Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 445 An Army Of Ghosts Gushes Out From The Lock Dragon Well


Seeing that the personnel in the four directions have been allocated, no one is late, and the top commander of Sanjin City has no ink marks, he confessed a few more words, such as if you can capture the ghosts that come out of Suolongjing alive, please try to capture them alive. High rewards.

Immediately afterwards.

The ghost exorcists present went to their assigned directions.

before leaving.

Zhang Wei thought for a while, considering the danger of locking the secret of Longjing, and even Sen Luosi, so he stopped Wu Nian, Zhang Chao, and Lu Lianfeng.

"What's wrong, Brother Wei."

Lu Lianfeng asked.

"Give you a good thing, if you are in danger, you can take it out and use it."

Zhang Wei took out the suitcase he brought from Zhang Chao's car, took out the three 'sun wheel knives' from it, and distributed them to Zhang Chao and the others:

"Come on, each of you can take one, it's very useful."

"This is... the Sun Wheel Knife??"

Zhang Chao couldn't wait to open it first, and then he was stunned for a moment, recognizing the things Zhang Wei gave him and others.

Zhang Wei smiled and nodded:

"Yes, how about the sun wheel knife that can perform breathing techniques, is it handsome enough?"

"Handsome, must be handsome, this is much more handsome than Ba ​​La La Xiao Moxian, hehe, this is only for macho men."

As soon as Zhang Chao heard that he could use the breathing method, he couldn't put it down and played with it. Now he can be handsome, so he doesn't have to be afraid of being seen by Stephanie using the Ba La La Little Demon Fairy. He will use this to drive away ghosts in the future.


Faced with Zhang Wei's "gift", the three of Zhang Chao and the others did not refuse, and each chose a sun wheel knife for body protection.

"Brother Wei, you gave us the Sun Wheel Knife, what about you?"

When Lu Lianfeng put the knife away from his waist, he suddenly found that Zhang Wei's hands were empty, so he couldn't help asking.

Wu Nian also discovered this, put his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, Zhang Wei, you gave us a magic weapon to protect us. I don't think you have any extra knives?"

Zhang Chao also looked over, with concern in his eyes:

"Fuck, Zhang Wei, where's your sun wheel knife? You can't just prepare three, then you gave us all the knives, what do you take?"

To this.

Zhang Wei waved his hand casually:

"It's true that there are only three sun wheel knives, but it's okay, I'll take the others."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei chuckled, and Yoyo asked back:

"Have you ever heard of a mine hidden in the crotch?"

"Of course I've heard of it, what's wrong...I'm Cao?!"

Before Zhang Chao finished speaking halfway, his pupils dilated and he called out.

In their dumbfounded.

With a smile of "Look at me pretend", Zhang Wei stretched his hand into his crotch, and with a flash of sunset glow, Zhang Chao and the others shook their eyes.

Wait and see.

They found that the glow of the sunset glowed from Zhang Wei's crotch, which was the blade of a knife, reflecting the sunset glow in the sky.

Good guy!

A knife hidden in the crotch? !

However, before they were shocked, Zhang Wei took out a knife from there, and in the next second, they found in vain... Zhang Wei was still pulling out the knife from his crotch, and kept pulling it out. The knife seemed to be much longer than imagined.


When Zhang Wei completely pulled out a knife from it.

Looking at the forty-meter-long sword, it shone red in the evening glow, like the light of blood.

this moment.

Zhang Chao and the others were all stunned.

Rao Wu Nian is the same, with astonishment and shock on his paralyzed face, he keeps his hands clasped together, and his mouth is slightly open:


Its voice sounded.

next second.

Together with Wu Nian, the three of Zhang Chao and the others looked at the Sun Wheel Knife on their waist, and then at the knife in Zhang Wei's hand.


For a moment they were silent.

Sure enough, they shouldn't worry about Zhang Wei.

I thought about it.

Zhang Chao couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching and said:

"Fuck! This knife of so handsome. Damn, why did you give us the only three knives so kindly? How dare you hide a... even worse."

Lu Lianfeng's eyes glowed, and while being shocked, he also stared at the forty-meter broadsword in Zhang Wei's hand:

"How did it get in there? Is it a forty-meter broadsword that can be folded?"

in words.

Lu Lianfeng thought excitedly, Brother Wei's treasure hiding method is wonderful, everyone knows that there are killer weapons in men's crotch, but who would have thought that there could be a killer weapon out of the crotch, it's so wonderful, it's worthy of Brother Wei, It turns out that I can still do this, so why don't I make accessories for Xiao Zong, which also have the functions of folding and stretching, so that it is more convenient to carry.

at the same time.

Zhang Wei took out a 40-meter broadsword. Seeing that Zhang Chao and the others no longer had worries on their faces, they didn't stay for long. After chatting for a few words, they turned and headed east.

To this.

Zhang Chao and the others watched Zhang Wei's back in place, and turned to follow the troops, leaving only their echoing voices in place:

"It turns out that cultivating the physical body to be strong is also the effect of hiding a knife in the crotch. Don't be afraid that the knife will cut Ji'er."

"Brother Wu Nian, your physical body is also strong, so you are not the same?"

"Amitabha, there is no need."


the other side.

Lock the east side of the ghostly fog that permeates Longjing.

can be seen.

It was nightfall in the sky now.

Standing not far in front of the ghostly fog, Zhang Wei suddenly turned his head and shouted behind him:

"Here we go, everyone get ready."

Relying on his own strength, Zhang Wei temporarily became the 'commander' of the east. At the same time, also relying on his strength, he could feel that the ghost aura in the fog was getting stronger and stronger, and it was obvious that the ghost was gradually approaching.

as predicted.

As Zhang Wei said.

The ghost exorcists who were waiting behind them all felt it. The strong ghost aura made them startled, and they felt that their breath was about to freeze.

Also at this time.

Ghost cries and wolves came from the thick fog. The sound was loud, like thunder, and the number was dense. It felt that this was no longer a group of ghosts, but more like hearing the thousands of troops in ancient wars. Huge and shocking.

next second.

The ghostly fog surged wildly, rushing out of the black and dense ghosts.


"My God, can we stop this?"

"Grass! So much?!"

The ghost exorcists present were terrified. There were too many ghosts in front of them, and they were overwhelming. Hundreds of them rushed out of the black mist. The number did not stop at all. In less than two seconds, the number of ghosts had surpassed them. Ghostbusters present.


Judging from the trend of gushing out, it didn't seem to be decreasing at all. Even through the rushing out of the ghosts, they could vaguely see groups of ghosts in the thick mist of ghostly aura, as huge as an army.

More importantly...

Their eyes fell on the three ghosts rushing forward, and they exuded the aura of ghost kings.

for a while.

Everyone felt their scalps go numb, three ghost kings, plus at least 5,000 ghosts, and they were Zhang Wei, a top ghost king, and more than 400 of them. Dealing with more points, but it is impossible to protect each of them in every aspect. Facing these numbers of ghosts, they are destined to suffer casualties.

Think here.

Their faces were extremely serious.

at the same time.

Just when they had made up their mind to see death as home.

Compared with other people's horror and solemnity, Zhang Wei's eyes were full of light, watching the army of ghosts rushing in front of him, he sighed with emotion:

"There are so many, there are so many ghosts, it's really cool."

in words.

Holding a 40-meter broadsword in one hand, Zhang Wei opened the sack with the other, and threw the sack forward.


Thousands of ghost figurines are densely packed, swaying and falling in the air in front of them.


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