Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 438 Darling, Don't Leave Me, Please Don't Leave Me

I was stunned for a long time.

Sun Jianyun just came back to his senses, but even so, the variety show picture of the large-scale confession program couldn't be shaken off for a long time in his mind.


I couldn't help but looked at Zhang Wei who was walking towards the outside of the cell, and glanced at the ghost girl who was dragging on the ground with her thighs in her arms, and the variety show picture was even more lingering.

at this time.

With a creak, the cell door opened.

Zhang Wei walked out of it.

Also at this moment,

After the door of the cell was opened, the mute sign was released, and they finally heard the ghost girl's cry from Zhang Wei's feet in front of them:

"Honey, don't leave me, please don't leave me!!"

Its voice is loud.

Shouting so loudly and heart-piercingly, the picture of the variety show in Sun Jianyun's mind became more real, and it made him even more confused.


under its gaze.


Zhang Wei replied, stretched out his hand to break the ghost girl's hand with difficulty, and closed the cell door, letting the ghost girl cry inside, but the cell door was closed, the mute effect was turned on, and only the ghost girl's heart-piercing pain could be seen Holding on to the window, he couldn't hear the sound.

Sun Jianyun: "..."

Deputy Warden: "..."

They fell silent again, and their eyes fixed on Zhang Wei, as if they wanted to see through what happened between Zhang Wei and the ghost girl inside.

To this.

Zhang Wei smiled like a normal person and said:

"Director Sun, you're done with the interrogation, huh? By the way, why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face? Your eyes are very strange. I don't know if it's my illusion. I feel like I'm looking at a heartless person. Haha, you But I didn’t do anything, what the ghost girl did just now was all a misunderstanding, it’s not what you think.”

As soon as his words came out.

Sun Jianyun and Sun Jianyun responded with one voice in their hearts:

"Get rid of the feeling, we are looking at you with the eyes of a heartless man."

"And are you sure you didn't do anything? No matter how you look at it, it's as good as we think."

I thought about it.

Sun Jianyun sorted out his thoughts and said:

"Zhang Wei, what's the matter with you and the ghost girl? Also, I just heard from the guard that something happened to you and the other prisoners. Their attitude towards you is very... well, kind, friendly, that's true. Is it?"

Zhang Wei smiled and didn't hide it. Anyway, he couldn't hide it because the guards saw it.

"It's not friendly, but they are more friendly to me."

As soon as his words came out.

The guard beside him couldn't help but interjected:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, how can you be friendly? It's really like recognizing your relatives. That Rakshasa ghost king Yao Li, I saw him hugging you all the time, and even wiped the cell chair for you to sit on, and... "

Like a few treasures, he told the prisoner's kindness to Zhang Wei one by one.

Zhang Wei waved his hands and smiled after hearing this:

"Brother guard, you are joking. How can I recognize relatives with them? You say yes, and even if I recognize relatives, I can recognize at most one. How can I be relatives with all the prisoners? Think about it, the entire fourth floor of the basement Is it possible that all the legendary criminals are my relatives and friends?"


"I think it may be that I am more friendly. After talking with me, they feel that I have a relationship with them. They are relatives and friends. If you don't believe me, just point to one, and I can explain it to you."


When the guard pointed to each cell, Zhang Wei replied each time he pointed it out:

"That one thinks I'm his grandson."

"The one who thought I was the eldest son of his sworn brother, the one who thought I was the child born to him in an accident with the person he loved the most."

"That one thought he was my uncle."

"Then he thought he was my uncle."


As the voices echoed in their ears, both of Sun Jianyun were stunned. Although they had never seen it before, they could imagine the scene from the situation of the ghost girl and the guard's description.

Same time.

The picture of the variety show in Sun Jianyun's mind before can't be shaken off now, it's as real as watching TV.

on screen...

On the variety show stage, every prisoner on the fourth floor of the basement stood on the stage, and as the host yelled, "We found you, your xx relatives", the words fell, and the gate of the family recognition produced on the variety show stage opened under the lights. Under the light, the door slowly opened.


