Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 444 Shocking The Audience, Zhang Chao Opened His Mouth Again?

The highest commander of Sanjin City said, picked up a colored sign and said:

"Everyone should have received this sign after coming here. There are four colors of red, white, yellow, and blue, which represent the four positions in the south, east, north, and west. This is the average distribution for each participant based on the strength information of the participants this time. people in one direction."

"Then it's not too late. Everyone, look at the color of your brand and see which direction you are assigned. Please stand here for the east side, and this side for the west side... Let's check to see if everyone is here."

Not long.

The exorcists of more than 2,000 people were divided into four parts.

"Why are there so few people to the east of me?"

Zhang Wei looked at the number of people on the east side where he was, and found that compared with the number of people in the other three directions, the number of people on his side was the least, and the number was quite small. There were more than 600 people in the three positions, and there were more than 400 people on his side, which was less. More than two hundred people.

in words.

Zhang Wei couldn't help looking at himself, and vaguely thought of a possibility.

at this time.

Many people have also discovered this situation, there is no way, the number of people is too small.

Looking at the few people in the east, Zhang Chao, who was located in the west, raised his hand and said:

"Excuse me, why are there so few people on the east side? Isn't it a reasonable distribution? With so few people on the east side, the defense will be weak."

Lu Lianfeng, who is located in the south, also echoed. He is straightforward, and said without hesitation:

"Fuck, there are two hundred people missing. If the ghosts are concentrated and break through, it won't just split open. What do you think?"

for a while.

The crowd chattered.

To this.

The top commander of Sanjin City did not panic, as if he had anticipated this situation, he waved his hand to signal everyone to calmly say:

"Don't be impatient, everyone. Listen to my explanation. Our allocation this time is reasonable, and there is no overall weakness in any direction. We make statistics based on the strength of everyone, and then allocate the direction."

"It can be said that after the distribution, the overall combat power in the four directions is relatively average. Of course, it is impossible to have the same combat power. There are some ups and downs, but this does not mean that the east is intentionally weak."

"In fact, on the contrary, the four directions are currently allocated, and in terms of overall combat power, the east is the strongest."

can be seen.

Accompanied by his words, no matter whether it was Zhang Chao or the others, they were all stunned, with strange expressions on their faces.


Someone else couldn't help but say:

"Are you kidding me? There are a total of one or two hundred people missing from us over there. How can this be better than us? It's nonsense."

As soon as his words came out.

Many people have answered the words:

"That's right, they are still the strongest with so many fewer people. I think their strength is not bad, so they won't be so low on average."

"There are fewer people than us. It can only be that some of them are too strong to increase the overall combat power, but this is too exaggerated. Are there any masters over there? I checked, and it seems that there is only Zhang Wei what."

"The ones who are strong are more or less famous. I looked over there, and it's really Zhang Wei. It's not as good as our south. In the south of us, there is Lu Lianfeng, who drives corpses in Xiangxi, and those few famous thieves in Mount Wutai. The fire monks."

Just when everyone was discussing and most people were wondering about the distribution.


Wu Nian's voice came lingeringly, the dusty voice immediately attracted everyone's attention:

"Amitabha, all benefactors, I think the overall strength of the east side is higher than ours, and it should be the reason for Zhang Wei, even if he is alone."

Compared with other people, Wu Nian, who was promoted to the ghost king level, can feel it the most. Before meeting Zhang Wei, he thought he had caught up with Zhang Wei, but after meeting, he found that he was wrong. The palpitations are not diminished anyway, you must know that you have reached the ghost king level.

at the same time.

Following Wu Nian's words, everyone was stunned.


Without waiting for everyone to recover, the highest commander of the Sanjin City Health and Dao Department nodded and said:

"Yes, little master Wu Nian, you are right. The reason why the number of people on the east side is small this time is that we have considered the strength of Mr. Zhang Wei, so we have distributed it in this way. We have tried our best to average it out, but he... is too strong. High, even if there are fewer people in the east, the overall east is still high.”

Everyone: "????"

Lu Lianfeng: "Damn it???"

Wu Nian clasped his hands together: "Amitabha, that's true."

Zhang Chao: "Wori? Isn't Zhang Wei a middle-level ghost king? How can he be so high."

for a while.

The ghost exorcists present, no matter from the south-west, north-south direction, or the east direction of their own house, were all looking at Zhang Wei, all eyes focused on him.


Zhang Wei was just about to cough and say something, but at this moment, the top commander of Sanjin City spoke up:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, you look like this, I think you should show yourself."

in words.

He smiled apologetically. In order to avoid low morale in the east, the number of people was too small after all, so he could only ask Zhang Wei to show his hand to stabilize morale.

To this.

Zhang Wei couldn't see it, so he had no choice but to look to Zhang Chao on the west side:

"Hey, Zhang Chao, it seems that this time it's not you and Lianfeng who are in the limelight, but me."

The voice fell.

boom! !

Zhang Wei burst out a breath of absolute terror.

at this moment.

Everyone seemed to be in a sea, the sea was rolling, and a tsunami was blowing, and everyone was like a flat boat, which would be submerged by the tsunami in minutes and drowned in the vast ocean.

Also this moment.


Without exception, everyone's faces were surprisingly consistent, full of shock.

"Top Qilin Guard!!"

"My God, is Zhang Wei really the younger generation?"

"This breath..."

They finally understood why the number of people in the east was small. It turned out that the top commander of Sanjin City really did not lie, but Zhang Wei raised the overall strength by himself, because his strength reached the top ghost king.

Even if they haven't achieved that level of aura, they have also experienced the experience of those of the older generation who have reached the top ghost king level. The two are exactly the same, and there is nothing wrong with it.


When everyone realized this, their faces changed again. The people in the east were surprisingly excited, and the people in the south, west, north and south looked envious:

"Made, why am I not assigned to the east side."

"Damn, people in the east are safe. With Zhang Wei here, what are you afraid of?"

"I suddenly thought, those ghosts who came out of Suolongjing, if they ran east, they would definitely regret it."

at the same time.

Compared with the people's discussion, Zhang Wei, as the party concerned, did not pay attention to these.

at this time.

After showing his strength, he turned his attention to the number of people in the east again. Seeing that there were fewer people than the other three directions, Zhang Wei murmured:

"Will the ghost of Locking Dragon Well choose to break out from my side when he sees that there are few people to the east of me when he comes out?"

It's not loud.

But Zhang Chao, who was standing beside him in the west team, heard it, and the corner of his mouth twitched and said:

"Not to mention, I think it's very possible. Those ghosts may see that there are few people on your side, and they will rush to your side."


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