Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 440 How Many Nether Demon Figurines Do You Want To Buy?

Mentioning the senior management of Senluosi, Zhang Wei couldn't help thinking of Mr. Liushu and the others, and murmured in his heart:

"I don't know how Mr. Willow is doing in Senluosi."

I thought about it.

Zhang Wei picked up the phone and was going to ask the fat man, but now that the old man Liu Shu had just entered Senluosi, it was difficult to contact him immediately, and it was easy to be exposed, so Zhang Wei planned to ask the fat man.


He took out his mobile phone and turned it on. When he was in the prison of the Ministry of Health, it was forbidden for outside visitors to communicate. For this reason, his mobile phone was always turned off.

"Huh? So much information?"

Zhang Wei was a little surprised and found that there were a lot of unread messages on the phone.

Click to open it.

It was from Zhang Chao. There were hundreds of messages. From yesterday morning to now, almost every once in a while, they all asked if Zhang Wei was there.


Zhang Wei knew that Zhang Chao was looking for him in a hurry, so he quickly tapped the screen to send him a message:

【Zhang Wei】: What do you want me to do? Aren't you practicing in closed doors and preparing to become a wolf? Exit so soon?

The message had just been sent, and in less than a second, Zhang Chao sent back the message.

[Zhang Chao]: Grass, you can be considered to have come out of the Department of Health Prison, damn, if you don’t come out again, I thought you were not visiting the Prison of the Department of Health, but were sent to prison.

[Zhang Chao]: And it is still locked in the lowest level in the legend.

【Zhang Wei】: Shit, what about Jill, I haven't been there for long, only a day.

[Zhang Chao]: Not long after a day? Have you ever seen someone visit the prison for a day, you are a mother, you must have seen all the prisoners in the prison one by one, and chatted for a while, otherwise why it took so long.

【Zhang Wei】: Yes, I chatted with all the prisoners, including the ones at the bottom level, so it took a day.

[Zhang Chao]: Put your middle finger up jpg, rub, I just said casually, you are really out of breath.

[Zhang Chao]: That is the Department of Health Prison. Even if you are allowed to visit all the prisoners, how can it be possible for you to chat with all the prisoners? Unless you are visiting the prison, it is impossible to chat with everyone.

[Zhang Chao]: And this is even more impossible. Visiting the prison is not so easy. Why, I said before that you are going to the Weidaosi Prison, and there are your family members in it. So the prisoners are all relatives, so can they visit the prison one by one?

(About what Zhang Chao said, in "Chapter 215")

[Zhang Chao]: The key point is that you also said that you have seen the lowest level, isn’t that nonsense, the lowest level is the legendary criminals, you are all relatives to them, crazy middle finger jpg

【Zhang Wei】: Hey, I was really hit by your open mouth. The prisoners on the bottom floor and I are all relatives and friends. How about it? No.

[Zhang Chao]: I declare that the reason why Chang'e landed on the moon was not forced by Houyi, but by Zhang Wei's bragging.

Just when Zhang Wei was about to continue to respond.

[Zhang Chao]: Let's stop talking to you, let's get down to business, Zhang Wei, where are you now? Have you returned to Luxia City? If not, don't go back, come to Sanjin City to find Wu Nian and me.

【Zhang Wei】: Dead ghost, you are so domineering, I don’t think I need to ask me to find you in such a hurry.

[Zhang Chao]: Shit, what are you talking about, I want to cooperate with you, and you must like this matter.

【Zhang Wei】: What's the matter?

[Zhang Chao]: Exorcising ghosts, and exorcising groups of ghosts!

As soon as Zhang Chao's news was sent out.

next second.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei didn't even bother to think about the specific situation, so he raised his head and said to the armed helicopter pilot:

"Can you turn around? I suddenly don't want to go back to Luxia City. I'll take it to Sanjin City and let me go."

While talking, Zhang Wei responded to the message in seconds.

【Zhang Wei】: I will go to Sanjin City right away, wait for me!

[Zhang Chao]: Then you have to come quickly, we are waiting for you, the ghost group will not wait for you, and neither will other ghost exorcists.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Chao didn't show off, and told Zhang Wei about the ghost group.

Just last night, an earthquake occurred in the area of ​​Suolongjing where Sanjin City is located, which caused a change in Suolongjing.

face this situation.

The Department of Health and Dao responded immediately and sent people to investigate. It was preliminarily determined that the spewing ghost energy was suspected to be a ghost in Suolongjing.

can imagine.

Once such a number of ghosts appear, even if the ghosts are only fierce ghosts, it is enough to cause a large number of civilian casualties.


The Department of Health and Dao urgently summoned all the exorcists in Sanjin City, and contacted all the exorcists who could spare their hands in the surrounding cities to come to support them, and at the same time announced the crusade mission on the Department of Health Forum.

Zhang Chao, who was retreating in Wutai Mountain, naturally knew about this. You must know that actual combat is the easiest way to improve your strength. Therefore, he did not hesitate to leave the customs, and prepared to use this to improve his strength.

in addition.

He knew that Zhang Wei liked exorcising ghosts the most, so he wanted to contact Zhang Wei to come too.

【Zhang Wei】: Good brother! Without you, I almost missed such a good thing.

[Zhang Chao]: Hey, after all, you helped me on a blind date, so I must share something good with you.

【Zhang Wei】: I'm just saying this to you, I'll guarantee your safety this time, as long as you bring the Balala Little Demon Fairy I gave you with one-on-one skills, you can fight ghosts to improve your strength with peace of mind, Don't be afraid to die.

[Zhang Chao]: Speaking of this, Zhang Wei, can I change the figure.

[Zhang Chao]: I didn’t have a girlfriend before, and I really liked the hand-made Balala Little Demon Fairy, but now I have it, I don’t think it’s suitable for use. If Stephanie knows that I use Balala Little Demon Fairy to fight ghosts, As far as she loves the strong, she must think I'm a bitch.

[Zhang Chao]: Give me a manly figure, so that I can show the charm of a man.

【Zhang Wei】: No problem.

[Zhang Chao]: Hey, then I'm going to buy a figure now, tell me, what figure do you want me to buy? Saiyan Son Goku? Dragon Ball Dragon? Or get a figure of Iron Man armor!

【Zhang Wei】: I've prepared the macho order you want.

【Zhang Wei】: Actually, I happen to also plan to give you and Wu Nian a Hawaiian souvenir, and give you a good gift along the way. That gift just happens to make you a masculine man.

accompanied by this message.

Zhang Wei rolled his eyes at the three 'sun wheel knives' that he always carried with him.

Also at this time.

[Zhang Chao]: That's a good relationship, and I save the buyer's money.

[Zhang Wei]: No, no, you can't save it, because you don't need a figure, but I need it. I'm in a hurry to go to Sanjin City now, and I don't have time to buy it. You can buy it for me.

[Zhang Chao]: Shit, okay, okay, what to buy.

【Zhang Wei】: Nether Demon

[Zhang Chao]: Nether Demon? You mean the ghost demon of the armored warrior?

【Zhang Wei】: Yes.

[Zhang Chao]: All right, I'll buy you a Nether Demon figurine.

【Zhang Wei】: Young man, who told you to buy one, I didn't tell you.

[Zhang Chao]: Damn! Damn capitalists, seize the opportunity to grab the wool, right? Okay, okay, how many should you buy?

【Zhang Wei】: Let’s buy a thousand. Of course, if you can buy more, that’s even better!

[Zhang Chao]:? ? ? ?


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