Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 464 Fatty, I Seem To Be Planning To Arrange An Insider At Your Senluosi Again

For stuttering proposed deals.

An idea popped up in Zhang Wei's mind, and he couldn't help laughing... Fatty, it seems that I'm going to arrange an inside line in your Sen Luosi again.

I thought about it.

On the surface, Zhang Wei frowned slightly, his eyes fell on the tattoos on Dumb and Stuttering, and he said with interest:

"Exchange your tattoo technique with mine?"

As soon as his words came out.

All the attention was on Zhang Wei's dumbness and stuttering. Seeing the change in Zhang Wei's expression, he couldn't help but feel happy, and then nodded hurriedly:

"Ababa, Abba! Ababa (yes, yes, make friends with you...uh, I forgot, my hand is broken, I can't use sign language, hurry up, stammer, tell him quickly)"

Stuttering and nodding:

"Don't worry, I'll just say it."

The words did not fall.

He nodded to Zhang Wei and said:

"Yes yes yes, exchange, see which tattoo you like, which tattoo, I and my brothers, one, one, one for one, give you one, two for one, yes, it's a good deal for you. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the dumb man next to him also quickly pointed to his white tiger tattoo and ecstasy tattoo. His actions are self-evident. This is to say, as long as you are willing to exchange, we can exchange these tattoos with you. You've seen these amazing tattoos.

"I'm really interested in the tattoo of the ecstasy envoy."

Zhang Wei said, I don’t know what will happen to the tattoo when I bless the system points of the Ecstasy Messenger tattoo system. You must know that the better the system points are blessed, the stronger the effect will be. I just want to return to my thoughts, but Zhang Wei changed the subject :

"But it can't, one is your identity, I don't even know, and the other is... why did I make an exchange with you, I just killed you, can't I also get the tattoo of the ecstasy messenger?"

"wait wait wait!"

"Abba aba (wait a minute!)"

Seeing that Zhang Wei was about to make a move, Stutter and Dumb hurriedly reached out their hands to signal, and then Stutter continued:

"My identity, I, I can tell you."


In order to get Zhang Wei's tattoo technique, he stammered and said:

"We're just passing, oh, by accident, seeing you guys fighting here, so, I thought, there's something here, thinking, wanting to snatch it, we..."

【Ding! Stuttering... Make up an identity first, and hide it from him. Anyway, Sen Luosi prepared many identities for us to cover up for us to avoid being discovered by the high-level, and it happened to be used today]

[Host obtains system points +290]

Immediately afterwards.

He stammered about his two identities, and when he finished speaking, he added:

"I know, are strong, but, but I think, it's not easy to keep us...we are at the same level of strength anyway, think, think, want to run, you, You can't stop..."

Stuttering was very patient and explained the reason to Zhang Wei.

To this.

Lu Lianfeng, who was far away, nodded subconsciously, and Zhou Yun frowned and said:

"Indeed, with their strength, if they want to run, Mr. Zhang Wei can't stop them. After all, we have the task of locking Longjing, and they have tattoos all over their bodies. They must have the ability to escape. Otherwise, they dare not follow them." Mr. Zhang Wei bargaining."

Lu Lianfeng also nodded in agreement:

"Actually, even if Brother Wei can keep them, he won't be able to get tattoos. You see, they have taken off their shirts and just a pair of trousers. There is no place to hide tattoo books. That stutterer shouldn't be lying. Give the tattoo books to me." I hid it and didn't carry it with me."

Their voices were not loud, but they heard the dumbness and stuttering.

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering... well said! 】

[Host acquisition system +300]

When the dumb two were thinking truthfully, they didn't know that Zhang Wei also smiled in his heart, and gave Lu Lianfeng a thumbs up in his heart... Lianfeng, you are right, I am worried about how to give They are looking for steps, you assists, nice!

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei was lost in thought on the surface, as if weighing the dumb and stuttering words over there.

