Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 451 The Song Dynasty Was Wiped Out By The Nether Demon


Feeling their gazes, the Ghost King of the Song Dynasty fell silent, the corners of his mouth twitched, wanting to refute, but he really didn't know about the Nether Demon.

at this time.

One of the three ghost kings sounded:

"Let's not talk about that, let's deal with that person together. As long as you cripple or injure him, there is a high probability that those monsters called Nether Demons will not be able to be resurrected."

The Ghost King of the Song Dynasty and the others nodded upon hearing this. They are not thinking about other issues now. The most urgent thing is to solve Zhang Wei in front of them.

next moment.

The four ghost kings went to kill Zhang Wei.

same moment.

Seeing this, the three Nether Devil captains shouted in unison:

"Protect the general!"

However, before they could make a move to stop them, Zhang Wei's voice came over:

"Leave those four to me, and you go help other Nether Demons and deal with other ghosts."

The voice starts.

Zhang Wei raised the 40-meter broadsword in his hand, and swept it out. The 40-meter-long blade made the corners of the four ghost kings twitch. Let alone Zhang Wei who was close to him, he even reached a distance of 40 meters. None of them are close.

"Make a bet, if you can get within 39 meters of me, I will lose, and I will let you handle it."


Zhang Wei slashed the 40-meter broadsword in his hand to the side, and there were several puffs, and he saw him casually slashing the knife, and accidentally hacked to death several ghosts near him.

The four ghost kings: "..."

Ghost army: "..."

【Ding! The four ghost kings...fuck, this weapon...]

[Host obtains system points +450]


The scene of the battlefield has changed, the two sides collided densely, but there is always a 40-meter vacuum, in which there are only Zhang Wei and the four ghost kings, no matter where they go, the 40-meter vacuum remains the same, just like a A vacuum of forty meters moved across the place.

Anyone approaching this field, or once the field moves, the surrounding ghosts and ghosts have to retreat and evacuate to the side, not daring to touch the 40-meter vacuum.

The reason.

The 40-meter place is like a meat grinder, once it touches it, it will be cut in half. That's Zhang Wei wielding his knife. Ghosts are there, they will definitely be affected and hacked to death.


I don't know if it's an illusion.

Including the four ghost kings, all the ghosts around felt that the knife in Zhang Wei's hand seemed to be getting longer. As he slashed towards the four ghost kings, he killed many ghosts wherever he passed. The ten-meter broadsword became longer and became forty-one meters.

"Damn it, let alone kill him, it's difficult to get close to him."

One of the ghost kings said, looking around.

During the time they were dealing with Zhang Wei, the army of ghosts was under the attack of the infinitely resurrected ghosts, even though thousands of ghosts came to support them, the situation did not improve, and the situation continued to deteriorate rapidly, and ghosts continued to die.

After only a short while of fighting, hundreds of ghosts died. If this trend continues, it is doomed that the army of ghosts will be exhausted.

【Ding! The army of ghosts is terrified]

[Host obtains system points +4400]

The ghosts also realized this, and many ghosts were terrified and did not dare to face the Nether Demon.

"How about withdrawing and breaking out from other places?"

Song Dynasty Ghost King spoke.

I saw him clutching his left arm, blood flowing from his hand, because he came from the Song Dynasty and was the most powerful, so he was targeted by Zhang Wei. At this time, he was much more embarrassed than the three ghost kings, and his right hand was not taken back accidentally. , was chopped off by Zhang Wei at a distance of 41 meters.

He wanted to pick up his arm and put it back, but Zhang Wei, who was 41 meters away, swung a knife and slashed his arm on the ground. The knife hit him fiercely, and his arm that fell to the ground was slashed and exploded.

Hearing the words, the other three ghost kings subconsciously glanced at the gradually retreating army of ghosts.


They chose to give up.

