Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 453 \"Young And Dangerous Boys' Decisive Battle To Lock Longjing\"

【Ding! The ghosts are confused, me Cao? what's going on? 】

[Host obtains system points +3000]

Not only the ghost king in the south, but also the ghost exorcists and ghosts present all saw it.

at this time.

Without waiting for everyone and ghosts to wonder, Lu Lianfeng's voice came leisurely:

"No, that doesn't seem to be a ghost... Isn't that the ghost demon of the armored warrior?!"

It's not loud.

But many people heard it, and some people said:

"Wori, you really are a ghost demon."

"Is it my eyesight? Why do those ghosts look so much like the villains in the cartoons my son watched? What are they called demons?"

"Fuck, don't worry about those ghosts, look, someone is there!"

Accompanied by the last words.

Many exorcists have noticed that there is a figure in front of the monster army that is rushing in. From the words and deeds of the monster army, it can be seen that that figure is the leader of the monster army.


They stared intently, waiting until they could see the figure's face clearly, and they were all shocked:

"Mr. Zhang Wei?!"

"It's Brother Wei!"

They recognized the figure, isn't it Zhang Wei!

This scene.


A young man, like a king among ghosts, commands thousands of ghosts to accompany him.

Suddenly, looking at the scene in front of them, all the people and ghosts fell into a momentary trance, and inexplicably came up with an unbelievable idea... Maybe those ghosts were brought by Mr. Zhang Wei (that person).

at this time.

Zhang Wei, who was coming from a distance, and the army of monsters behind him came, and then under the shocking eyes of everyone and ghosts, Zhang Wei raised his hand and made a move.


On the ground, the forty-meter broadsword that crucified the ghost king vibrated as if spiritually, flew out of the ground in an instant, and landed in Zhang Wei's hands.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Zhang Wei raised the forty-meter broadsword in his hand, waved his arms and said:


The words fell for a moment.

Under Lu Lianfeng's shocking expressions.

The ghost demons rushed out from behind Zhang Wei like thousands of horses, roaring to kill the ghosts in the south and the army of 'old, weak, sick and disabled' who were about to carry them away.

"The Nether Demon obeys the order, this time, including the ghosts in the south, don't even think about letting go of any ghosts!"

Zhang Wei drank out again.

Words come out.

He also held a 40-meter broadsword and led the Nether Demon into the southern area.


The bitter battle in the south direction no longer exists, replaced by massacres. Under the army of ghost demons led by Zhang Wei, this place has become a meat grinding ground. Thousands of ghost monsters are like a group of mad dogs, fighting against the ghosts without fear of death. .

Zhang Wei was not idle either.

Instructing the three captains of the Nether Demon to stop the Ghost King of the Song Dynasty and the others, he first came to Lu Lianfeng's side and asked if his future "brother-in-law" was injured.

"It's fine, Lianfeng, you kill here first, and leave those ghost kings to me."

"Okay, brother Wei, hurry up, those ghost kings seem to be running away, and the ghosts who just arrived are also running away, kill more."

"Kill more? No, no, I want them all."

in words.

Zhang Wei took out his mobile phone.

Seeing Zhang Wei's actions, Lu Lianfeng couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and found that Zhang Wei picked up the phone not to make a call, but to open the 'Netease Cloud' app:

"Brother Wei, what are you doing?"

Faced with the question, Zhang Wei grinned and pointed to the 12 o'clock time displayed on the phone:

"Kill the ghost, but isn't it 12 o'clock now, it's the time for Wang Yiyun."

That's all for words.

Zhang Wei found a theme song of Young and Dangerous and played it.

【Ding! Bless Young and Dangerous Song System Points]


While singing, he yelled and killed the ghost king of the Song Dynasty.

【Ding! Ghost kings...huh? What is this sound? So bloody, I'm burning up. 】

[Host obtains system points +520]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Song Dynasty Ghost King and the others instinctively followed the sound, and their pupils shrank instantly.

This scene.

Very shocking.

Especially the exorcists were dumbfounded.

They may not be familiar with Nether Demons, but none of them are unfamiliar with Young and Dangerous Boys. After hearing the bg of Young and Dangerous Boys, and looking at the scene in front of them, they feel that they are not exorcising ghosts, but have entered the underworld to fight by mistake. To be exact It's... ghost gangster fights.


Zhang Wei is like Chen Haonan. Watching the three ghost captains who are dealing with the ghost king get into trouble, it is like seeing Chen Haonan's brothers 'Pheasant' and 'Foreskin' being bullied, and they directly grabbed the 40-meter-long 'Watermelon Knife', one strides forward, kicks a ghost king, and picks up 'watermelon knife' to slash at another ghost king.

The picture hits the optic nerve directly.

so hi!

Look at the Nether Demons fighting with the ghosts around them.

Even more hilarious.

This is not a ghost exorcist, but the ghost army representing 'Hong Xing' and the army of ghosts representing 'East Star'.

Lu Lianfeng was also dumbfounded, staring straight at Zhang Wei, watching Zhang Wei slashing at the ghost kings like a young and Dangerous boy, forgetting to kill ghosts for a while.

for a moment.

Wait to recover.

Lu Lianfeng's eyes lit up, and he didn't choose to help kill the ghost, but hurriedly picked up the phone, clicked on the screen recording function, and said while recording the screen:

"Brother Wei, you're so handsome! I have to quickly record it and send it to my sister, Cao Yu and the others. I can't just enjoy the handsome picture of Brother Wei."

at the same time.

Zhang Wei didn't know that he was being recorded. He held a 40-meter-long 'Watermelon Knife' in front of the ghostly mist, preventing the Ghost King of Song Dynasty from entering.

To this.

Song Dynasty Ghost King and the others had gloomy faces.

【Ding! Ghost kings...Damn it, what happened to us, obviously we can't beat him, but why don't we want to escape, just want to fight him]

[Host obtains system points +530]

Just thinking about it.

Young and Dangerous bg echoed in their ears again, and they felt that the blood that had been silenced by Zhang Wei just now was boiling again:

"Kill! Kill him together!"

"Fuck him, horse rider, we have so many ghost kings, we are afraid of him alone."

Even they are affected.

Not to mention the ghosts around.

【Ding! Ghosts... kill! kill! kill! Brothers, kill! 】

[Host obtains system points +4400]

Under Zhang Wei's blessing of the system-pointed young and Dangerous songs, this time the army of ghosts did not run away, fighting with ghost demons to death, just like young and Dangerous boys fighting for territory, and they will not stop until they grab it.


Although the army of ghosts is full of enthusiasm, the army of ghost demons is infinitely resurrected, and with the help of Lu Lianfeng and the others, the number of ghosts in the army of the old, weak, sick and disabled, or in the south is decreasing sharply.

To this.

Zhang Wei was very satisfied, and muttered:

"I didn't expect to bless a song with such a great effect. It's just a young and Dangerous song. What if I bless other songs? Forget it, let's not think about it. I have to finish killing and go to other directions. There should be a lot of ghosts over there."

However, just when Zhang Wei had just killed a ghost king and was about to kill another one.

A system prompt sounded in his mind.


Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, subconsciously looking in one direction.


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