth underground floor, Sen Luosi, you wait for me, no one can bully my family]

【kill! Senros is going to die! ! 】

The Iron Coffin Zombie was originally forged by the evil taboo method, and has an indescribable ferocity. Now that Zhang Wei was almost killed by Sen Luosi, the ferocity of the Iron Coffin Zombie cannot be restrained from erupting.

【Damn me, I was thinking of getting my child to cooperate with Sen Luosi, but Sen Luosi almost killed my child, good you Sen Luosi, do you think I am imprisoned by Guanwei Daosi and cannot be rescued, so you want to kill the root? . 】

At this moment, the cautious door-closing zombie fell into persecution paranoia, thinking about why Sen Luosi did something to Zhang Wei.

Same time.

With those zombie eyes red, he apologized:

"Son, I'm sorry, I almost hurt you, don't worry, if I go out, I will ask Sen Luosi to give you an explanation, if they don't give you an explanation, even if Sen Luosi is strong, I will kill him Already!"

Zhang Wei waved his hands and said:

"Don't get excited, grandpa, I'm fine, and you don't know about my festival with Sen Luosi, so don't get excited, I'll just say it casually, this matter will be resolved when grandpa and grandpa get out of the Weidaosi Prison .”

"And...Compared to destroying Senluosi, I think it would be better to incorporate Senluosi. After all, it is a powerful force. Having it in the pocket is more effective than destroying it. What do you think, grandpa and uncle."

Speaking of which.

Zhang Wei had a breezy smile on his face, as if he was waiting for his elders to praise him.

【Ding! Appreciation of door-closing zombies]

[Host obtains system points +330]

"Yes, child, your idea is very good. It is true that Senluosi is destroyed. It is better to control Senluosi under my own pocket. Although I have lost most of my memories, I have other memories from that battlefield. Our family It's also huge."

"If we control Sen Luosi, we can bring the family back to its former glory."

The door-closing zombie looked at Zhang Wei with unabashed admiration.

【As expected of being the offspring of Zhuo Jun, who looks harmless to humans and animals, but actually has a lot of cleverness, hahaha】


Zhang Wei chatted with the door-closing zombie again, and asked him how he joined Senluosi.

Just as the tailor told himself, the door-closing zombie was rescued by the tailor and refined into an iron coffin zombie. As for why it is an iron coffin zombie, it is because the body of the iron coffin zombie is the most powerful type of zombie.

"It was Sen Luo's idea to refine me into an Iron Coffin Zombie. He told me that the reason why I was refined into an Iron Coffin Zombie was that if the Dragon Well was opened in the future, I would need to go down, and the Dragon Well is very special. , except those who are both good and evil like tailors can go down."

"The remaining method is to use the physical body to resist. The iron coffin zombie has grown up, and the physical body is very strong, with the power of the drought."

Speaking of door-closing zombies here.

Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled:

"It seems that Sen Luosi knows the secret of Suolongjing in more detail than Wei Daosi. Even if he doesn't know what the secret is, he knows more than Wei Daosi."

The door-closing zombie nodded and responded:

"Yes, Sen Luo does know a lot. Although he doesn't know that locking Longjing requires a lot of exorcists and ghost corpses to open it, he knows that locking Longjing is very dangerous. Anyone who is evil or righteous will die if he goes down."

"Only those special tailors who are both righteous and evil can go down. People who are stained with a lot of innocent blood but have great kindness in their hearts, and such people are extremely rare."

Immediately afterwards.

Using the topic of tailoring, Zhang Wei chatted with Zombie Zombie about Sen Luosi.

at the same time.

In less than a few minutes, Zhang Wei also collected a lot of wool.

at this time.

After chatting with another topic, seeing that he asked almost everything he wanted to know, Zhang Wei checked the time and said:

"Grandpa, grandpa, it's almost time, I can't talk to you anymore, I'm leaving now, otherwise we may be found out about our relationship."

"Okay, okay, you go away, kid, don't be found out."

The door-closing zombie said.

【Ding! The door-closing zombie is very reluctant]

[Host obtains system points +340]

The system prompt sounds.

Zhang Wei looked back at the door-closing zombie, recalling last night's use of the Demon God's heart to fight against Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue until dawn, until the time agreed with Lin Tong came, and then he couldn't get out of bed. Full of reluctance.

He turned his head three times at every step, reluctant to say goodbye to the door-closing zombie.

He was about to leave.

The door-sealing zombie seemed to have thought of something, and quickly stopped Zhang Wei and said:

"Except for Sen Luo, be careful of Sen Luo's gardener. He is no less dangerous than Sen Luo. He is even the key to Sen Luo's inability to be eliminated. When you meet him, remember to run."

"Okay, thank you grandpa and uncle for reminding you."

Zhang Wei waved his hand, and continued step by step and turned his head three times:

"I am leaving."

"Go ahead."

The door-closing zombie replied.


at the same time.

Outside the cell where the door-closing zombie was located, the guard sent by Sun Jianyun was standing guard bored.

Looking at the four unchanging basement floors around him, and the rusty cell doors, the guard yawned, and instinctively looked at the watch in his hand:

"It's been so long, is Mr. Zhang Wei still chatting inside?"

He found that more than ten minutes had passed, and he was only looking at a door-closing zombie. As for watching it for so long, the key point was that the other party was still tightly wrapped. At most, he could only look at a zombie's head, let alone for so long.

"Is nothing wrong?"

The guard thought to himself, and hurriedly looked into the cell.

This look.

He was stunned, and saw a scene that he dared not even dream about... The door-sealing zombie was smiling, yes, very happy and gentle, and said something to Zhang Wei who was walking towards the cell door, although the cell was soundproof Okay, but from that simple mouth shape, he could see the meaning of the words.

The door-closing zombie was saying 'go well' to Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei was waving at the door-closing zombie seeing this.

The behavior of both.

Let the guard inexplicably think of the scene not long ago, when I went home last Mid-Autumn Festival, my parents saw me happy, and then after the Mid-Autumn Festival, when I left, I waved goodbye to my parents, which was too similar to what I saw before.

"My Cao?"

The guard cried out in shock. Although he didn't know what the reason for waving goodbye was, the smile of the door-closing zombie was enough to shock him for a whole year. This was impossible in the past.

for a while.

He stayed where he was in shock.

Until Zhang Wei walked out of the cell, came to him and waved:

"Hey, brother guard, what are you doing? It's not good to be in a daze while standing guard."

"Uh, I didn't, you see just now, the door-closing zombie is laughing."

"Yeah, I'm laughing, what's the matter?"

"You don't know that the door-closing zombie is imprisoned here and has never laughed. How did you make him laugh?"

"Really? I just made up a joke for him, saying that I might be his descendant, and he laughed."


Before the guard came back to his senses, Zhang Wei did not remove the ink, and continued to speak:

"Brother guard, Warden Sun said that I can continue to visit other cells on the fourth basement floor. I have finished visiting the door-closing zombies now, and I want to see the next one now."

"Ah? Okay, which prisoner do you want to see? I'll open the door for you."

"I don't know which one to look at. I don't know who is locked up here. I plan to look at them all. Why don't you choose for me, brother guard? Anyway, I plan to look at all the prisoners here."

in words.

Zhang Wei grinned and showed a mouthful of white teeth, and his eyes fell on a column of the system panel:

[Annie's sub-skill countdown: 23 hours, 12 minutes and 55 seconds]


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