Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 459 Dumb And Stuttering Ghost Exorcist Profession, Tattoo Yin Master


Lu Lianfeng and the others had already moved away from the previous direction to the south and stood at a distance.

Looking at the ruinous scene in front of him, no matter it is the ghost king of the Song Dynasty, or Lu Lianfeng and other people and ghosts, all of them are throbbing and feel their scalps go numb:

"Is this the strength of the top Qilin guard? It's not at the same level at all."

“Is it okay, Mr. Zhang Wei, Ma De, who are those two people, and why have they never heard of them.”

The exorcists present were full of worries.

Today's night sky is covered with thunder, and the thunder is shining, illuminating this place like daytime. They searched for Zhang Wei's figure in the thunder night sky back and forth, wanting to see how Zhang Wei is doing.

at the same time.

The goblins searched, too, but only stared at the smoky ground for the dumb and stuttering:

"Those two people won't die, why is there no movement at all."

"Don't die, if they die, we are finished, and it is best to die together."

Just when people and ghosts had different thoughts, they checked and searched back and forth.

boom! !

The smoke and dust on the ground surged, and a thunder light exploded inside, blowing away the diffuse mist, revealing the scene inside.

see you...

On the ground full of messy potholes, two figures stood there. Their whole bodies, whether it was clothes or skin, were covered with the runes of the Five Thunder Curse. Thunder bloomed from the runes, forming a lightning net that wrapped the whole body. Keep them in it.

But if you look closely, despite the five thunder body protection, they are still injured, their hair is messy, and their stuttering arms are even bleeding. It is obvious that Zhang Wei hit his arm with a gas cannonball.


The mute noticed this and asked with concern.

Stuttering shook his head, waved his hands and said:

"No, no, it's okay, that, that person..."

That's all for words.

He looked directly at the night sky and also checked Zhang Wei's situation.

Immediately afterwards.

A voice came from the sky:

"You guys are so strong, I didn't blow you up like this."

The words fell.

In the night sky full of thunder, the thunder seemed to be impacted by something. It exploded at one point and dissipated in the blink of an eye. Looking intently, Zhang Wei exuding a Saiyan aura was hovering there, with golden hair The hair is particularly conspicuous in this dark night.

【Ding! Stuttering and dumb...huh? not hurt? We didn't hold back, this guy's body is more fleshy than expected]

[Host obtains system points +580]

As the second place in the list of potential new stars, they knew that Zhang Wei's physical body was very strong, but they didn't expect that his physical body could be so strong, even more perverted than zombies.

at the same time.

Zhang Wei also noticed the stuttering injured way:

"It seems that your physical body is not as strong as mine, so why not, let's fight hand-to-hand."

【Ding! Ding! Using Super Saiyan Figure Ability - Fighting Technique]

With the system prompt beeping.

Zhang Wei swooped towards the dumb and stuttering.

To this.

The mute shouted angrily:


He didn't seem to be afraid of Zhang Wei's approach, he tore off the clothes on his body, and threw the clothes with the Five Thunder Curse at Zhang Wei, and he did the same thing with stammer, both of them threw the clothes.


The two clothes were like two thunderbolts, attacking Zhang Wei like lightning and thunder.


Zhang Wei raised his hand and was about to hit him with an air bullet.

But at this time, a sudden change occurred, the two clothes glowing with thunder, and the runes on the back of the clothes lit up, and then a green mist filled it, like an exploding smoke bomb, covering Zhang Wei head-on.

"Brother Wei!"

"Fuck! Mean."

Lu Lianfeng and the others changed color.

【Ding! The ghosts are pleasantly surprised... I am Cao! Wonderful! As expected of a top-level ghost king, knowing that the opponent is physically strong, he uses poison to attack]

[Host obtains system points +3000]

Lu Lianfeng and the others couldn't believe the sudden green fog. It was just used by the dumb to confuse Zhang Wei's vision.

This was quickly verified.

can be seen.

The green mist spewed out, and the chirping sound continued, and the air it touched made a corrosive sound.

Same time.

The mute also laughed out loud, and gestured with his hands:

"Haha, baa baa baa."

【Ding! Dumb... so what if your body is strong, I will destroy it from inside your body, could it be possible for your organs to be as hard as iron?]

[Host obtains system points +280]

But it was the next second.

The dumb smile stopped abruptly, and the worries of Lu Lianfeng and the others froze.

on the night sky.

The green poisonous mist that enveloped Zhang Wei surged like a dragon absorbing water, rushing towards a place. Looking carefully, it was Zhang Wei's mouth. For the poisonous gas attack, instead of covering his mouth and nose, he opened his mouth in the air. Inhale poison over there.


The mute stared in disbelief.

【Ding! Dumb...fuck! This is impossible! 】

[Host obtains system points +290]

【Ding! The ghosts were stunned...Wori, suck, suck it in? 】

[Host obtains system points +3100]

at the same time.

With the last breath of green poisonous mist sucked into his mouth, Zhang Wei patted his stomach and said:

"It's not bad, it smells a bit like Sprite."

Mute: "???"


Ghosts: "????"

Lu Lianfeng and the others: "???"

Seeing the residual poisonous gas exhaled by Zhang Wei's mouth and nose, Lu Lianfeng was stunned, and murmured like a ghost:

"Brother Wei... you can't really be a Super Saiyan, it's the poisonous gas of a top ghost king-level ghost exorcist."

in its view.

The poisonous gas that Dumb and Stuttered could never be simple, but Zhang Wei swallowed it all without blinking. Obviously Zhang Wei was not afraid of the opponent's poisonous gas at all, and was confident that his organs were hard enough to withstand the opponent's poisonous gas.

Also at this time.

After regaining his senses, he stammered and opened his mouth:

"This, this, how is this possible? Even, even the zombie king can be poisoned, how can you carry it?"

To this.

Zhang Wei continued to rush towards them while grinning and said:

"Is there a possibility that I am stronger than the zombie king, hehe."


Little Corpse: "..."

It can be seen that the Xishuangbanna bronze armored corpse next to Lu Lianfeng instinctively recalled what happened with Zhang Wei after hearing his words, and nodded instinctively, as if talking silently... I have the right to prove this.

the other side.

Dumb and stuttering, they didn't have time to think about why Zhang Wei was immune to the poisonous gas they made themselves. Seeing Zhang Wei attacking, they looked at each other and greeted him:

"Abba! Abba! Abba!"

"Don't, don't think that only you are physically strong."

in words.

Everyone and the ghosts noticed that they only cared about Zhang Wei being swallowed by the poisonous gas before, but now they realized that the dumb and stuttering duo who had taken off their shirts and showed their upper body shirtless were covered with tattoos all over their bodies.

at the same time.

They saw that there was light blooming on the backs of the two of them. It was a tattoo with a drought 魃. At this moment, the tattoo gave off a demonic light, and the faint roar of corpses resounded. The sound was so ear-shattering that the ground trembled.


As if being possessed, the dumb and stuttering people changed their bodies, becoming like corpses, and even grew zombie fangs.

Watching the two change.

Lu Lianfeng, Zhou Yun and other ghost exorcists who came from powerful forces all changed their colors in shock, and they all uttered in shock:

"Yin Yin Masters? They are Yin Yin Masters!"


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