this moment.

Looking at the various tattoos on Dumb and Stuttering, and thinking back to the two of them, the way they attacked Zhang Wei before, Lu Lianfeng and other ghost exorcists from powerful backgrounds have already confirmed that the profession of Dumb and Stuttering ghost exorcists is rare tattoo Yin master.

"I thought they were paper makers. Seeing them cast paper figurines and draw thunder spells on their clothes, it turned out that they were just blindfolded."

"I didn't expect them to be tattoo tattoo masters."

"It's been so many years since I've seen Yin Yin Master Wen, and he's still a top ghost king level Yin Yin Master Wen."

Also with the recognition.

Lu Lianfeng didn't dare to be careless, for fear that Zhang Wei would suffer a loss if he didn't understand the profession of exorcising ghosts, so he hurriedly shouted:

"Brother Wei, be careful! They are Yin tattoo masters, a kind of ghost exorcism profession that relies exclusively on tattoos."

Zhou Yun and the others shouted after hearing this, and told Zhang Wei what they knew about Wenyin Master.

To this.

Zhang Wei was not surprised, and the trend continued unabated, rushing towards dumbness and stuttering.

He has two-thirds of the knowledge of Longhu Mountain, including information on various ghost exorcising professions. The ancient profession of Yinyin Master is naturally recorded in it, and he knows its characteristics.

tattoo master...

Tattoos are not a modern product. There were tattoos in ancient times in Daxia, which were called tattoos. It can be traced back thousands of years ago. At that time, people were still slash-and-burn, and tribes would use beasts as totems. The person who is tattooed regards it as an honor.

That was the earliest origin of Wenyin masters, and later evolved from the sect of Zhouyi, forming the profession of Wenyin masters, which is one of the oldest professions.

For tattoos.

People believe that the totem of life tattooed on the body is not only an honor, but also can change a person's fate. Even today, many people still think so.

For example, people in the underworld think that tattooing blue dragons and white tigers can bring strength to themselves. For example, girls tattooing roses and other seductive things can bring them good luck. For example, if there is something missing in life, they will tattoo something or someone , to fill in the missing numerology.

Tattoo Yin masters are such professions, they can bring various magical abilities with the help of tattoos.

Before being dumb and stuttering, the five thunder charms in their palms are actually tattoos, and the five thunder charms can be released without the help of charms.

Another example is now...

They have Hanba tattooed on their backs, and with the tattooing of Hanba, they can obtain part of the ability of Hanba, which is like inviting gods, but it is easier than inviting gods, and there is no need to say the words of inviting gods.

"Please ask Hanba to compare my body with me, it's a good idea."

Zhang Wei whispered in his heart.

From the physical changes of the dumb and stuttering, he could see the effectiveness of their Hanba tattoos, which borrowed part of Hanba's abilities, including part of the physical strength.

realize this.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but stop the dive.

the other side.

Feeling the physical strength of Hanba, the mute grinned and showed the smile of the big brother next door, but with the current skin color of the corpse, he no longer looked friendly, and had a strange creepiness:

"Abba aba aba."

He gestured...Why don't you dare to come here? Are you afraid? I'm still waiting to compare my physical body with you. Don't think that only your physical body is stronger.

But it's not even a second of pride.

Zhang Wei's voice came:

"Although I don't know how much Hanba's power you can borrow, but no matter how you say it is a Hanba, I have to be serious."

It's not loud.

But both the people present and the ghost heard it.

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering... huh? serious? What are you pretending to be, what the hell, you want to say that you were not serious just now, who are you scaring, you...fuck———]

[Host obtains system points +600]

boom! !

It exploded like a sonic boom.

The moment Zhang Wei finished speaking, Yang Tian drank, and in an instant, the Super Saiyan aura on his body exploded, more ferocious than before, the aura was so strong, and the golden energy of Super Saiyan around him was surrounded by lightning.

Look closely.

If the previous Zhang Wei was surrounded by golden flame energy, then the current Zhang Wei is surrounded by golden flame energy, blazing fiercely.

at the same time.

His golden hair stood up even more, and there was a pinch of golden bangs on his forehead.

【Ding! Use the power of Super Saiyan figure - Super Saiyan II! 】

In order to deal with the drought, tattoo.

In addition, the opponent is a high-level executive of Sen Luosi.

Zhang Wei gave it a high degree of respect, and directly started Super Saiyan 2. His strength rose exponentially. Under the powerful strength, his muscles were all bulging, like a god of war coming into the world.

"Abba (fuck)!"

Feeling the improvement of Zhang Wei's strength, he stammered proudly before and couldn't help but swear.

Stuttering is not much better, he stammered:

"Me, me, me, Cao."

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering... again, stronger again! ! He... really didn't use all his strength before? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +620]

【Ding! The ghosts are shocking... oh my god, his hair is more blond, his hair is standing up, and he... is stronger again! 】

[Host obtains system points +3200]

Not just ghosts.

Lu Lianfeng and the others were also stunned, seeing Zhang Wei's changes, at this moment, their thoughts were surprisingly the same...Brother Wei/Mr. Zhang Wei, are you sure you are not a Super Saiyan?

Think here.

Lu Lianfeng couldn't help murmuring:

"Sister's vision is really good, and she found such a fierce brother-in-law."

Just as Lu Lianfeng was speaking.

Zhang Wei was already in front of Mute and Stutter. The two of them approached each other without any mercy. Mute and Stutter opened their mouths with zombie fangs, let out corpse roars, and punched Zhang Wei.

Its power is fierce.

The blown wind produced a deafening sonic boom.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei's eyes flickered, he directly raised his hands, clenched them into fists, and punched the fists on both sides.

boom! ! ! ! !

It was like three hundred-ton boulders colliding, with the two as the center, a shock wave was set off, the ground trembled and sank at this moment, and all the surrounding fragments were blown away, forming a half-hundred-meter-high In the vacuum zone, apart from Zhang Wei and the others, there is nothing else.

next moment.

A shocking scene appeared.

Seeing that his fist was blocked by Zhang Wei's fist, Stutter and Dumb had been brothers for many years, and they didn't need to communicate, so they tacitly made a move again, swung the fist of the other hand, and smashed Zhang Wei's chest, a big punch Wear the trend at Zhang Wei's heart.

Everything happens very quickly.

In the eyes of the crowd and the ghosts, even though Zhang Wei blocked the double punches, they were no match for four hands. He didn't have any extra hands to guard against their other hands, and he was hit hard on the chest.


Zhang Wei's body was like a cannonball, and under the terrifying power of the Hanba borrowed by the two, he was blasted out, flying hundreds of meters, until he hit a boulder.


On that huge rock, Zhang Wei was like a gem, he smashed a hole out of the huge rock, his body was firmly embedded in it, and spider web-like cracks spread in the hole.

"Brother Wei!!"

"Mr. Zhang Wei!!"

【Ding! Surprise for the ghosts...Wuhu! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +3300]

Just when the dumb and stuttering also made a smile for themselves.

next second.

The smile froze.

Zhang Wei, who had been smashed to the ground and embedded in the stone, acted like a normal person. He pulled the huge boulder hard with his hands, and jumped out of the sunken boulder human-shaped hole.

After landing.

Zhang Wei held his ribs on the left chest, raised his hand and gestured, smiled and said to the dumb and stuttering:

"It really hurts. It's worthy of Wenyin Master, and it's worthy of the power of Hanba. This punch dislocated my ribs by less than a nanometer."


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