"Hmph! Abba!"

Seeing this, the mute's eyes flickered, and he and Stutter looked at each other.

Even though there were no gestures, as his own brother, Stutter understood what he meant. It was saying, let's go together and kill this guy who doesn't know if it's a Super Saiyan or Zhang Wei.


Stuttering and nodding, they went up to Zhang Wei together.


Zhang Wei fights stuttering and dumb.

A war broke out between the two sides.

The horror belonging to the top ghost king is staged in the south direction. It is so powerful that it is like a missile washing the ground and bombing wildly. Let alone everyone approaching, even a careless person may be seriously injured and killed by the aftermath.

at the same time.

Lu Lianfeng and the others were stunned.

Although Zhang Wei told them to go first, but facing Zhang Wei's manpower against two top ghost king-level ghost exorcists, they did not lose the wind. Looking at his standing blond hair and that golden aura, how could they go? idea.

Staring fixedly at Zhang Wei, he was silent for a while.

If Zhang Wei's hair turned blond in the past, it was just a change in appearance, they might not have thought too much about it, but now, Zhang Wei's strength has skyrocketed, and he can beat two top ghost king-level ghost exorcists at once, so they can't help thinking about it.


【Ding! Using the super saiyan figurine ability - dancing air]

【Ding! Using Super Saiyan Figure Ability - Finger Light】

The system prompt sounds.

Zhang Wei's body suspended and flew up by itself, without using any magic weapon, flying in the air, his fingers continuously shot out rays of light, shooting towards the stutter and mute below.


The mute was dumbfounded.

【Ding! Dumb...flying into the sky without a magic weapon? 】

[Host obtains system points +260]

【Ding! Stuttering... Is this Wukong? ! Finger light? Am I really fighting a ghostbuster? Are you fighting a Super Saiyan? 】

[Host obtains system points +270]

at the same time.

Lu Lianfeng and the others were also shocked. They saw Zhang Wei displaying Wukong, just like Super Saiyan Sun Wukong, his fingers could emit light. Looking back on Zhang Wei's strength soared, his hair stood up and turned golden. Stunned in place, thoughts popped up one after another.

...the Super Saiyans don't really exist.

...Son, I saw your favorite Super Saiyan, and now the Super Saiyan is standing in front of me to start Super Saiyan 1.

...Could it be! Mr. Zhang Wei is so fierce at such a young age, is it because he is a Super Saiyan?

...fuck, Wei is a Super Saiyan?

the other side.

The ghosts were also stunned, especially the ghost king of the Song Dynasty, who was undisguisedly shocked:

"That person...had something to hide? Is this his true strength now?"

"It's too strong. Why are people in this era so strong? He looks like he's only in his 20s. Even in my era, I've never seen someone so strong."

"I've heard that someone's hair turned gray overnight and became stronger because of the feeling. It's the first time I know that the hair stands on end and then turns golden. How can it be so strong?"

Just when the ghosts were wondering.

I don't know which ghost it is, it suddenly said:

"That person doesn't seem to be an ordinary ghost exorcist, he seems to be a minority."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

The Ghost King of the Song Dynasty looked over, and now Zhang Wei and Dumb and Stuttering are fighting in front of the ghost fog, let alone escape in, they can't rely on the ghost fog, as for fleeing to other places, Lu Lianfeng and the others Staring, I can only stand here and watch the show and talk.

The ghost didn't hide anything, and pointed to Lu Lianfeng not far away:

"Just now I heard someone over there saying, what kind of Super Saiyan is that man named Zhang Wei?"

As soon as his words came out.

The ghosts were all stunned:

"Super Saiyan? What race is this?"

"I've heard of Manchurians and Mongolians. This is the first time I've heard of Super Saiyans. Do you know Super Saiyans?"

"I don't know, it should be a very rare ethnic group. After all, our country has a vast land and abundant resources, and there are many ethnic groups, let alone dozens."

"Super Saiyan, this person is very powerful. The surname Zhang, is it possible that he is a descendant of Zhang Fei? I remember Zhang Fei heard that during the Three Kingdoms period, he scared Cao Cao's army back with his voice."

"It's not impossible. Look at that Zhang Wei also has a voice, his hair is golden, and his strength has become stronger. Maybe Zhang Fei was the same way back then."

"Is there any ghost from the Three Kingdoms era here? Come out and tell me, is it true that when Zhang Fei was in Changbanpo, his roar not only scared Cao Jun away, but his hair actually turned golden."

Just as they were discussing.

Boom boom boom!

A series of loud bangs.

The ghosts looked sideways, their pupils dilated instantly:

"My Cao?!"

"Then Zhang Wei is sure that he is only restraining those two people? Didn't they die together?"

"My God."


Zhang Wei, who was flying in the air, saw his fingers pointing out one after another, shooting out rays of light, and was dodged by the dumb and stuttering nimbly, and glared at Zhang Wei.

"Abaa abaa!!"

【Ding! Dumb...do you think we can't hurt you if you're in the air? 】

[Host obtains system points +270]

next second.

After the dumb and stuttering dodged another light from Zhang Wei, they spread their five fingers, runes appeared on the palms of each hand, and then slapped Zhang Wei.

boom! ! !

The thunder light bloomed, like an angry thunder against the sky, rushing straight to the sky.

The palm thunder gushed out from the palms of both of them. Its power was incomparable to that of ordinary ghost exorcists. The thunder that appeared was thicker than an arm, and it was pitch black, just like the thunder that existed in the abyss of hell, rushing straight to the sky. Zhang Wei.


Lu Lianfeng and the others were horrified when they saw this. The power of the thunder in the palm was greater than their large-scale spells, but the opponent just slapped it casually.


Zhang Wei was not flustered. Facing the thunder they released, trying to knock him down from the sky, he grinned and said:

"Shooting cannons in the palm of your hand, who wouldn't know that."

sound up.

A system prompt sounded in his mind.

【Ding! Use the super saiyan figure ability - air bomb]

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei raised his hand and shot it out. A large amount of air in his palm was compressed into a ball, bursting with light, forming a light ball-like air cannonball, and shooting at Dumb and Stuttering.


The scene that followed made everyone stunned.

Zhang Wei frantically waved palm after palm at the dumb and stuttering. That action made Delu Lianfeng inexplicably think of the anime "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" that he saw not long ago, when the protagonist Jotaro hit someone The famous scene 'Ola Ola Ola'.

This is the case with Zhang Wei now, the madness is Ola Ola.

The same is true for the dumb and stuttering, standing on the ground, facing Zhang Wei in the sky, and thundering at Zhang Wei with Euler's palm shot.

for a while.

Thunder and air bombs exploded one after another, blasting the earth and the sky one after another. The roaring sound continued, and within a blink of an eye, the earth was devastated by Zhang Wei, as if it had been baptized by shells time and time again, while the sky was covered with Thunder, as if the sky was covered by a sea of ​​thunder.

The sea of ​​thunder roared in the sky, blooming and destroying

Ground fragments flew, smoke and dust everywhere.

The scene situation, as if this place has ushered in the end of the era.


The dumb and stuttering figure was submerged in the diffuse smoke, swallowed by Zhang Wei's dense gas shells like Gatling's strafing, and Zhang Wei was also covered by a sea of ​​thunder.


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