【Ding! The four ghost kings...the Nether Demon can't be killed, can't be consumed, and Zhang Wei can't be hurt, so it's still a joke]

[Host obtains system points +450]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

The four ghost kings looked at each other, and rushed into the ghostly fog without knowing it, and they didn't forget to shout:

"Retreat, retreat!!"

in words.

They rushed into the ghost fog first, ignoring the life and death of other ghosts.

The army of ghosts froze for a moment, showing Uncle Da's expression of "I haven't got in the car yet".

【Ding! The army of ghosts... Nima! 】

[Host obtains system points +4500]

can be seen.

As the system prompt sounded, the fleeing ghosts all looked at the Nether Demon in horror, then looked at each other, as if they had seen each other's thoughts, and within a second, they all chose to run away.

【Ding! The army of ghosts... run! There are so many of us, the Nether Demon can't kill us all at once, we all run away together, and we can always escape while the Nether Demon kills other companions. 】

[Host obtains system points +4600]

for a while.

The army of ghosts who had been menacing before was completely defeated at this moment. They were chased and killed by the ghost demons all the way, causing many casualties along the way, and fled in embarrassment into the ghostly fog.

Until I ran in.

They all still have lingering fears, a kind of surviving life:

"Those monsters from the Song Dynasty are too scary."

"In the era of the Song Dynasty, could it be that it was destroyed by the Nether Demon?"

"So how could those Nether Demons be subdued by that person."

"I guess it's because of the 40-meter broadsword. The Nether Demon can't get in at all, so he can only chop it down until he's scared."

It was a red-clothed ghost who spoke, and he glanced at the four ghost kings as he spoke.

The four ghost kings: "..."

Immediately afterwards.

The ghost king of the Song Dynasty coughed, and in order to save face, he could only casually say:

"Everyone, it's not that we're scared, it's just that I suddenly remembered some memories about the Nether Demon. Those things are very powerful, so I can't fight recklessly. I thought that if we deal with that person for too long, you will be killed by the Nether Demon. That’s why I chose to retreat, I’m right.”

The words did not fall.

It looked towards the three ghost kings, and they also nodded one after another:

"Hey, that's how it is, so we chose to retreat. After all, we can't break through to the east. Even if we can break through with a large number of people, we will definitely be caught up. So we decided to come back and go in another direction."

"That's right, we are going to go to other directions. The Nether Demon is so strong, I think there must be no other directions. After all, the number of people in the other three directions is not as small as the east. Obviously the east is an exception."

"Let's go, let's go in other directions while the east side doesn't react."

The words fell.

The four ghost kings chose a direction and prepared to go in another direction.

the other side.

Outside the ghostly fog in the east.

Zhang Wei looked at the half-dead and wounded army of ghosts that retreated. He didn't choose to pursue them. With so many ghosts, he needed to gather some wool and couldn't kill them all at once.

Also at this time.

Seeing this, the ghost exorcists cheered and repelled the ghost army. At the same time, they also stepped forward to ask Zhang Wei:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, most of the ghosts have been killed and escaped. What should we do now, should we continue to wait here?"

Zhang Wei shook his head, his eyes fell in the ghostly fog:

"They escaped in, but it doesn't mean they won't come back, and we have to prevent them from being unable to fight here, and go to fight in other directions. How about this, you stay here, and I will go to other directions to look."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang Wei."

"No problem, let us guard Mr. Zhang Wei's side, and you can go to support other directions."

The exorcists responded.

Zhang Wei nodded and said:

"Alright then, I'll look in another direction."

When the army of ghosts retreated, Zhang Wei didn't just let them go, he also imposed system points on the ghosts among them to ensure that even if they entered the fog of ghosts, they could still know their movements. With the help of induction, he knew that now The army of ghosts is heading south. "


Zhang Wei waved his hand:

"Ghost Demon, come with me!"

"Yes! General!"

The Nether Demon responded.


Zhang Wei marched towards the south with the army of ghost demons.


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