Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 454 Ding! Unknown Evil Exorcist Stunned, Aba Aba Aba

【Ding! The unknown evil exorcist is stunned, aba aba aba aba]

[Host obtains system points +230]

【Trigger special reward】

[The host gets a Super Saiyan figure]

[Super Saiyan Figure: Using this figure, you can choose one of the abilities or powers of Super Saiyan Monkey King, and each time you choose one of them, you can no longer use it until all the abilities of Super Saiyan Monkey King are used up. The figure becomes a normal figure. 】

The system prompt sounded in my mind.

Zhang Wei was taken aback for a moment.

"Super Saiyan figure, can the system also make it directly for the figure? Is it so cool? The ghost king is really killing and killing, summoning the Dragon Ball, but the one summoned is not a dragon, but a Saiyan."

muttered in my heart.

Zhang Wei recalled the Super Saiyan Sun Wukong in the anime "Dragon Ball". One of the ceiling standard values ​​for force.

for sure.

Compared with the rewards given by the previous system, this is definitely the most powerful one I have obtained so far, none of them!

"Sun Wukong has a lot of abilities, such as Kamepai Qigong, teleportation, extreme intention art, etc. I don't know if Sun Wukong often dies and comes back to life. At these times..."

The words fell from my heart.

Zhang Wei swung the 40-meter-long sword in his hand, and hacked another ghost king to death, but he didn't even look at the ghost king, and looked in one direction.

His actions were seen by the ghost kings.


System prompts sounded one after another.

【Ding! The ghost king does not rest in peace...Damn it, do you look down on me and kill me without even looking at me, right? It was drafted! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +120]

【Ding! The ghost kings feel humiliated]

[Host obtains system points +420]

Zhang Wei didn't care about the Ghost King's eyes at all, and still looked in that direction, to be precise, he was looking at the system notification sound that came from that direction earlier.

"The unknown ghost king, is it the senior executives of Sen Luosi?"

Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled.

He didn't forget that this time the lock Longjing incident was related to Sen Luosi. Now it is blocked by the Department of Health and Dao, but an unknown ghost king appeared in the nearby direction and provided more than 200 system points at one time. Obviously, its strength is not weak. It's hard not to let Zhang Wei care.


Compared with the unknown ghost exorcist prompted by the system, Zhang Wei is more concerned about another thing:

"Abaaba? What kind of inner voice is this?"

Just as Zhang Wei was thinking, he continued to deal with the ghost king of the Song Dynasty calmly, so as not to startle the snake.


Following Zhang Wei's sword falling again, he cut off the head of a ghost king at a distance of forty meters and killed the third ghost king present.

【Ding! The unknown evil exorcist frowns... Abba! Abba aba! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +240]

A system prompt sounded in my mind.

this time.

Listening to the tone of 'Aba Aba' in the notification tone, compared with before, the tone was aggravated and full of surprise. Zhang Wei was already sure. In this way, but 'Abaaaba' is the other party's inner thoughts.

Same time.

Zhang Wei was also more or less certain about the identity of this unknown evil exorcist. He thought of a high-ranking Senluosi code-named 'dumb' that the fat man and the tailor had told him, and that was a mute.

at the same time.

In the distance, the direction Zhang Wei is looking at is a small hillside, on which a man is standing.

His appearance looks ordinary, but his appearance is ordinary, his eyes are very beautiful, his smile is crooked, like a crescent moon, very friendly, like a big brother next door, or... the dumb big brother next door.


The mute was frowning, his eyes fell on Zhang Wei, and he said from time to time:

"Abba aba aba."

Although he couldn't understand what he said, it could be heard from the tone that the mute was very dissatisfied now. It seemed that Zhang Wei's behavior had affected his mood.

And it is.

Originally, the mute had planned to trigger Suolongjing's mutation, so that the Secretary of Defense was busy dealing with ghosts, and he took the opportunity to attack Suolongjing, but who knew... Zhang Wei disrupted his plan.

To know.

According to the previous plan, the Suolongjing mutation caused by myself was enough to attract the attention of the Secretary of Health, because there were too many ghosts coming out of Suolongjing, and the suppression of Suolongjing ghosts by the Secretary of Health was doomed to fail this time, after all, who would have expected that there would be so many ghosts , There are so many ghost kings.

But the idea is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

Zhang Wei not only suppressed the east side, but also suppressed the south side in sequence. Following this trend, he can quickly suppress it, and then rush to the north and west. At that time, all the ghosts and monsters will be wiped out, and they will not be out of the blockade. Attract the attention of the Ministry of Health.

Also at that time.

How can I attack Suo Longjing.

Thinking of this, the mute was a little angry, and his plan this time might be ruined:

"Abba aba aba."

in words.

He gestured there, if he was familiar with the mute's glasses here, he would definitely be able to see what it meant, that was to say... Who is this young ghost exorcist? Why is the strength so strong, no, I have to find a way, so I can't let him kill me like this and spoil my good deeds.

【Ding! The unknown evil exorcist has murderous intentions, ba ba ba ba! 】

[Host obtains system points +250]


The dumb eyes fell on the captain of the ghost demon beside Zhang Wei:

"Abba aba aba."

He gestured to himself... But what are these monsters? They can be resurrected infinitely. If they can be captured, it will be very helpful to Sen Luosi. Just kill the young ghost exorcist directly and capture these monsters together. come over.

Besides making gestures.

His gaze fell on the zombie beside Lu Lianfeng... This zombie can also be snatched, it's also very interesting, so let's snatch it too.

Just thinking about it.

He suddenly noticed that Lu Lianfeng was taking pictures of Zhang Wei with his mobile phone, and he was saying something in his mouth. You must know that he is dumb, and he already knows lip language. Even if he is far away from Lu Lianfeng, he still uses lip language to read Lu Lianfeng's words came out.

When I heard Lu Lianfeng call the young exorcist Zhang Wei.

The mute froze for a moment.

Zhang Wei? ?

Why is it so familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere, ah! It was Willow's former master!

No wonder this young exorcist is so strong. He turned out to be Liu Shu's former master. Now I understand why Liu Shu is so strong, but he surrendered to a young man.

Immediately afterwards.

The mute seemed to have thought of something, he suddenly smiled, those beautiful eyes, curved like crescent moons when he smiled, looked very friendly.

Then he picked up his mobile phone, sent a text message to a contact number marked as 'Willow':

【Willow, I want to kill your former master right now, you don't mind, hehe】


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