Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 463 Am I A Gundam, Or Zhang Wei Is A Gundam

Accompanied by the screams, Zhang Wei seemed to be holding an arm in each of his hands. Looking at Stutter and Mute, the former's left arm was gone, and the latter's right arm was gone, with blood dripping from the broken arm.


Feeling the pain of his arm being torn apart, while dumb and stammering and screaming, he shot Zhang Wei's head.


Zhang Wei was sent flying out.

"Brother Wei!"

"Mr. Zhang Wei!"

Lu Lianfeng and the others were all terrified when they saw this. In their eyes, the strength that Mute and Stutter erupted was too terrifying, especially when his arm was torn off, and Zhang Wei was blown away. At the same time, the whole body was twisted extremely, and the head was turned 180 degrees backwards.

can be seen.

Zhang Wei was like a kite with a broken string. Under the huge impact, it fell heavily on the ground, leaving a deep ravine for more than ten meters. His body was like a twisted Transformer, not only the head, but also the Limbs are all twisted, no matter how you look at it, it's not dead, it's only the last breath left.


Lu Lianfeng and the others couldn't sit still any longer, but they were just about to rescue Zhang Wei when they started walking and raised their feet.

see you...

Zhang Wei, whose head was twisted 180 degrees, got up from the ground, and with the sound of rattling bones, his twisted limbs returned to their original positions by themselves, and his head was also turned 180 degrees by him.

【Ding! The ghosts are scary... ghosts! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +3600]

Lu Lianfeng and the others were also frightened, rubbed their eyes vigorously, and after confirming that there was no hallucination, the frightened faces became even worse:

"Are you kidding...Mr. Zhang Wei, isn't this dead?"

"Lu Lianfeng, is Mr. Zhang Wei human?"

"Is this a Super Saiyan, or a strange species?"

【Ding! Xishuangbanna Bronze Armored Corpse...Am I a Gundam, or are you a Gundam? You are more Transformers than me on a horse]

[Host obtains system points +90]

at the same time.

With a click, Zhang Wei straightened his head, glanced at himself who could bend flexibly, and murmured in his heart:

"As expected of Huahua's ability, my body is as soft as a cat's. No wonder the cat won't die after falling from several floors. The bone structure is too earthquake-resistant."

I thought about it.

Zhang Wei's eyes fell on the two arms in his hand, and then holding the two flower arms, he said slowly to the mutes:

"You two uncles with flower arms, I accept your two flower arms."

As soon as his words came out.

Facing Zhang Wei's words, Dumb and Stammer covered their arms, and casually pasted a black talisman on the severed arm to stop the bleeding. Unexpectedly, they didn't continue to do anything, and looked directly at Zhang Wei's chest, as if You have to look through its chest and see the tattoo behind it.

Immediately afterwards.

"Aba aba aba (what the hell is your tattoo)"

The mute wanted to sign, but when he raised his left hand, he suddenly heard that he had only one arm left, and now he couldn't even sign language, so he could only speak casually.

"You, your tattoo, what the hell is it?"

Stuttering saw the mute's situation, and helped him ask the question he and he wanted to ask the most.

Without exception.

Although the two lost their arms, they didn't panic too much, nor were they too angry. It seemed that the broken arm was nothing to them. With a tailor around, they could take it back at any time, and they showed more interest.

If you are familiar with their glasses here, you can definitely see their eyes. It is not only interest, but also curiosity.

Unlike glasses.

Glasses has only one hobby, and that is to kill, to kill and kill ghosts in various cruel ways, and to dissect and study them.

Apart from killing people, the dumb and stutterers also have another biggest hobby, which is tattooing. They like to study the tattooing ability of tattoo masters, which is why they become tattoo masters and grow to the top ghost king level, just because of their hobby.


Compared with killing people, they prefer to have more tattoos. They will not hesitate to engrave tattoos on each other's bodies for research, and thus have a habit of killing people.

Now seeing Zhang Wei's miraculous tattooing ability, they are excited and can't hide the curiosity in their eyes.

So what exactly is Zhang Wei's tattoo.

There are so many magical abilities.

I really want to get it.

I really want to study!

Thoughts came to the minds of the two, their eyes were burning, and they stared at Zhang Wei. Even though they now understood that Zhang Wei's strength was greater than the two of them working together, they didn't want to leave. They wished they could study Zhang Wei now.

"Sue, tell me, you, your tattoo is, what is it."

He stuttered and said.

To this.

Zhang Wei grinned and asked without answering:

"Why should I tell you?"

The words did not fall.

Looking at the eyes of the two, Zhang Wei understood their thoughts even though he didn't have a system, and couldn't help laughing:

"What? You are very interested in my tattoos. Is this the first time you have met me? Do you want to learn? I want to learn and I will teach you."

As soon as his words came out.


Dumb and stuttering were taken aback, and just about to say something, Zhang Wei said first:

"That's impossible. How can I teach you for free? You guys want to kill me. I'm going to teach you two enemies. I'm stupid."

Dumb and stuttering: "..."

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering...then you say Jill, it makes us happy for nothing]

[Host obtains system points +500]

They didn't get angry because of Zhang Wei's words. After all, what the other party said was correct. If they were themselves, they would not be able to teach their enemies.


He stammered and said:

"I, I can, I can do it with you..."

"Sex? It's nothing, I don't have sex."

Zhang Wei took the words and waved his hand in response.

As soon as his words came out.

Lu Lianfeng and the others were all terrified, and subconsciously backed away, even the ghosts who came out of Suolongjing backed away in fright.

【Ding! Ghosts... I Cao? Are they really carrying mountains on their backs? ! Dare to feel that it was not a ghost just now, but a really vulgar and greedy Zhang Wei's body? 】

[Host obtains system points +3800]

the other side.

Stuttering noticed the changes in the eyes of Lu Lianfeng and the ghosts, the corners of their mouths twitched violently:

【Ding! Stuttering... Be your sister, can you just listen to me stammering and finishing my speech?】

[Host obtains system points +300]


He said directly:

"No, no, I'm talking about making a deal! Damn it, don't slander me."

Fearing that Zhang Wei might misunderstand himself again, he hurriedly continued:

"I, I can... I can teach you the tattoos that we know, how to do, how to do, how to exchange, how to do."

In normal times, dumb and stammering would choose to kill and get more money when they encounter tattoos they are interested in, but now, they know that they can't beat Zhang Wei, so they can only make a deal with Zhang Wei.

【Ding! Stuttering and dumb...Anyway, Zhang Wei didn't know that we were from Senluosi. He just thought that our identity was mysterious, so we might not be able to do business. As for the task, it's not too late to continue after Zhang Wei is gone. For tattoos, everything is worth it 】

[Host obtains system points +320]

the other side.

After Zhang Wei heard his words and the system prompt sounded in his mind, a hey smile appeared in his heart.


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