Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 441 Which Senior Executive Of Senluosi Is Here This Time?


Zhang Chao, who was far away in Sanjin City, stopped smiling abruptly, his eyelids twitched, and the next second he recovered, he typed frantically and quickly sent a message to Zhang Wei.

[Zhang Chao]: Fucking capitalist! ! !

[Zhang Chao]: I now understand what is the squeeze of capital, pinch it, Zhang is a dog capital for you, eat me with a spear jpg

[Zhang Wei]: Haha, it’s not impossible, the figure of the Nether Demon is cheap, the expensive one is the armored warrior, and the figure of the villain’s soldier is always cheap.

[Zhang Chao]: It's cheap, but if it's a thousand, it's not cheap.


Although Zhang Chao thought it was too expensive, he did not refuse Zhang Wei's request and sent a message to Zhang Wei:

[Zhang Chao]: I’m going out to buy it for you now, but let’s make it clear in advance that it’s not easy to buy a thousand Nether Demon figures. I’ll try to buy as much as I can.

【Zhang Wei】: OK, no problem.

【Zhang Wei】: You should be able to buy quite a few of them. After all, there are so many Nether Demons in Armored Warriors, and each one has a figure. In addition, in figure shops, it is impossible to buy only one figure of the same type. There will be Stock.

[Zhang Chao]: That's right, don't talk about it, I'll go buy it first, and call me when you arrive in Sanjin City.


After Zhang Wei finished chatting with Zhang Chao, his eyes flickered, and he looked in the direction of Sanjin City:

"Suolongjing mutation? Was it really caused by an earthquake? Could it be related to Sen Luosi?"

If he hadn't talked to the door-sealing zombie, Zhang Wei wouldn't have thought too much about the situation, but knowing the secret of Suolongjing, especially since Sen Luosi's goal was to lock Longjing, he had to doubt it.

Think here.

Zhang Wei couldn't help thinking deeply.

If it has something to do with Sen Luosi, what does Sen Luosi want to do? What did they do to Suolongjing.

I thought about it.

Zhang Wei didn't intend to guess wildly, but he has the high-level "insiders" of Sen Luosi. Just ask them, and then he sent a message to the fat man:

【Zhang Wei】: Is Brother Fat there?

[Fat Man]: Here you are, Zhang Wei, have you come out of the Department of Health Prison? Have you returned to Luxia City? Call Shang Junfei, let's play black.

Fatty came back from Hawaii and kept in touch with Zhang Wei, knowing that Zhang Wei went to the Department of Health Prison yesterday.

【Zhang Wei】: I can't call today, I have something to do and I won't go back to Luxia City for the time being.

[Fatty]: What can be more important than blacking out, I'll rub it.

【Zhang Wei】: Lock Longjing.

Once the news was sent out, the fat man who was playing lol saw that he didn't care about the game, so he chose to hang up without hesitation and quickly responded to the news.

【Fatty】: Zhang Wei, did you see that door-closing zombie?

As the senior executive of Senluo Division, Fatty naturally knows that the purpose of Senluo Division's formation is to lock Longjing. At the same time, he also knows that if he wants to know about Suolongjing, in today's world, apart from Senluo, he will probably be a zombie.

Also for this.

As soon as Zhang Wei mentioned Suolongjing, combined with the fact that he went to Weidaosi prison not long ago, the fat man already had a guess.

at this time.

【Zhang Wei】: I did see the door-closing zombie, and I also learned some secrets of Locking Longjing from him.


Zhang Wei didn't hide anything, and revealed what he knew about Suolongjing in secret.


Seeing the message from Zhang Wei, the fat man's pupils shrank suddenly. He didn't expect that Suolongjing had such a secret, but before he could think too much, another message from Zhang Wei came.

【Zhang Wei】: This is the secret of Suolongjing, but this time I dealt with the matter of Suolongjing, not because I chatted with the door-closing zombie.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei told Fatty about the Longjing lock in Sanjin City, and sent a direct message:

【Zhang Wei】: Brother Fat, was Sen Luosi responsible for the Longjing lock in Sanjin City? The earthquake was just a cover to deceive people.

[Fatty]: I don't know, Suolongjing's plan is that Sen Luo personally distributes tasks to each of us, we don't know each other's tasks, in order to prevent the top management from leaking all the secrets once they are caught.

[Fatty]: But as far as I know, there seems to be a high-level executive from Senluo Division going to Sanjin City. I'll help you investigate.

【Zhang Wei】: OK.

[Fatty]: Then Zhang Wei, don't go to Sanjin City. After all, if you have anything to do with Senluosi, there must be our senior Senluosi over there, and it's not a tailor or Mr. Liushu. If you meet him, you will be in danger. up.

【Zhang Wei】: Don't worry, fat brother, I'll be fine, but now I can't wait to meet the senior executives of Senluosi.

[Fatty]: I said Zhang Wei, did you underestimate Sen Luosi? Although most of Sen Luosi's high-level executives are not as good as me and tailors, they are also top ghost kings. Do you think you can beat them? Ghost King, there is a big difference.

[Zhang Wei]: Of course I feel that I can play well. Recently, I have a little insight and have reached the level of the top ghost king.

[Fatty]: What the hell, have you reached the top ghost king?

【Zhang Wei】: Yes.

[Fatty]: Fuck? ! Zhang Wei How did you do it on horseback? Your improvement speed, damn it, is faster than my lol level improvement speed.

Sent with a message.

The fat man far away in Luxia City murmured:

"No, Zhang Wei, who has improved in strength, is almost catching up with me, so how can I maintain the toughness of a villain? I have to practice quickly."

the other side.

Zhang Wei is not a fat man. Knowing that Suolongjing in Sanjin City is suspected to be related to Sen Luosi, he murmured with bright eyes:

"If there is a high-level Senluosi, then I have to make more preparations, and I can't let this kind of big fish go away."

in words.

Zhang Wei was thinking, no one knew what he was thinking.


for a long time.

Sanjin City, a parking apron.

The moment the gunship landed, Zhang Wei opened the door and went out.


He picked up his mobile phone and called Zhang Chao:

"Zhang Chao, I'm in Sanjin City."

"Okay, I'm almost ready to buy it here, Zhang sent me the address for you, and I'll pick you up now."

"it is good."

Wait for Zhang Chao to send the address.

Zhang Wei was not idle, recalling the information that Fatty told him about Senluosi's high-level executives, he couldn't help murmuring:

"I don't know which high-level Sen Luosi is here this time."

Not long.

A sports car engine roared from afar.

Zhang Chao drove up to Zhang Wei in a supercar.

To this.

Zhang Wei looked over, but he didn't pay attention to the supercar. What he saw more was the one-person-high jumbo bag on the passenger seat. in the side seat.

Look intently.

It was a ghost figure.


Zhang Wei already knew what was in the big bag, it was the Nether Demon figure that he asked Zhang Chao to buy:

"Yes, young man, you can actually buy so many Nether Demons. Looking at the sack, there should be a thousand of them."

Zhang Chao laughed when he heard the words, and said airily:

"Don't even look at who I am? I'm Zhang Chao who is about to anger Cao Langyin, the future head of the Maoshan School, and a mere thousand Nether Demon figures. How could it be difficult to beat me? Zhang Wei gets in the car first, and you count and start Do it, there should be exactly 1000 Nether Demon figurines, I will take you to the assembly point, Wu Nian and the others are waiting there."


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