After a while.

Seeing that he was pretending to be pondering, Zhang Wei raised his head and frowned:

"I'm really interested in your ecstasy tattoos. Although I have a way to keep you, as you said, I can't get the tattoos I want. I can consider making an exchange with you, but the ecstasy A tattoo is not enough, another tattoo is needed."

"Of course, two for one."

Hearing this, he was pleasantly surprised, and stammered that he could give him another tattoo besides the Ecstasy Messenger tattoo, even more powerful ones, such as the Hanba tattoo, or the Taotie tattoo, and he could even give Zhang Wei the Ecstasy Messenger tattoo first, and wait for Zhang Wei to give it to him. tattooed, they give another tattoo.

To this.

Zhang Wei said that it was not enough. In order to avoid revealing his purpose, he continued to put forward some conditions, such as they need to stay to deal with the ghosts, such as they need to go back to the Department of Health with them for interrogation and other conditions.

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering... This guy is really cautious, but it’s okay, the more cautious you are, the greater the success rate of the transaction, so I agreed first, anyway, let’s put aside the task of locking Longjing, get the tattoo first, and deal with you later]

[Host obtains system points +420]

At last.

After a while of haggling, Dumb and Stammer agreed to Zhang Wei's various conditions, and then went to the ghosts present.

This is the condition they agreed to Zhang Wei, to help Zhang Wei and others deal with the ghosts in Suolongjing, and wait until the ghosts in the four directions have been cleared before proceeding with the transaction.


The scene that made the ghosts collapse was staged.

Zhang Wei, who was fighting to the death before, and Dumb and Stammer, they backhanded like good buddies, Zhang Wei was in the middle, Dumb and Dumb were on both sides, and the third captain of the Nether Demon followed closely behind and led the Nether Demon army to kill the ghosts:

"Ghost Demon, Brother Flower Arm, come with me!"

【Ding! Ghosts... I am Nima! 】

[Host obtains system points +3600]

With the existence of Zhang Wei's three top Qilin guards, the scene was like a massacre. Except for the ghost king of the Song Dynasty who was detained by Zhang Wei, the other ghosts were all slaughtered in less than two or three minutes.

Wait until the last ghost dies.

Zhang Wei has no ink marks, so he will go straight to the other two directions with his dumb and stuttering for massacre support.

But before going.

He reaches out to the stammer and the mute:

"Very good, you guys are really sincere in making a deal with me, so according to the agreement, give me a tattoo of the Ecstasy Messenger now, and after the two directions have been dealt with, I will give you the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk."

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering... so your tattoo technique is called Hyakki Night Walk, what a dick name, it sounds awesome when you hear it, and you want it more and more]

[Host obtains system points +520]


Dumb and stuttering thought for a while, and gave Zhang Wei the method of tattooing the soul ecstasy messenger.

To this.

Zhang Wei doesn't mind, so what if he did something wrong, I have a system.

"That, that, let's go... let's go."

Stuttering impatiently.

"Wait a minute, before I go, I think you need to dress up a bit."

Zhang Wei stopped the dumb and stuttering, looked at the army of ghost demons behind him, and then at the one-armed appearance of the two, and said:

"You guys are not worthy of me and my Nether Demon. You are not stylish enough. I suggest you change your outfit."

" do I change it?"

He stuttered and said.

Zhang Wei grinned, and Youyou responded:

"It's simple, you perform the tattoo of the seductress, and use the underworld energy to wrap yourself into the appearance of the seductress."


Under the shocking gaze of Lu Lianfeng and the others, Zhang Wei led two soul ecstasy messengers and an army of ghost demons, and marched in the direction of Zhang Chao.

This scene.

Seeing that Lu Lianfeng and the others were dumbfounded, they lost their minds for a long time, and there was only one thought in their mind... If I didn't know the truth, I almost thought that the gate of the underworld was opened, and the Yin soldiers had crossed the border!


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