Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 447 Nether Demon, Summoned By Qr Code? That's Genetic Code

It all happened so fast.

Dozens of ghosts died within a second of the battle between the army of ghosts and Zhang Wei's army of ghosts.

Looking at the corpse of the dead ghost, the soul state gradually turned into wisps of ghost energy, and the smoke disappeared, all the ghosts were stunned.

Not to mention ghosts.

Even in the rear, seeing Zhang Wei leading the Nether Demon army to charge, the exorcists who followed the charge froze.


The one who spoke was the ghost exorcist who had previously recognized the Nether Demon. He stared wide-eyed at the frontmost Nether Demon, and witnessed the other party tearing a ghost to pieces.

Also at this time.

A ghost exorcist companion beside him also said in shock after seeing the situation:

"Wori, those monsters are so fierce, the ghost will be torn like this?!"

As soon as his words came out.

The previous exorcist turned his head and looked over, subconsciously replied:

"That must be fierce. That's a ghost demon. It's a soldier of the Guards of the Ares planet that unified the Milky Way. The old man is awesome."

His voice was not loud, but all the exorcists behind here heard it.


They all looked over.

The ghost exorcist who has never seen the armored warrior stared... What the hell? These monsters, united the... galaxy? Such a dick! ?

The ghost exorcist who had seen the armored warrior nodded instinctively... Indeed, that is the guard of General Lufa of Ares planet.

at the same time.

The battle between the ghost army and the ghost army was not over. Zhang Wei didn't give the ghost army a chance. Even when the ghost army was stunned, he took advantage of the situation and swung the 40-meter broadsword stained with ghost blood in his hand, shouting:

"Purple Nether Squad, take charge of the ghosts on the left side, Red Nether Squad, go to the right part of the ghosts, don't let all the ghosts escape, offenders will destroy the genetic code!"

The words did not fall.

Zhang Wei slashed forward with a 40-meter broadsword, with the sword energy of the top ghost king level, like a moat, hacked to death more than a dozen ghosts rushing forward, and then shouted:

"Grey Underworld Squad, charge with me!!!"

All this happened in less than a second.

Accompanied by his words, the army of ghost demons behind him nodded in unison:

"Yes! General!!"

Its voice is neat and tidy, showing what is brave and good at fighting, what is the legion that once unified the Milky Way, and its momentum is like a rainbow.

【Ding! Ghost Army Thriller...! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +4000]

The most taboo thing in the battle between the two armies is morale. Facing the ferocious Nether Demon army, coupled with Zhang Wei's undisguised top-level ghost king-level slash, the ghost army was frightened.

can be seen.

Quite a few ghosts couldn't help but retreat, with frightened expressions on their faces, not to mention those terrifying ghosts, but Zhang Wei, he was the king of ghosts, a top ghost king, and he was far behind these fierce ghosts and red-clothed ghosts. .

"Don't panic!! We have more people than them. They have at most a thousand people. We have thousands of people. There are still companions who are being resurrected one after another. They will come to support."

"What are you afraid of, and we're still here."

The three ghost kings also noticed this, and they spoke one after another to stabilize the ghost's heart.

in words.

One of the three ghost kings proved it with actions. With a simple move, the ghost energy was like a tide, and it turned into a big hand one person tall, and raised a hand to grab the ghost demon of the Huiming team that was attacking in front of him. .

With a grip of the ghost's hand, the Nether Demon let out a scream, and with a bang, it was crushed and exploded.

Just when the ghost king was about to go all out and take advantage of the situation to continue boosting morale.

"Huh? What's that?"

The ghost king seemed to have sensed it, and he let go of the ghost hand, revealing the crushed palm of the ghost hand, and suddenly discovered that a suspended cube appeared at the location of the crushed ghost demon.

There are black and white dotted lines on the square, exuding a glint of light.

【Ding! Ghost King Doubts]

[Host obtains system points +140]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Many ghost exorcists in the back noticed the square. Compared with the ghosts who came out of Suolongjing and didn’t know modern things, even if they didn’t know what the square was, they were stunned when they saw the pattern on the square:

"What is that, a QR code block??"

Recalling that the position was in the palm of the ghostly hand transformed by the ghost king, it was the ghost demon that was crushed and exploded, and they couldn't help discussing:

"Why did it explode with a QR code after it died?"

"Could it be that those monsters called ghost monsters summoned by Mr. Zhang Wei were... QR codes?"

"Um, it's not impossible, you guys have forgotten about Lu Lianfeng and Cao Yu, as well as the pet ghost exorcist Luo Fang, and the strange monk from Mount Wutai, didn't they all say that their advanced ghost exorcism method was taught by Zhang Wei. "

When this person said this, thinking of those recently famous Lu Lianfeng and the others, he said with even more certainty:

"What does that mean? It means that Mr. Zhang Wei is very advanced in exorcising ghosts. How about scanning a QR code to summon monsters? It is not impossible to have such advanced exorcising ghosts."

As soon as his words came out.

Many people around stared and changed color. Although they didn't speak, their expressions were beyond words... Wo Ri, the QR code summons to exorcise ghosts? It's so advanced.

But at this moment.

"QR code, sister, that's not a QR code, it's a genetic code."

I saw the ghost exorcist who had seen the armored warrior speak, looking at those ghost exorcists dumbfounded.

"Genetic code? What's that?"

The ghost exorcist who said the QR code summoned looked over.

The former didn't hide anything after hearing the words, and opened his mouth to explain to the other party.

But at this time.

A startling ghostly sound came, attracting their attention.

Looking closely, it was the ghost king who had crushed the ghost demon, his face was full of surprise, his eyes fell on his own ghost hand, to be precise, it was the floating 'QR code square' in the palm of that ghost's hand.

just now.

He saw the cube appearing, although he was curious about what it was, but now was not the time to think about it, what he had to do was to boost morale, so he grabbed the cube again and wanted to crush the cube.

But a strange scene appeared.

The cube suddenly burst out with light. Looking closely, many people and ghosts, including the ghost king, saw it. Zhang Wei, who was not far away, gestured towards the void here.

next second.

The black and white patterns on the cube burst into dazzling light, and when you look at it again, the cube turned into a ghost demon.

Looking at the Nether Demon that appeared, it was exactly the same as the crushed Nether Demon, with the same aura. At this moment, no matter the ghost king, ghost exorcist, or ghost, they were all stunned.

【Ding! Ghost King...Cao? ! Is this resurrection, resurrection? 】

[Host obtains system points +150]

【Ding! The army of ghosts... Are you kidding me, the thing that was instantly killed by the ghost king can be resurrected in such a second? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +4200]

As the system prompt sounded in my mind.

at the same time.

There was also a voice from the ghost exorcist. The ghost exorcist who revealed the genetic code pointed to the revived ghost demon and said excitedly:

"Did you see it? That's the genetic code! The genetic code is the core of the Nether Demon, just like our human genes. As long as the genetic code is still there, the Nether Demon can be resurrected."

Speaking of the latter, the exorcist was very excited. Seeing the ghost king who had been resurrected, he ignored the ghost king and killed the ghost demon in the ghost army again, and said bluntly:

"This is the Nether Demon, the Ares guard unit that unified the Milky Way!"


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