
For Zhou Yun's persuasion, Zhang Wei shook his head. They didn't know that they had the system ability to not be killed by evil, so they could only raise a smile, gave them a confident look, and responded:

"Don't worry, I can really deal with them, you go to other directions, just leave this place to me and my ghost army. I think there should be a lot of ghosts in other places, not less than yours."

in words.

Zhang Wei's eyes fell on the dumb and stuttering. Although he could not be afraid of stuttering and dumb, Lu Lianfeng and the others couldn't. Using them as hostages and shields, Zhang Wei does not intend to let them stay here.


Lu Lianfeng and the others didn't pay attention to Zhang Wei's thoughts.

No way, dumb and stuttering are too strong. Judging from the aura they exude, either of them is stronger than Zhang Wei's strength, let alone they are still two people. Once Zhang Wei confronts them In the first place, there was a gap in strength, and he was beaten by two players. The result was predictable, Zhang Wei would lose, and even... die!

to this end.

from their perspective.

The so-called smile Zhang Wei showed was a farewell smile.

This idea, as Zhang Wei asked them to support other directions, the affirmation in his heart soared.

for a while.

Many people's eyes were red, and Lu Lianfeng shouted with red eyes:

"Brother Wei! Don't be brave, let Zhou Yun stay and help you."

Others also spoke out one after another:

"That's right, Mr. Zhang Wei, we can help."

"Why is my strength not enough, damn it, if it was enough, Mr. Zhang Wei wouldn't have to risk his life to buy us time to escape."

from their perspective.

Zhang Wei must have done it for them, because Dumb and Jieba are powerful, and the strength of the two sides is very different, there is no possibility of victory at all, so Zhang Wei resolutely made a decision to kill Jieba and Dumb alone, and fight for everyone to escape , called for an opportunity for support.



At this moment, it appeared on the faces of many exorcists that the ghosts were all moved.

【Ding! Ghosts... Are there such fearless people in this era?】

[Host obtains system points +3000]

【Ding! Ghost kings... no wonder he is called Zhang Wei, no wonder he can command ghost demons, this Zhang Wei, the fearless fear]

[Host obtains system points +300]


Both the dumb and stuttered thought so, and looked at Zhang Wei with interest.

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering... It seems that Liu Shu will choose him as his master, not only because of his strength, but also because of his selfless spirit. If such a person kills him, it will definitely cause many people to be angry, it is really great]

[Host obtains system points +500]

In the eyes of Dumb and Stuttering, Zhang Wei is really good. He has reached the top ghost king at such an age, and his absolute potential is beyond the table. However, it is not enough to deal with both of them, or one of them. Zhang Wei is obviously aware of this and knows the strength of both sides. There is a high probability that they will be killed here.

And Zhang Wei died here, not to mention Lu Lianfeng and the others, so instead of this, it's better to die by yourself, sacrifice the small self, and complete the big self.

at the same time.

Feeling the dumb and stuttering eyes, and the words of Lu Lianfeng and the others echoing in his ears, Zhang Wei couldn't laugh or cry, he is not a fool, he could see that Lu Lianfeng and the others would be mistaken, and immediately said:

"I didn't try to be brave. I can really deal with the two of them. Isn't it just two top-level ghost king-level ghost exorcists? It's no big deal. Believe me, I can handle it. I just think that you will get in the way here."

Zhang Wei didn't dare to beat around the bush again, for fear that they would misunderstand again.


As soon as Lu Lianfeng listened to his words, he almost had "I don't believe it" carved on his face, gritted his teeth and said bluntly:

"Brother Wei, although it may hurt you to say that, but your strength is there. If you want to deal with two people who are stronger than you alone, I can't think of how you can fight. Unless your strength suddenly skyrockets, otherwise you How to deal with it."

Zhou Yun and the others also took the words, and they all echoed:

"Yeah, they are very strong, unless Mr. Zhang Wei, your strength can skyrocket, and you have to skyrocket a lot. After all, there are two people."

"It's not so easy to increase your strength, you're not a Super Saiyan, just shout... I'm Cao!!!——"

The last sentence was uttered by another ghost king level ghost exorcist beside Zhou Yun.

But the words are not finished yet.

Zhang Wei opened his hands and let out a roar.


Accompanied by a terrifying aura, it gushed out from Zhang Wei's body like a volcanic eruption. Zhang Wei had short hair, and while Lu Lianfeng, Dumb and other people and ghosts were stunned, his black hair stood up, and he blinked. For gold.

at the same time.

Zhang Wei's terrifying aura surged out for a moment, his body exuded a golden halo of aura, and his strength soared visible to the naked eye.

【Ding! Using Super Saiyan Figure Abilities - Super Saiyan Generation]

for a while.

Feel Zhang Wei's sudden change.

Lu Lianfeng and the others were stunned, staring wide-eyed or stunned, looking at Zhang Wei as if they had seen a ghost, and they kept exclaiming 'Damn' in their hearts, and everyone had the same idea... It's Mr. Zhang Wei, right? Super Saiyan? !

Also at this time.

Looking at Lu Lianfeng and the others, Zhang Wei grinned and said with a bristling blond hair:

"Believe it now, I am really sure."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei ignored Lu Lianfeng and the others, and rushed straight to the dumb and stuttering. Instead of wasting time explaining to them, it is better to prove it with practical actions.


Zhang Wei, who started Super Race 1, came to Stutter and Dumb like a teleportation, and punched Stutter.

【Ding! Dumb and stutter discoloration]

[Host obtains system points +510]

This punch was swift and fierce, with the terrifying aura of a Super Saiyan. Gai pressed the air and rushed towards Stutter, Stutter's pupils shrank suddenly, relying on his own strong strength, he dodged to the side to dodge Zhang Wei's attack.


To dodge is to dodge the fatal punch, but a bloody gash was drawn on his cheek, and blood flowed out from the wound.

Zhang Wei's fist wind was too fierce, even if he didn't touch it, he just scratched his cheek against the fist wind, and already scratched his cheek, like a sharp blade.

Also at this time.

A roar came out.


It was dumb. He saw a wound on his stuttering cheek, and his smiling face sank. Without saying a word, his mouth opened and his cheeks puffed up like a frog. In the next second, a large amount of black paper gushed out of his mouth. piece.

The pieces of paper are very small, each only the size of a palm, and the shape has been specially cut to look like a paper man.


There are a large number of paper people, hundreds of them, and when they spit out from the dumb mouth, the paper people seem to be alive, and let out a baby-like shriek, like a group of ghost babies, overwhelming, hugging Zhang Wei's body one after another, tightly Cling to it.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Wei was wrapped up by a pile of paper figures so that he could not see his body.

But it was the next second.

boom! ! !

The terrifying golden aura suddenly overflowed from the gaps in the tightly wrapped 'paper pile', followed by a bang, the 'paper pile' exploded, screaming like a baby, and Zhang Wei rushed out of it.

Look carefully.

Zhang Wei's whole body was intact, with golden hair standing on end, exuding the golden aura of Super Saiyan, powerful and incomparable.


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