Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 437 Have You Ever Watched A Large-Scale Family Recognition Variety Show?

The guard was stunned when he heard that:

"Shall I choose? That's fine, anyway, if you want to read them all, it doesn't matter which one you read first."

The words fell.

The guards scanned the cells on the fourth basement floor, and pointed to a cell:

"Go and see the prisoner."

As the guard of the fourth underground floor, he is naturally very familiar with the fourth underground floor. He knows who the prisoners are, and even recites the information backwards.

to this end.

On the way to lead Zhang Wei to the cell, the guards did not forget to give Zhang Wei the information about the prisoners in the popular science.

"Brother guard, I will go to each cell later, you can help me popularize science first."

Zhang Wei suggested while listening to his introduction.

"Ok, no problem."

The guard smiled and nodded.


With a creak, the cell opened, and Zhang Wei, who had listened to the prisoner's information, walked into the cell.

Looking at the prisoners inside, Zhang Wei murmured in his heart:

"Here I am! What role should I play this time? Hey hey, what should I do? I feel that playing on the fourth basement floor is as fun and exciting as Little Mantou and Xiaoxue's role-playing at night."


Time flies.

The fourth underground floor is located in an unknown deep underground, so there is no sun on the fourth underground floor all year round, and there is only dim light for companionship, so it is easy to forget the time for a while.

at this time.

It has been more than half a day since Zhang Wei came to the fourth basement floor, and the night outside has fallen.

at this time.

The door of the interrogation room on the fourth floor of the basement, which had been closed since Sun Jianyun entered, opened, and Sun Jianyun and the deputy warden came out of it one after another.

"Finally something came out of the interrogation. It didn't take so long and so much effort."

It was the deputy warden who spoke.

As he spoke, he looked towards Prison Sun with undisguised admiration and admiration:

"Old Sun, you have a way in the interrogation. You have been applying pressure step by step, using both soft and hard methods, so that he can speak the truth. Now the case of the legendary prisoner has been solved."

Sun Jianyun waved his hands with a smile:

"It's just a little trick, nothing to brag about."

Even though he said so, there was a smile on Sun Jianyun's old face, no matter how serious he was, there was no one who didn't like being flattered.

"Haha, Mr. Sun, you are too humble. Who doesn't know that you have the most important identity in addition to the status of the warden in Weidaosi Prison, the most senior interrogator. You are the most powerful interrogator. Interrogator."

The deputy warden continued to boast.

Sun Jianyun could not close his mouth from ear to ear. Although he really wanted to continue hearing the praise, he finally waved his hand and changed the subject:

"Speaking of which time is it now? Hey, it's already 6:30 in the evening, has it been so long?"

"Yeah, it's already half past six. There's no way. Interrogating the prisoners takes the most time, especially the prisoners on the fourth basement floor. It takes half a day for each interrogation to be effective."

Listen to the words of the deputy warden.

Sun Jianyun nodded in agreement, and said at the same time:

"I don't know what's going on with Zhang Wei, let's go, don't make Zhang Wei wait too long in the lobby on the fourth floor of the basement."


Sun Jianyun couldn't help but quicken his pace and walked towards the lobby on the fourth floor underground, and when he came to the lobby, he couldn't help being stunned when he saw the empty hall:

"Huh? Where's Zhang Wei? Is he still looking at the prisoner?"

As the warden, Sun Jianyun knew that even if he was allowed to enter the fourth basement floor, he could not go out at will after entering. He had to be accompanied by Sun Jianyun to leave together to prevent the possibility of the entrant taking the prisoner away.

Seeing that Zhang Wei is not in the hall now, there is only one possibility, that is, he is still visiting the cell.

To this.

Sun Jianyun was a little surprised:

"I didn't expect Zhang Wei to love watching the prisoners so much. Could it be that he is interrogating those prisoners just out of interest?"

In the words, when Sun Jianyun looked around to find the open cell door, he also recalled Zhang Wei's interrogation of the water ghost king Wu Cheng before, thinking that if Zhang Wei loved interrogating prisoners so much, then he might have a chance to recruit Zhang Wei to the Weidaosi Prison.

