Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 446 Nether Demon, Kill Me! No One Left

same moment.

【Ding! Blessing a thousand Nether Demon figurines...]

A system prompt sounded in Zhang Wei's mind.

next second.

The exorcists who were about to face the army of ghosts were stunned.

Same time.

The menacing, charging army of ghosts was also stunned, and subconsciously stopped.

【Ding! The pupils of the army of ghosts shrank suddenly... What was that? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +4000]


Everyone and the ghost looked up.

In the night sky, there was a sound of roaring, and then they saw that the sky was shining with light, like stars, densely packed, and every light shining was a hideous and terrifying monster descending from the sky and landing on the ground.


When the last light shines, the last horror falls to the ground.

Between the exorcist and the army of ghosts, there seems to be a 'third party'. There is an army of terrifying monsters. There are as many as a thousand of them at least, and each of them exudes a hair-penetrating aura.

【Ding! The army of ghosts and ghosts was in a daze, so it was also... ghosts? 】

[Host obtains system points +4100]

at the same time.

There are also exorcists who are confused:

"What kind of ghosts are those? Why have I never seen such ghosts?"

"Oh my God, come again?! There are so many ghosts, how can I fight this?"

"Those seem to be made by Mr. Zhang Wei."

The last words were spoken by a ghost exorcist at the front. He was very close to Zhang Wei. After the army of ghosts appeared, he noticed that Zhang Wei suddenly opened the sack and threw out a bunch of suspected toys.

Even though it is dark now, he still has a clear view of those toys. They are monster-like toys. Thinking about it carefully, those toys look very similar to the current 'scary monsters', no! It is exactly the same!

Not just him.

Many exorcists standing at the front saw this scene.


When they told the situation behind the ghost exorcists who didn't know the truth, the latter were all stunned.

"What the hell? Those monsters"

"It's true. Mr. Zhang Wei, who I saw with my own eyes, spilled those things and turned into those monsters."

"Toy? Fuck! I just said why the monster looks so familiar, it's a ghost demon, that's a ghost demon."

A thousand layers of waves were stirred up for a while.

Someone recognized the Nether Demon summoned by Zhang Wei, and quickly told the Nether Demon that the Nether Demon was a monster from the second part of Armored Warriors under the questioning eyes of the people around him.

next second.

Ghostbusters: "????"


They looked towards Zhang Wei and the army of ghost demons who gathered together and exuded a terrifying aura.

That stepping horse is a toy?

Think about it.

The corners of their mouths twitched... I've heard that powerful top Taoist priests can make soldiers by throwing beans, but this is the first time I've heard that besides throwing beans, they can also make soldiers by throwing toys.

the other side.

The army of ghosts was also dazed, looking at the army of ghost demons in front of them in amazement, and also discussing in amazement.

"what is that?"

"Is that a ghost? Why haven't I seen this species before?"

"It doesn't matter what breed they are, they must be ghosts if they look like that, they can help us deal with those people, even if we don't deal with them, it's okay, we have more people than them, so what are we afraid of."

The army of ghosts was discussing.

Just now, they appeared from Suolongjing and felt the ghost exorcists in all directions. For this reason, they chose the east direction because the number of people in the east direction was the least. When Zhang Wei restrained his breath, they felt the east direction The direction breath is the weakest.

But it doesn't seem to be the case now. There are few ghost exorcists here, but why is there a group of monsters.


Before they were surprised, the three ghost kings in the ghost army in front and the ghosts in the front heard it, and the ghost exorcists behind the monster army discussed.

When informed of the situation, they were all sluggish.

【Ding! The three ghost kings... have we been dead for too long? Toys in this era are like this]

[Host obtains system points +360]

【Ding! Goblins... using toys on us? What are you kidding, are you kidding me? 】

[Host obtains system points +1000]


About Zhang Wei's use of toys to deal with the ghost army, when the ghost army heard about it, all the ghosts laughed out loud.

【Ding! The army of ghosts burst into laughter... That's a toy, it's okay, I thought it was some kind of scary army of ghosts, it turned out to be a bluff]

[Host obtains system points +4200]

However, they didn't wait for them to laugh and say something.

at this time.

Zhang Wei brushed up the big knife in his hand, and with a flash of light, the big knife in his hand soared to a length of 40 meters, then he raised the 40-meter long knife and pointed forward, shouting:

"Ghost Demon, kill me! Don't leave a single one behind!!!"

Sound out.




The army of thousands of Nether Demons in front spread their hands together, and Yang Tian let out a sky-shattering roar, responding to Zhang Wei's order.

next second.

With a deafening roar.

The Nether Demon army is like a gold and iron horse. The ground trembles when the iron hoofs pass by and the direction of the soldiers. It is like a torrent of ancient beasts, rushing towards the army of ghosts.


The army of ghosts couldn't care less about laughing, the three ghost kings shouted in unison:

"Kill them all!"

【Ding! The army of ghosts... Kill! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +4300]

From their point of view, it was nothing more than the legendary "Spreading Beans into Soldiers", nothing special, and Scattering Beans into Soldiers is powerful, but it is a soldier after all, and it is powerful against fewer ghosts, but there are so many of them. And there is also the ghost king, who is not afraid of those 'soldiers'.

However, the next second.

As the army of ghosts and ghosts clashed with the army of ghosts.

The Nether Demon rushing to the front grabbed the front ghost, snorted casually, and tore it into two halves.

A similar scene.

At the moment of the confrontation between the two armies, it was staged by the personnel in the front row.


Ghost blood splattered everywhere.

The Nether Demon roared.

The ghost roared horribly.

at the same time.

The light of the sword reflecting the silvery moonlight is like a galaxy hanging on it. It is very long, fully forty meters. It is Zhang Wei's forty-meter broadsword. Fall on the army of ghosts.


The popping sound continued.

Accompanied by ghosts that were divided into two halves, ghost blood splattered, spraying like money.

With one strike, the forty-meter-long broadsword instantly took away half a hundred ghost lives.

【Ding! The army of ghosts changes color... Is it a draft? Soldier? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +4400]

【Ding! The army of ghosts is horrified... My Cao, what a long knife! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +4500]


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