Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 448 Ghost Exorcists: Are We Really Here To Participate In The Dragon Well Locking Mission?

Accompanied by the exorcist's words.

The ghost king, the ghost exorcist, and the ghosts saw it one after another. Except for the ghost demon that was crushed by the ghost king, he followed Zhang Wei and charged in the Hui Huiming team. Since they were the main force, the other two teams were in charge of encircling them. most under siege.

Also for this.

Following the battle to the present, with the encouragement of the previous three ghost kings, other ghosts began to work together to siege the Nether Demon.

Not long after.

Under the combined siege, some ghost demons were attacked by powerful red-clothed ghosts and killed on the spot.

But before they grinned and cheered.

【Ding! The smiles of the ghosts stopped abruptly]

[Host obtains system points +1000]

I saw those ghost demons who were killed turned into squares, and then glowed in the next second, turning back into lively ghost demons again.


These ghost demons opened their arms, opened their mouths and roared at the red-clothed ghosts who killed them, and went straight to kill them.


Many ghosts around were beating their hearts violently, but they didn't panic too much. In their view, these ghost demons were monsters, and they seemed to be able to resurrect, but there should be a limit to the resurrection.

"Kill them, remember to destroy that block!"

A red-clothed ghost spoke. It fought against the Nether Demon that was killed by itself. With its strength advantage, it cooperated with other ghosts again, found an opportunity, and killed the Nether Demon again.

And this time.

The ghost demon died, and the cube reappeared.

The red-clothed ghost didn't dare to be careless, and slashed at the cube frantically, but no matter how it chopped, it was sweating profusely... That cube couldn't be broken no matter what.

Until the cube glowed again, it was resurrected as a Nether Demon.

【Ding! The corners of the ghosts' mouths twitched... Cao! 】

[Host obtains system points +2200]

Seeing that the ghosts were unable to break through the cube after seeing the Nether Demon resurrected, the morale of the ghosts was about to drop again.

The ghost king who crushed the ghost demon hurriedly shouted:

"Don't panic, there must be a limit to resurrection. It is impossible to resurrect infinitely. The number of our ghosts has not decreased much. If we kill them a few more times, the number of resurrections will be consumed, and the victory will belong to us."


The ghost king shot again and again, crazily pinching the Nether Demon that exploded earlier.


An even stranger scene appeared.

A terrifying ghost king, facing a monster, raised his ghostly energy and turned into a ghost hand, crushing the monster alive, then the monster died and then came back to life, and then the ghost king continued to crush and explode, and then continued to resurrect...

That's it.

Squeeze, resurrect, squeeze, resurrect, squeeze... resurrect...

Repeated in a row I don't know how many times.

When it exploded again and saw the Nether Demon revived again, the Ghost King couldn't bear it anymore:

"What the fuck!!"

【Ding! The ghost king can't hold back anymore... Infinite resurrection? 】

[Host obtains system points +160]

This is true of ghost kings, not to mention the army of ghosts.

Looking at the Nether Demons who were crazily killed and revived, the army of ghosts and monsters is quite powerful, and the ghosts felt their scalps go numb, especially when they saw that they had killed four or five Nether Demons in a row before, and finally one of them was not good enough. The revived Nether Demons finally seized the opportunity , a red-clothed ghost with one hand piercing his chest.

can be seen.

The moment the red-clothed ghost was pierced, the Nether Demon pierced its body with one hand, lifted it high, and let the ghost blood on the opponent's chest splash on his face and body, roaring in the sky:

"Long live the ghost demon, long live the general!!"

【Ding! The army of ghosts... This is still hitting Nima! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +4400]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

The army of ghosts was visibly timid with the naked eye, looking at the Nether Demons, their eyes were full of horror:

"Monster, monster..."

"How can you fight like this? It's not fair."

"Is it a draft? Is that how the less wins the more?"

As the ghosts spoke, they pointed their eyes at the Nether Demon, and then seemed to think of something, and looked at Zhang Wei, with even more horror in their eyes.


The Nether Demon revived frantically over there.

Zhang Wei was not idle either, wandering in the army of ghosts, allowing the ghosts to attack him from all directions, he resisted the damage with his body, and from time to time, he gestured at the dead Nether Rubik's Cube to revive it.

From time to time, he raised the forty-meter broadsword in his hand, swept it casually, and hacked to death a group of ghosts in the middle.

Before there was infinite resurrection of ghost demons, and later there was the top ghost king exorcist...


【Ding! The army of ghosts... who can tell me how to fight, how to win, this nima can't win even if he loses everything like Xiang Yu】

[Host obtains system points +4500]

at the same time.

The ghost demons also noticed Zhang Wei's bravery, and after killing the ghosts there, they raised their hands and cheered to Zhang Wei:

"The ghost demon is invincible, the general is brave and invincible!!"

The momentum was overwhelming, and groups of ghost demons uttered their voices one after another, and the shouts echoed continuously, resounding through the dark night, shaking in the hearts of the ghost army and ghost exorcists.

The ghost exorcists were stunned, subconsciously looking at the ghost army, patronizing the resurrection of the ghost demons, only now did they realize that one-third of the ghost army had been killed or injured by the ghost demons who were constantly resurrecting and Zhang Wei's terrifying strength .

"We... shouldn't stand here and watch."

Said the ghost exorcist who said that the QR code summoned the ghost demon earlier.

As soon as his words came out.

The ghost exorcist beside him who revealed the genetic code twitched the corner of his mouth. Seeing the battle with the ghost army, he didn't flinch at all.

"Do you think there is a difference between us shooting and watching?"

in words.

He pointed to his watch:

"And look at the time... how long has passed, I feel... Zhang Wei alone is enough, it's not our turn."


The former subconsciously looked at the phone, his face froze. It has only been less than ten minutes since the ghost army appeared, but in this short period of time, one-third of the ghost army died.

To know.

The army of ghosts and ghosts here has four to five thousand people, and one-third of them has thousands of people.

Also at this time.

Another ghost exorcist spoke. It was a ghost exorcist who had seen armored warriors. He said with a wry smile:

"Let's just watch, we can't get in."

As he talked, he recalled just now, just now, he was very excited to see the ghost army retreating steadily after being beaten by the Nether Demon, so he immediately rushed to kill the ghost army with the Nether Demon.

But in the end, as soon as he rushed out, a handsome Nether Demon pushed him away and killed a ghost in front of him:

"Don't hinder us from killing ghosts, go aside."


The ghost exorcist was embarrassed, looked at the handsome Nether Demon, and recognized his identity, it was the captain of the Gray Squad, 'An Mixiu'.

In the eyes of Nether Demon, it is more troublesome for him and others to join the battle.

Not only this ghost exorcist, but other ghost exorcists also encountered a similar situation. They wanted to help, but they were glared at by the ghost demon, as if they didn't want to snatch our prey.

To this.

The exorcists had no choice but to retreat Shanshan. After all, the Nether Demons were their own people, and they fought hard to kill the enemy and died several times.

for a while.

The ghost exorcists looked at each other, but in the end they didn't make a move, they could only watch over there, thinking that if they were in danger, they would make a move.

But seeing the almost one-sided battle between the two armies in front of them, especially when Zhang Wei was in the army of ghosts, resisting damage and harvesting heads casually, they were silent.

Is it really possible for us to make a move?

If not, what are we doing here?

... This damn is not here to participate in the Longjing lock mission, it is clearly to see Zhang Weishow ti.


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