Just thinking about it.

His eyes fell on a cell door.

can be seen.

At this moment, outside the cell door, the guard stood there, through the cell window, poking his head hard to look in, looking there, his attention seemed to be completely in the cell, and he didn't even notice Sun Jianyun walking over.

Until Sun Jianyun patted his shoulder:

"What are you looking at?"

Talking in the mouth.

Sun Jianyun and the deputy warden were also curious and looked into the window.


Both of them were stunned, as if they had seen something unbelievable, thinking that their eyes were dazzled, they rubbed their eyes vigorously, and looked again, as if they saw clearly that it was not a hallucination.


"Wori, is that a ghost girl?"

Sun Jianyun and the others gasped.


In the prison cell was a terrifying ghost girl like a coconut. She was hugging Zhang Wei's legs. She didn't know what she was talking about.

To know.

Regarding the fourth basement floor, Sun Jianyun and the others asked themselves that no one knew this place better than them. As for the prisoner held here, they naturally knew that it was a female ghost king called 'Ghost Mother'.

This female ghost king is not only powerful, but also very cruel. She likes to kill young people and children the most. The people who died in his hands, let alone thousands of people, including ghost exorcist geniuses and Qilin guards.

Say it bluntly.

The degree of cruelty in his nature is absolutely heinous.


The current ghost girl is not cruel at all, but she is like a girlfriend who is abandoned by a scumbag and refuses to let go, let alone kill Zhang Wei, why is she still hugging Zhang Wei's thigh, as if not letting Zhang Wei go, Ling Zhang Wei stepped forward for a while, dragged the ghost girl forward.

But the ghost girl still didn't care, she hugged Zhang Wei's leg tightly.

This scene.

Seeing that Sun Jianyun and the others were dumbfounded, what is going on with this "life and death" love scene.

Just when they were confused.

The voice of the guard came next:

"Ah? Warden, you are finally here. I have something to report to you."

"Don't report it first, tell me what's going on first?"

"I just want to tell you about this, that Mr. Zhang Wei, he talked to the ghost girl just now, and then I don't know what he said, the cell was muted by the warden at noon, I couldn't hear it, I only saw the ghost girl Chatting with Zhang Wei, just, just..."

"Just what? You should hurry up and say it."

Looking at the guard's embarrassed expression, Sun Jianyun's old face was full of anxiety.

"It's like the ghost mother is like a mother, as if she wants to breastfeed a baby, and she wants to feed Zhang Wei...cough, Zhang Wei is the baby. If I say so, the prison director can understand."


Sun Jianyun and the others were silent... I understand, of course they understand, but they don't understand how Ghost Mother would do this.

However, they didn't wait for them to think about it.

The guard's voice continued:

"Well, the warden, the deputy warden, I still have something to report, that is, Mr. Zhang Wei has already visited the nineteen prisoners on the fourth floor of the basement, and the ghost girl is the twentieth one, and then every prisoner confronts Zhang Wei. The gentleman is very, very kind.”


The guard truthfully told what he had seen.

It is said that every time Zhang Wei entered the cell, he didn’t know what he talked to the prisoner. Every time the prisoner saw Zhang Wei, he was normal at first, either indifferent, cold, or sarcastic. , the prisoner either cried or laughed, and his attitude towards Zhang Wei changed 180 degrees.


Yes, without exception, every criminal is like this.

"They all seem to have changed their personalities, and they don't look like prisoners in front of Zhang Wei."

Hear here.

Sun Jianyun and Sun Jianyun were already stunned, and Sun Jianyun couldn't help interrupting:

"It doesn't look like a prisoner, what does it look like?"

Hearing this, the guard glanced at the ghost girl who was still holding Zhang Wei's thigh, unwilling to let Zhang Wei leave, and then said leisurely:

"It's more like recognizing relatives. It's the warden, have you ever watched the large-scale recognition of relatives variety show, where relatives, best friends, and lovers have been separated for many years and finally meet again, that kind of feeling of recognizing relatives on the spot."

Sun Jianyun and the two: "????"


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