Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 462 I Fight With You, But You Want To Fencing With Me

Immediately afterwards.

Driven by the mute, the ghostly aura of the underworld is permeating behind him, as if there is an enchanter standing behind him, shooting out thousands of chains, trying to drag Zhang Wei into the underworld for trial.

To this.

Zhang Wei was unmoved, and lightly raised his hand. The old willow tree behind him shot out tens of thousands of willow branches, glowing with green light of life, and crashed into thousands of chains of ecstasy that glowed with black light of death.

this moment.

The chains clanged and the willows sounded deafeningly, as if death and life were colliding, making people feel like hell invaded the world, and the world fought back, and the hell and the world sparked an eternal war.


It was so shocking.

Looking at the past, the land where Zhang Wei is located on the right is full of greenery, glowing with infinite vitality, with overgrown grasses and willow branches swaying. On the left, where the dumb is located, the land is barren of grass, flowing like a river in the underworld, permeated with the dark mist of death, and life is cut off , Death looms.

Just when everyone and ghosts are paying attention, they want to know whether the 'Underworld' will win or the 'Human World' will win.

No sign.

A terrifying figure appeared behind Zhang Wei, it was stuttering.

He took advantage of the gap that the mute held Zhang Wei, and came to Zhang Wei's side, and then the Hanba tattoo, the Vermilion Bird tattoo, and the ecstasy tattoo all lit up, and using his hands as a chain, he grabbed Zhang Wei's head, trying to force it Shengsheng took Zhang Wei's soul out of Tianling Gai.

【Ding! Stuttering...go to hell! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +290]

"Brother Wei!"

"Mr. Zhang Wei!"

Just when the stammer was only half a finger away from Zhang Wei's head.


Zhang Wei seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly turned his head, looked directly at Stutter beside him, and said coldly:

"Am I handsome."

Following the words, accompanied by the tattoo on his back, a charming woman with horns appeared under the willow tree, and a system prompt sounded in his mind.

[The back pattern of the ghost is displayed, and part of the strength of the Succubus Queen is given to the host! 】

see you.

Stuttering who was attacking Zhang Wei, being stared at by Zhang Wei and asked such a question, he felt lost. Looking at Zhang Wei's delicate face, he had a strange thought, instinctively stunned, and replied:


【Ding! Stuttering...huh? Only then did I realize that he is so handsome~~]

[Host obtains system points +300]

But soon.

When he stuttered in response, he immediately came back to his senses, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at Zhang Wei in horror.

【Ding! Stuttering... what's going on! ? what did you do to me? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +310]


He didn't have time to think about it, thousands of willow branches had already swept towards him while he was in a daze, and at the same time, formed a willow wall made of willow branches beside Zhang Wei to block further attacks by Stutter.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei's voice came leisurely:

"Thank you, I think I'm pretty handsome too."


Stuttering and twitching the corners of his mouth, he retreated backwards, keeping a distance from Zhang Wei, looked at Zhang Wei vigilantly and said:

"You, you, you are right, what did you do to me."

"I didn't do anything, I just asked you, what's wrong with me, am I handsome or not? You're not narcissistic anymore, but you looked at me with perverted eyes just now. I suspect that you not only want to kill me, but also anal me. "

Zhang Wei grinned.

Just when Jieba was about to say something, the mute came to Jieba's side, and while manipulating the ecstasy chain to confront Zhang Wei, he gestured:

"Abababa... (Stuttering, what happened to you just now, why didn't the attack succeed, and you still looked at him with fascination)"

in words.

He looked towards Zhang Wei, and at this glance, the eyes of both sides met, and Zhang Wei spoke again in an instant:

"What about you? Do you think I'm handsome?"

With the succubus ability activated again.

The mute nodded absently and said:

"Abba! (Handsome!)"

Although he couldn't understand the mute's words, but combined with the stuttering situation before and the mute's obsession with eyes, everyone and ghosts understood his words.

Lu Lianfeng and others: "???"

Ghosts: "????"

【Ding! Ghosts... I Cao? what's going on? Is this being blinded by ghosts? ! Or is it about fighting to spark the spark of love? 】

[Host obtains system points +3400]

No matter if it was a ghost or Lu Lianfeng and the others, they were all confused and did not understand what was going on.

From the situation of being dumb and stuttering just now, it should be similar to being blinded by ghosts, but it doesn't make sense, Zhang Wei is a human being, how could he use blinding ghosts, if it is not blinding ghosts, is it a spell of charm? But it's not right, isn't this kind of spells only for women?

One thought here.

Lu Lianfeng and the others were a little confused:

"My Cao, is Mr. Zhang Wei a woman?!"

"Impossible, Brother Wei can't be a woman. I went to the bathroom with Brother Wei before, and I saw that Jill is very big."

Following Lu Lianfeng's categorical denial.

Everyone was even more dazed, and couldn't help but stare at the dumb and stuttering... It's not a ghost, and it's impossible to be charming, so what's the situation, could it be possible to spark the spark of love under the name?

at the same time.

Dumb and stuttering felt the gaze, facing Lu Lianfeng and the others looking at the "gay guy" gaze, even Zhang Wei had a look similar to "I fight with you, but you want to fencing with me", and the corners of his mouth twitched for a while.

【Ding! The mute wants to scold someone... If I wasn't dumb and couldn't speak, I would have scolded you, damn it]

[Host obtains system points +320]

Immediately afterwards.

The mute opened his mouth and gestured:

"Abaaaba (stammer, don't look into his eyes, he has a problem with his eyes, he has the ability to charm)"

Although they didn't know how Zhang Wei did it, the mute quickly found out the problem of Zhang Wei's charm, and his eyes could charm them.

Stuttering also nodded:

"But... maybe it's... yes, it's a tattoo. I just... just saw...his tattoos... glow."

the other side.

Zhang Wei didn't give them a chance to talk, and he had once again used the ability of the willow old man, the tree roots shuttled underground, strung out from the mute's feet, and at the same time he was bullying himself.

Continue to use the succubus abilities against them.

To this.

Stuttering and dumb frowning, the basalt tattoos in their hands light up, deepening their own defenses, carrying willow branches to attack, one left and one right casting the soul chains, to confront Zhang Wei head-to-head, to capture Zhang Wei's soul while Zhang Wei is one step ahead .

However, the next second.

Zhang Wei also made an unexpected move, ignoring the attack on him by the ecstasy chains, he stretched out his hand and grabbed them.

[Ghost back pattern is used, Huahua part of the ability is given to the host! 】

The system prompt sounds.

The two dumb people felt the flash of light on Zhang Wei's back, and when they realized it, the five fingers of Zhang Wei's protruding hand became sharper, instinctively feeling an unprecedented crisis.


It all happened so fast.

Even if they reacted in time and escaped the fatal attack, Zhang Wei grabbed their arms.

next second.

Blood spurted.


The screams resounded through the night.


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