Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 452 What's The Deal With Ghost Exorcists In This Era

at the same time.

The direction of the ghostly fog in the south.

Compared to the ease east of Zhang Wei, here is going through a tough battle.

The battle is fierce. Just looking at it from a distance, the gunfire is soaring, and the bullets are flying. It has a sense of sight of modern warfare. But listening to it from a distance, accompanied by the roar of guns, the explosion of grenades, the sound of killing and ghosts can be heard endlessly. .

"Hold on! Hold on!! Don't let the ghost rush out of the south. Brothers, the firepower is not enough. Hurry up and get the ammunition in the car. I'm almost out of bullets."

I saw a monk in monk's uniform shouting.

Holding a Gatling gun in one hand, he shot and killed the ghosts rushing forward. Seeing the ghosts rushing up, they were baptized by the bullets, smashed into a sieve and fell into pieces, but they continued to rush forward. Come on, Gatling isn't enough to strafe.

With the other hand, he picked up a grenade engraved with scriptures, bit off the slit of the grenade, and then threw the grenade towards the ghosts that came.


The loud noise exploded.

boom! ! ! !

Accompanied by the sound of ghosts screaming, the severed limbs of ghosts flew, and ghost blood spattered and sprinkled.

The ghost rushing forward was blasted into a vacuum, and its progress was temporarily blocked.

To this.

The eyelids of the ghosts behind jumped:

"What's the matter with the monks of this era, how do you drive away ghosts like this, chanting scriptures, prayer beads, and staffs."

They were dumbfounded.

Not long ago, when they saw the monk here, they felt stable and chose a good direction to break through, because in the memory of all their ghosts, although they came from different ages, they all had the same impression of the monk, the monk was kind, The method of exorcising ghosts is very gentle, and they don't kill much. They are all about supernatural beings.

Also for this.

They feel that they don't need to be afraid of being too dangerous when they meet the monk, and the super-salvation is not something that can be done in a short time.

But who knows...

As soon as they fought, they were completely confused. Those monks suddenly picked up some black iron pipes, and then they ghosts started to die in large numbers. They didn't get close to the monks. They were killed after driving more than ten meters, or even a hundred meters. It was a hundred meters away, and the heads of all the ghosts exploded inexplicably.

Not only that.

Even if they rely on numbers and press them crazy, they will be thrown up by the monks with round objects. It is obviously not a yellow talisman, but it is more powerful than the five thunders. It was blown up like a ghost.

to be frank.

If it wasn't for the fact that they had more ghosts than the exorcists, and there were two ghost kings sitting in the town, they would have died early and been killed.

But the most important thing is that even with the ghost king in charge, they are still in a bitter battle, because among the ghost exorcists, there are not only monks, but also two ghost king-level ghost exorcists, and... besides, there is an extremely perverted guy .

It was a young ghost exorcist, suspected to be from the Xiangxi Exorcist School. He drove a zombie that could automatically separate its body, making them hard to guard against.

They mobbed zombies.

The zombie splits its body to pieces, its hands, feet, and head are separated, and it flies around, making it difficult to catch him. Then he takes the opportunity to combine his body together, relying on the strength of the zombie's physical body, to kill the surrounding ghosts.

Even if they respond.

A top-level red-clothed ghost made a move and trapped its arms and feet. In the next second, the zombie got arms and feet from nowhere, and the zombie became even more terrifying.

To this.

They made another countermeasure and chose to attack the controller of the zombies, the young ghost exorcist.

Can result.

As soon as they approached, the young ghost exorcist pulled out a knife from his waist, and as the knife slashed, thunder and lightning burst out, and he turned into a flash of lightning, not only dodging their ghosts and killing them, but also cutting them down died.

Immediately afterwards.

The young ghost exorcist always draws his sword and draws his sword every time, with just one move, but it is invincible, crazily transforming into lightning among the ghosts, reaping the ghosts' lives.

"The monk is like that, why is this Xiangxi who chased corpses like this, has the times changed so much?"

"The zombies in Xiangxi, why did they become like this, and the people who chased corpses in Xiangxi, why are they still playing with swords?"

"This era is a difficult era for ghosts. How did ghost exorcists develop into such perverts?"

The ghosts were terrified, and many of them regretted it for a while:

"I knew I was going to the east, why did I come to the south?"

"I thought the east side was small and there might be fraud. Now it seems that this is a deliberate plan to let us choose the north, south, and west."

"I want to go east, Mud, the south is too difficult."

Just when the morale of the ghosts was low.

The thick fog of ghost aura in the rear was surging rapidly, and a large amount of ghost aura was overflowing. The sudden scene instantly attracted the attention of everyone and ghosts present, and they followed the trend.

