Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 450 Be Careful, Those Ghost Demons Are Just Like You, From The Song Dynasty

at the same time.

The exorcists didn't pay attention to the words of Zhang Wei and the three ghost kings, and all their eyes fell on the three ghost demons who could fight with the three ghost kings for a while.

"Those three monsters are so strong."

"Is it the three new ghost kings that Zhang Wei has taken in? I remember Xiaoxuan posted a few days ago that Zhang Wei went to Hawaii to take in four ghost kings. Could this be three of them?"

"It's definitely not, it's a ghost demon, not a western ghost."

"It looks like what you said means that you haven't seen Armored Warriors. I suggest you look at Armored Warriors. Those three are the captains of the Nether Devil's three teams. They are powerful thieves."

The last one to speak was the exorcist who recognized the armored warrior, and he explained to the others:

"Did you see the one with the red horns holding the axe? That one's name is Cuhensi, the captain of the Red Nether Squad. The other one with the axe is An Mixiu, and the one with the double blades is Qiao Shefei."

"They are awesome. They have been on the earth during the Song Dynasty. They have lived on the earth for thousands of years. Although they were evil at the beginning, as they got along with humans for thousands of years, they fell in love with humans and human life. Way."

"The one with the horns and the axe is the one called Cuhensi, and he has a human girlfriend."

Qi talked eloquently, and the other exorcists listened with relish.

After learning the information of the three Nether Demon captains, the exorcists who have never seen the armored warriors are all surprised by An Mixiu's strength and deeds, and have already made a decision... When the exorcism is over, go back and look at the armor warrior.

at the same time.

Not only the exorcists heard it, but the three ghost kings also heard it, and their expressions changed suddenly:

"Song Dynasty? Lived for thousands of years?! Cao, so fierce?!"

at this time.

"Woo woo woo~"


The sound of ghosts crying and howling wolves resounded in the ghostly mist that diffused from Suolongjing in the rear. The sound was so loud that for a moment it drowned out the battle between the ghost army and the ghost army.


Including Zhang Wei, everyone and the ghosts looked at the ghostly mist, and the ghosts showed surprise in an instant.


The ghostly fog surged, just like the scene when the ghost army appeared before.

The exorcists changed color upon seeing this:

"No, there are ghosts?!"

Even if the ghost hadn't appeared yet, after seeing the scene, they already knew that there would definitely be ghosts about to appear in Suo Longjing.

as predicted.

Following a surge, a large number of ghosts came out of the ghostly fog again, the number reached thousands, not only that, the ghosts who walked out, the ghost figure at the front, the terrifying aura emitted by it, instantly attracted people. Got everyone's attention.

"Another ghost king?!"

"That ghost king... is so powerful."

The exorcists' scalps tingled.

In their view, the Nether Demon can be resurrected indefinitely. Even if the ghost reinforcements come now, there is no need to be afraid. Sooner or later, the Nether Demon will be consumed by the Nether Demon, but the ghost king is different.

That was enough power to turn the tide of the battle. Except for the three Nether Demon captains, the other Nether Demons couldn't deal with it at all. Once it brought thousands of ghosts into the battlefield, it might swing the balance of victory.

Especially that ghost king has a strong aura, somewhat stronger than those three ghost kings.

the other side.

The people present and the ghost noticed the thousands of ghosts led by the ghost king who came out, and the other party also noticed the situation.

"What it is?"

"Why are there so many casualties?"

The ghosts who came to support changed their colors. Looking at the army of ghosts whose number had decreased sharply, and the large corpses of ghosts that had not yet dissipated, and looking at those ghost demons, they were shocked.

The ghost king was also surprised, and immediately swept across the battlefield, his eyes fell on the three ghost kings who were fighting with the ghost captain, and he frowned and said:

"What the hell are you three doing? Didn't you say that there are the least people in this direction?"

in words.

It looked at the three Nether Devil captains, felt their strength, and said again:

"These three monsters seem to be stronger, but they shouldn't be. Counting those people and monsters, they are not as strong as you as a whole. How could you be so dead..."

The words are not finished yet.


The three ghost kings saw the right opportunity, separated from the ghost captain, came to the ghost king, and said straight away:

"Don't analyze it if you are on a horse. These monsters are not strong, but they can be resurrected infinitely, and these monsters are from the same era as you, and they also came from the Song Dynasty."

"Yes, those ghosts are from the Song Dynasty, Nima, how could you have such monsters in the Song Dynasty."

"Tell us quickly, what are these monsters, besides defeating that person, is there any other way to revive these monsters?"

Speaking of which.

The three ghost kings couldn't help looking at this ghost king.

Although they were not from the Song Dynasty, they were all from Suolongjing. Before the ghostly fog came out, they knew that the ghost king was from the Song Dynasty. For this reason, they were overjoyed when they saw each other.

This companion also came from the Song Dynasty, and monsters also existed in the Song Dynasty, so this companion must know about these monsters and know some information about monsters.

at the same time.

Feeling the expectant eyes of the three ghost kings, this ghost king was stunned:


There was no concealment on his face:

"Those monsters are from the Song Dynasty? Are you sure?"

"It's sure, Nima, those ghost exorcists said it themselves, that one is called An Mixiu, that one is called Kuwensi, and that one is called Qiao Shefei, they..."

The three ghost kings quickly spoke the words of the ghost exorcist who had seen the armored warrior before.


【Ding! The ghost king of the Song Dynasty was in a daze... Was there such a dangerous monster in my time? ! how would I not know】

[Host obtains system points +130]

"Don't be in a daze, talk quickly, how to deal with these monsters."

While questioning the three ghost kings, they did not forget to shout to the thousands of ghosts who came for reinforcements:

"Be careful. These monsters are very powerful. They are called Nether Demons. They come from the Song Dynasty. They can be resurrected infinitely. Try to contain them. By the way, don't try to trap them, they can self-destruct."

The words fell.

The three ghost kings continued to look at the ghost king of the Song Dynasty. Seeing that the other party was still in a daze, they were impatient:

"Why are you still in a daze?"

As soon as his words came out.

The ghost king of the Song Dynasty looked over and asked bluntly:

"These monsters are ghost demons?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"I... have no impression of them at all."

The ghost king of the Song Dynasty spoke with a serious face, watching the army of ghost demons, and continued with some doubts about life:

"Why do I have no memory of such a powerful monster? Although I don't remember who I am, I always have the memory of ghosts."

As soon as his words came out.

It could feel the contemptuous eyes of the three ghost kings, and then heard one of the three ghost kings say:

"I heard from those people just now that ghost demons have existed since the Song Dynasty, and in order not to be discovered, they will take human form and hide among the human race."

in words.

It added another sentence:

"It seems that your identity in life was not very good, and you don't even know the information of the Nether Demon."

Another ghost king also nodded:

"Indeed, although those Nether Demons are good at hiding, but he called that person a general. It is obvious that someone in the human race knows about Nether Demons. Your status should be too low to come into contact with such powerful and rare ghosts as Nether Demons."

Speaking of which.

The ghost king of the Song Dynasty could clearly feel that although the three ghost kings concealed it well, he still noticed the subtle eyes, and they labeled themselves as 'trash'.


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