Zhang Wei came out of the room. When the prisoner saw it, his body trembled violently and his eyes were red.


The scary-looking criminals from the fourth floor of the basement hugged Zhang Wei tightly and shed tears on the spot. The scene was constantly changing.

Think here.

Listen to Zhang Wei and the guards again.

Sun Jianyun and the deputy warden looked at each other, and they both could see the meaning in each other's eyes... Zhang Wei, you still said that this is not the scene of confessing relatives, but this is it!

At this moment.

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"Brother guard, let's not talk about this for now, you can continue to show me the next prisoner, there are still prisoners I haven't finished watching."

Sun Jianyun and the others were stunned when they heard it, and nodded quickly the next second:

"Look quickly, there are only twenty of them, and there are still three left unchecked, let's go, Zhang Wei, I'll show you."

Like a curious baby.

Eighty-year-old Sun Jianyun dragged Zhang Wei and ran towards another cell.

Immediately afterwards.

Under their watchful eyes, Zhang Wei entered the cell and started chatting with the prisoner, and then, as the guard said before, chatting and chatting, the prisoner changed his attitude and treated Zhang Wei well in various ways.

At first they thought it was a hallucination, but when they saw the prisoner and raised their middle fingers towards them, they knew that the prisoner had not changed his temperament, but he still had the same temperament, but his attitude towards Zhang Wei was different.


The three prisoners were watched by Zhang Wei one after another, and what the three prisoners did, without exception, were all kind and kind to Zhang Wei.

Sun Jianyun's old face was full of shock.

Even though he heard what the guard said, he still couldn't restrain his bewilderment when he saw the scene in front of him.

Especially when he saw the last prisoner, he stared at Sun Jianyun fiercely with his parent-child eyes. Based on his years of understanding this prisoner, he could see what the other prisoner meant. He was clearly saying silently... How dare you confront Zhang Wei If you have a bad attitude, I will kill you if I go out.

this action.

Sun Jianyun felt that his head was in a daze, and he was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses and said leisurely:

"Why did I post those mute notes before? If I didn't post them, I could hear what Zhang Wei was talking to them."


The vice warden You Yuan looked over, his meaning was beyond words.

As soon as his words came out.

Sun Jianyun sighed, and just about to say something, Zhang Wei came out of the cell.


Sun Jianyun didn't care about the conversation, so he hurried up and asked:

"Zhang Wei, what did you talk about with that hanged ghost? Why are you so active? This time he also thinks you are destined for him?"

"Talked about his past, haha, yes, he felt destined to me, saying that I look like his dead brother."


"Oh, by the way, Warden Sun, I have read all the prisoners on the fourth floor of the basement. I have something to tell you. I chatted with those prisoners. They all felt that what I said was right, and then they were ready to plead guilty. I will tell you everything you have been wanting to interrogate before."

"What the hell?!"

Sun Jianyun was taken aback for a moment, but when he was sure about what Zhang Wei said, his eyes widened instantly.

The deputy warden couldn't hold back either. He just picked up a water glass to drink, but he didn't drink it and spit it out, and shouted:

"Fuck? They all pleaded guilty? All?"

Zhang Wei nodded noncommittally:

"Yes, I admit it all, and I'm waiting for you to ask."


Whether it was Sun Jianyun or the deputy warden, they were like two watchers, petrified on the spot, and felt that their brains had lost their ability to think.


They looked at their watches. From noon to night, they entered the fourth basement floor for 7 hours. In less than half a day, all the prisoners on the fourth basement floor were 'raided'? ? this speed...

Can't help it.

Sun Jianyun recalled the flattery that the deputy warden had given him before, and became even more silent.

……I? The most senior interrogator? It took a year to interrogate a prisoner's secret?

... Zhang Wei? Come to visit? It took 7 hours to get the prisoner on the fourth floor of the basement to confess his relatives and guilt?


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