Zhang Wei's voice echoed in the ears of everyone and ghosts.

Looking at his smiling face, there is no pain at all, and there doesn't even seem to be any injuries on his body. Let alone Lu Lianfeng and the ghosts, the dumb and stuttering who are the instigators are hard to hold back.

"Ah! Ba!"

cried the mute in shock.

【Ding! Dumb...that's impossible! 】

[Host obtains system points +250]

Stuttering also said:

"No injuries?"

【Ding! Stuttering... how is it possible, I am using the power of Hanba]

[Host obtains system points +250]

As tattoo artists, they are well aware of how powerful their Hanba tattoos are. What they borrowed is not only Hanba's physical body, but also Hanba's extraordinary terrifying power. They once used the power brought by Hanba's tattoos to punch each Only the ghost king was killed.

can now.

It's fine if Zhang Wei wasn't severely injured by their full-strength punch, so there's nothing wrong with it.

One thought here.

Dumb and stammering, frowning, staring at Zhang Wei:

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering... I understand, he must be at the end of his battle, just for bluffing, so he pretended nothing happened, heh! You think you can fool me like this...]

[Host obtains system points +620]

But it was the next second.

Listening to the system notification sound in his head, Zhang Wei went straight to the gymnastics warm-up exercise:

"Hey, I don't know if it's an illusion. After being beaten up by you, I feel that the fatigue I accumulated with my girlfriends in the past few days has eased a lot, and my waist doesn't seem to hurt anymore."

in words.

Zhang Wei made a difficult waist twisting movement, and then moved his hands forward, sprinting forward and retracting his waist quickly, and said as if driving a train at high speed:

"My Cao, my waist is so relaxed. Look at it quickly, thank you. This dozen of you have cured my back pain these days."

Dumb and stuttering: "..."

Lu Lianfeng: "???"

Hanba tattoo: "..."

【Ding! Ghosts... Although I can't understand what this person is talking about, but that movement should be the posture used in the same room with the wife]

[Host obtains system points +3000]

at the same time.

Dumb and stuttering, they were distracted, the slaps came too fast, they only realized that Zhang Wei was pretending in the last second, and it turned out that Zhang Wei was doing exercises easily, no matter what he looked like, he didn't look like he was seriously injured, more like he just had a massage , The muscles and bones of the whole body have been relaxed.

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering... Our punch, such a massage? 】

[Host obtains system points +620]


Before they had time to think about it, they saw that Zhang Wei was not injured, looked at each other and nodded, and then a white tiger tattoo on the mute's left chest glowed, and the roar of the tiger came out, and the ghosts around him were bleeding from all seven orifices.

According to legend, the white tiger is one of the five gods and beasts, guarding the west, the god of war, and the master of killing.

"Aba aba aba (If the drought can't kill you, then add more tattoo power)"

in words.

Accompanied by the white tiger tattoo glowing, the dumb man with the skin color of the body has tiger stripes on his cheeks, and the aura of his whole body becomes as sharp as a golden halberd, full of killing, just standing there, like a sharp weapon.

Stuttering is also a move, a Vermilion Bird tattoo on the lower chest lights up, and the sound of the phoenix sings, loud and clear, the skin color of the whole body of the corpse glows red, and the blood vessels become deep red and emerge, as if the blood flowing in the blood vessels is not blood, but It's fiery magma.

"If you can't beat... if you can't kill you, then you will be burned."

Watching the breath of the two rise again.

Zhang Wei's eyes fell on the tattoos all over their bodies, and he said immediately:

"Borrow foreign aid with tattoos again, can't you afford it? Hey, but it's okay. If you borrow it, I will borrow it too."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei shouted loudly, and the classic scene appeared in an instant. His explosive energy from Super Race 2 exploded his clothes, revealing his upper body. In addition to strength, it does not appear muscular.


The attention of everyone and ghosts is not on Zhang Wei's figure, but his eyes are completely on the tattoo on his back.


"My Cao?! This person is also a tattoo master?!"

"Mr. Zhang Wei also tattoo means?"

Whether it's a ghost or a ghost exorcist, even the dumb and stutterers are stunned, with undisguised shock in their eyes.

They saw it.

Zhang Wei's back had a shining light, and then a willow tattoo appeared on his back. It was a lifelike willow tree, full of vicissitudes, as if it had been baptized for hundreds of years. It was clearly a tattoo, but it felt As if alive, as the evening wind blows, the green willow branches and leaves of the willow tree sway in the wind.

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering... Fuck, is this a colleague? ! But what is that tattoo? Why haven't I seen it?]

[Host obtains system points +660]

Immediately afterwards.

Another reminder sounded in Zhang Wei's mind:

[The back pattern of the ghost is displayed, and part of the strength of the willow old man is given to the host! 】


Zhang Wei made a move, stepped on the ground with one foot, and a circle of green light spread from the foot as the center.


In the shocking eyes of everyone.

When Zhang Wei stepped down, the ground cracked like a spider web. To be precise, thick willow branches rushed out of the ground, splitting the ground. There are thousands of willow trees, such as Ke Sulu-like tentacles, waving towards the dumb and stammering.

at the same time.

Behind Zhang Wei, a young seedling broke through the ground, and in the blink of an eye, it seemed that hundreds of years had passed, and the seedling had grown into a willow tree in the sky, covering the sky and the sun, majestic and majestic.

next second.

Thousands of willows strike out, dumb and stammering roars, the former's five fingers form claws, sharp like a tiger's claws, engulfed in the terrifying power of a drought demon, one claw cuts thousands of willow branches, the latter spits out a blazing flame, and is about to come Thousands of willow trees in front of them were burned to death.

It's just that there are too many willows.

Just after destroying some, there will be a steady stream of willows coming, which perfectly interprets what is called endless life.

To this.

Zhang Wei stepped lightly again, as if tapping the ground with a cane. The willow tree behind him, like a patron saint, swayed in the wind, and thick willow branches and willow leaves flew out, like green dragons flying out, drawing towards the dumb and stuttering from all directions.

Boom! !

In the intensive attack, the mute was momentarily hit in the head by a willow branch. Under the tremendous force, the whole body, like Zhang Wei before, flew out like a cannonball, and slammed into the ground in the distance.

It is also this moment.

The mute's Hanba tattoo lit up, giving him a strong physical body to withstand the attack.

"Abba!! (Damn it)"

The mute stood up angrily from the ground, no matter what to save his strength, he was completely beaten out of his anger.

【Ding! Dumb... I got spanked by other tattoo artists? 】

[Host obtains system points +270]


He roared, and a tattoo on his left arm lit up. It was a ferocious ghost, more majestic and intimidating than ordinary ghosts, holding a chain in his hand. Compared with other tattoos, this tattoo was just a glance, which made people feel at ease. A kind of absent-mindedness, feeling that the soul will be hooked away at any time.

"Hell's Seductress Tattoo."

Zhang Wei recognized the tattoo, which is a legendary envoy who specializes in seducing souls in the underworld.


Accompanied by the enchanter tattoo lights up.

The mute had a dense aura of Huangquan all over his body, and with a wave of his big hand, the ghostly aura of Huangquan rushed out, clanging, and turned into chains of enchanting souls, heading towards Zhang Wei's detention.

【Ding! Dumb... If you can't be beaten to death or poisoned to death, then take out your soul, I don't believe that your soul can be as hard to deal with as your physical body]

[Host obtains system points +280]


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