Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 439 The Classification Of The Ghost King, Zhang Wei's Strength Soared Overnight

Think here.

While shaking his head in his heart, Sun Jianyun spoke bluntly to Zhang Wei:

"Are you sure they're really pleading guilty?"

Even if he knew that Zhang Wei made the water ghost king Wu Cheng confess within ten minutes, Sun Jianyun still didn't believe that Zhang Wei was able to do what he is doing for no other reason. , is the legendary criminal.


Based on the case of the water ghost king Wu Cheng, Sun Jianyun believed that it took Zhang Wei half a day to get one prisoner from the fourth underground floor to confess, or even two to three.

But the situation now... It's not two or three people at all, but all of them have pleaded guilty, more than thirty people, not only pleaded guilty, but also suspected of confessing to their relatives!

To this.

Looking at Sun Jianyun's eyes, Zhang Wei couldn't see what he meant, and said with a smile:

"Really, if you don't believe me, you can ask them now."

As soon as his words came out.

Without hesitation, Sun Jianyun turned around and walked towards the cell next to Zhang Wei, who was the last prisoner Zhang Wei saw on the fourth floor of the basement.

Immediately afterwards.

Not long after, Sun Jianyun came out of the cell.

"What's wrong with Elder Sun's question?"

The deputy warden immediately stepped forward to inquire. In his words, he found Sun Jianyun's shocked expression, and his heart skipped a beat, as he had already guessed the result.

as predicted.

Sun Jianyun looked over slowly when he heard the words, and the shock in the old voice was undisguised:

"As soon as I came in, the pervert king...he confessed to me before I even spoke, and told me about the corpse of a female ghost exorcist who was raped by him that we didn't find."

That's all for words.

Sun Jianyun felt dazed when he recalled what happened when he went in. Although the other party saw that he was still holding Sima's face, he said honestly:

"For Zhang Wei's sake, I have pleaded guilty, Sun Jianyun, please bring the confession, and let me tell you something, that is, I once..."

Think back on it all.

next second.

Like a sharp arrow, Sun Jianyun rushed towards another cell.

In the following time, a strange scene appeared.

Sun Jianyun was like a crazy old man, facing each of the cells on the fourth floor of the basement, he quickly went in one by one, and rushed out again within a few minutes each time, rushing towards the next cell.

And with every time he entered the cell, every time he came out, the expression on his old face gradually changed from astonishment to surprise, then to shock, then to shock, and finally to the point where he lost his ability to manage his expression, just like the old urchin Zhou Botong, watching It's gone crazy.


Half an hour later, Sun Jianyun came out of the last cell, stared straight at Zhang Wei, and called out in an instant:

"My God, I really pleaded guilty!"

Its voice did not restrain in the slightest, and echoed throughout the four underground floors.

for a while.

The guards guarding the fourth basement floor were taken aback and gathered together, thinking that something had happened to Warden Sun Jianyun. They had never seen the warden so gaffe.


As the reason was asked... the four underground floors boiled... and then like a stone thrown into a lake, huge ripples appeared, about the news that Zhang Wei made all the legendary criminals in the four underground floors plead guilty.

Like the plague, the news spread rapidly throughout the Prison of the Ministry of Health.

To this.

Zhang Wei didn't know this, but asked Sun Jianyun:

"Director Sun, I have finished visiting the four basement floors. I suddenly want to go back and visit the third basement floor, and the second and first floors."


the next day.

The rural area where the Department of Health Prison is located.

"Thank you Warden Sun for your hospitality. I have learned a lot from this visit."

As Zhang Wei said, his eyes fell on the column of the system panel:

[System Points]: 228600

I still remember.

When I entered the Prison of the Ministry of Health yesterday, my system points were only over 180,000, but now it has increased by more than 40,000 to over 220,000. It is not an exaggeration to say that I got rich overnight.

at the same time.

Not only Zhang Wei's smile blossomed, but even Sun Jianyun's old face was like a blooming flower, smiling from ear to ear and saying:

"Zhang Wei, you are joking. It is us who should thank you. We really appreciate you for coming to our prison this time."

day down.

Although I don't know how Zhang Wei did it, but he is really a born judge, no! It was Duke Bao who was reincarnated. It took him a day to plead guilty to all the prisoners in the Prison of the Ministry of Health, including the fourth underground floor.

Zhang Wei smiled when he heard this:

"Director Sun was joking. I just casually chatted with the prisoners. Maybe I have a predestined relationship with those prisoners."


We chatted a few more words.

Zhang Wei didn't stay long, and left in a helicopter gunship.

the other side.

It wasn't until the armed helicopter disappeared into the sky that Sun Jianyun looked away, and then said leisurely to the deputy warden beside him:

"Go and inform all the interrogators in the prison that a long vacation will begin today. If the Department of Health asks about it, it will say that there are no prisoners to interrogate. If you ask again, it will say that Zhang Wei did it. Tell them about the matter."

in words.

Sun Jianyun watched Zhang Wei's departure direction and said with emotion:

"I wish Zhang Wei would come to our place more often."

Not long after the words fell, news of the prison came out.

this day.

The prison of the Ministry of Health was shaken, and an "urban legend" spread in the prison and was passed down from generation to generation.


There is a man who is known by nicknames such as "the legendary judge", "the relative of the criminal", "the benefactor of the Wei Dao Prison", "the designated heir of Duke Bao" and so on.

According to legend, this man was so powerful that no prisoner could stand his interrogation without pleading guilty.

With his own strength, he broke the interrogation record of the Department of Health and Dao, and could not surpass it.

With his own efforts, he raised the kda of the Ministry of Health Prison for a whole year, and he could not exceed it.

With his own strength...

And this man is said to be surnamed Zhang, and Zhang who upholds justice is named Zhang Wei.


the other side.

On an armed helicopter.

Zhang Wei didn't know that he had become a legend, and his eyes fell directly on the [System Points] column on the system panel.

"I now have more than 220,000 system points. Counting my own synchronous blessing, it means that I now have a system point strength of about 440,000, which belongs to the top ghost king level."

Now Zhang Wei has come into contact with more than a dozen ghost kings. Based on the ghost kings he met and the comparison between the tailor and Mr. Liu Shu, Zhang Wei has a certain understanding of ghost kings.

in its view.

The strength of 100,000 system points is the level of the newly promoted ghost king.

The strength of 200,000-300,000 system points is a middle-level ghost king.

And once it exceeds 400,000 system points, it means entering the top level of ghost kings like Fatty and Tailor.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei raised a smile:

"Even if I meet Sen Luosi's high-level executives now, I still have the strength to fight."


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