This look.

The ghosts were pleasantly surprised, and Lu Lianfeng and the exorcists changed their colors.

That's a ghost!

A large number of ghosts spewed out of the fog of ghost aura, hundreds or thousands, at least two thousand, and there were four ghosts exuding a terrifying aura in the front.

"Ghost King?!"

"It's over, so many ghosts?! There are four ghost kings..."

Lu Lianfeng and the others were terrified, changed their previous high morale, and felt despair welling up in their hearts, and felt that death was approaching.

The current number of ghosts is enough for them to fight hard.

But now there are so many ghosts here, and there are four ghost kings among them, so they are dead.

One thought here.

Their horrified eyes are divided into dead gray and regret:

"Hey, it looks like our southern side is about to fall."

"Damn it, why didn't they go to the east, they all came to our side."

"I'm really envious of those in the east, they don't have to deal with as much as we do."

at the same time.

Compared with Lu Lianfeng and the others' ugly faces, the ghosts' brows were brimming with joy. After changing from the low morale before, their faces were full of excitement, and their morale was boosted even more:

"Great, support is here."

"Haha, where is the support coming from? God help me...huh? My Cao, what's the situation?"

The ghosts at the scene were just excited, but with the ghosts who came to support, a thick fog of ghosts poured out, not to mention the ghosts present, even Lu Lianfeng and the others were stunned.

"What's the situation? How did these ghosts get hurt like this?"

"Are you sure it's support? It's not old, weak, sick, or disabled?"


These support ghosts were all wounded, some were seriously injured, even the four ghost kings were the same, and one of them had a broken arm. Looking at the whole one, where is the support reinforcement, it is more like a battalion of the wounded .

at this time.

The Ghost King of the Song Dynasty who appeared in the south, swept across the southern battlefield, and when they saw that there were no ghosts present, their faces burst into smiles. They didn't care about the eyes of the ghosts and exorcists in the south, and said proudly:

"Companions in the south, we are here to help you, go! Kill them all."

The words fell.

The Song Dynasty ghost king and the others rushed to the south, and the four of them, the Song Dynasty ghost king, also rushed towards the two ghost king level ghost exorcists to the south.


The two ghost king-level ghost exorcists changed color, and the two ghost kings were hard to deal with, and now there are four more...


With the help of the ghost kings of the Song Dynasty, two ghost king-level ghost exorcists were injured, six against two, with no chance of winning at all.

Seeing that the ghost king-level ghost exorcist was about to be killed by the Song Dynasty ghost king and his six ghost kings.


There was a sonic boom of metal friction breaking through the air.

next second.

A 40-meter-long broadsword reflecting the moonlight, like a big bow and arrow, shot and fell in the distant sky, piercing through one of the six ghost kings.

Things happen so fast.

When everyone and the ghost reacted, the ghost king had already been pierced by a forty-meter-long knife and was firmly nailed to the ground.

【Ding! The four ghost kings looked at the forty-meter broadsword...Fuck! ! he came? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +400]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

As the ghost king who was crucified died, Lu Lianfeng and the others also came back to their senses.

But they didn't wait for surprises.

Shake the Mountain

The roar shook the sky.

In the distance behind, there was a dense mass of darkness, as if a black tide was coming. If you look carefully, they are monsters with hideous looks. They are like rainbows, roaring, roaring, and rushing towards this side.

see this.

Many southern exorcists are terrified, no longer desperate, but waiting to die:

"Why are there..."

"My God, do you want to do this, and support the ghosts to come batch after batch."

"How many ghosts are there in Suolongjing? Why are there so many?"

Just as they were talking, they were all ready to be besieged.

But at this time.

When Lu Lianfeng and others saw the monster behind, the ghosts also saw it, and they were all excited:

"Wori, are there any other companions who came to support me? How do they look like that?"

"Hahahaha, I'm sure we'll win now. Look at them, that's the support. They look much more imposing than the supporters just now."

"It must have momentum. You see, they came from the rear. It is estimated that they have already attacked from other directions. Now they are coming to support us from other directions... Hey, what are you doing!"

Finally, the only ghost king left in the south said these words.

He found……

The ghost king of the Song Dynasty beside him and the four ghost kings disappeared. Looking back, they were rushing into the fog of ghost energy at some point, not only them, but also the "old, weak, sick and disabled" they supported from the fog The army was also turning back, with horror written all over their faces, running like they had seen a ghost.

Take a closer look...

These old, weak, sick and disabled looked in one direction while running. They were the army of "another group of companions" who came to support them from the front.


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