Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 465 Zhang Chao Opened His Mouth? Hell Travel

the other side.

Zhang Chao's direction.

at this time.

In the south direction where Lu Lianfeng is located, this place is also caught in a bitter battle. Ghost exorcists and ghosts are fighting frantically, trying to break through the siege and leave this place.

However, every time he rushed out of the encirclement of the exorcists...

"Water Breathing, Two Types, Waterwheel"

"Water Breathing, Three Shapes, Flowing Dance"

"The breath of water, the shape of Wu, the rain of kindness in the dry sky"

"The breath of water, the shape of picking up, and the flow of life"

One after another sound came out.

I saw Zhang Chao holding a jet-black sun-knife. Every time he uttered a word, the sun-knife in his hand drew a gorgeous arc, bringing up waves of the knife, and then rushed out of the surrounding ghosts, no matter what Whether it is a red-clothed ghost or a top-level ghost, Zhang Chao will behead him.

Its gorgeous moves, eye-catching in this dark night, became the focus of attention of the audience.

【Ding! Ghosts...Damn it, why are you riding a horse from the Maoshan School? When will the Maoshan faction not take the mahogany sword, it's time to take the knife, and what kind of Maoshan move are you?]

[Host obtains system points +3000]

"Is he really from the Maoshan faction? It's a lie."

"Why can't I remember the Maoshan faction's move like this? It's because I've been dead for too long, my memory is messed up, or it's just like the Maoshan faction."

"What the hell are you, why can't I guard against it."

The last one to speak was the half-step ghost king who had just rushed in front of Zhang Chao and was about to kill Zhang Chao with his own powerful strength, but was repulsed by Zhang Chao's backhand, and the third leg was almost cut off up.

The half-step ghost king was terrified for a while.

【Ding! The half-step ghost queen is afraid, but luckily I hide fast, I almost became a father-in-law]

[Host obtains system points +90]

"This, this is the water-tune head-cutting move, which is quite a taboo move. Unfortunately, I dodged quickly and didn't cut my head off."

Zhang Chao responded with a smile when he heard the words.

in words.

Facing the mobile phone on a tripod not far away, he waved:

"Baby Stephanie, how is it? Is the move I made just now handsome or not? Does it feel fierce?"

In order to win Stephanie's favor, as soon as he got the handsome sun wheel knife from Zhang Wei, he made a video call with Stephanie before exorcising the ghost, asking her to see his handsome appearance and prove it to her. Also a hunk.

"It's really fierce, very powerful ghost exorcism, is this Daxia's exorcism of ghosts? Three-way."

In the video, Stephanie's eyes were fixed on Zhang Chao and the sun wheel knife.

Zhang Chao's killing of ghosts just now surprised her with the magnificent attack. Even though the ghosts' attacks were very tricky, Zhang Chao was still able to counterattack with a more tricky swing of the knife.

"I didn't expect Zhang Chao to be much more fierce than I thought. He is indeed Zhang Wei's friend. The old saying of Da Xia is true, things like like gather and people form groups."

Stephanie whispered in her heart.

at the same time.

Hearing what Zhang Chao said, he laughed and said:

"The move I just made was not an authentic move. I practiced it specially for you. Don't you tell me that many male wolves are chasing you. I will use this move in the future. To see who dares to chase, I will directly give him a water tone. Cut off the head..."

But the words are not finished yet.

Zhang Chao seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly looked at the half-step ghost king.

I don't know if it's because he almost became a father-in-law, or because Zhang Chao didn't take himself seriously, and actually had time to have a romantic relationship with others. The half-step ghost king was enraged, and his eyes fell behind Zhang Chao...

As long as Zhang Chao is killed, no one can stop it.

Think about it.

The half-step ghost king looked at Zhang Chao's Rilun Knife with fear. Although he was not hit by the Rilun Knife, he had personally fought it. He knew that the knife was terrible. If he hadn't dodged quickly, his entire lower body might have been chopped off. Lose.

You must know that I am a half-step ghost king, and I am only one step away from the ghost king. I am stronger than Zhang Chao, but with one move, I almost died in Zhang Chao's hands.

"Since you use the taboo, then I don't care, it depends on whose taboo is stronger."

The half-step ghost king gritted his teeth as if he had made some kind of decision.

next moment.

The half-step ghost king used a taboo ghost technique, and in less than one breath, his strength broke through to the ghost king in one fell swoop, reaching the middle ghost king.

An aura of terror swept across the audience.

Whether it was Zhang Chao, or the exorcist who was fighting other ghosts, his heart shook violently, and he all looked sideways.

"Fuck, it's such a big game."

Zhang Chao's face changed suddenly. He didn't expect this half-step ghost king to have such a skill. , I am confident that I can fight against the ghost king, but it refers to the junior ghost king, not this kind of intermediate ghost king.

Those who also noticed this were the ghost king level ghost exorcists present.

When they felt the half-step change of the ghost king, the three ghost king-level exorcists all changed their colors, and hurried to support Zhang Chao. Zhang Chao is the successor of the Maoshan faction. If he died here, the consequences would be no less than the failure of the Dragon Well mission.


The ghosts didn't give them a chance to support them. Knowing that killing Zhang Chao now was the key to their breakout, the ghost kings couldn't help but tried their best to stop the three Qilin guards.

for a while.

Zhang Chao could only bite the bullet, took out the hole cards given by his parents, and added the Sun Wheel Saber to fight against the half-step ghost king.

"Zhang Chao, run quickly, you can't beat him, don't lose your life."

It was Stephanie who spoke. Through the video, she also saw the change in the strength of the half-step ghost king. Although Zhang Chao took out his hole cards, he was able to fight back and forth with the half-step ghost king who had reached the middle-level ghost king, and she was amazed again. , but she also knew that the gap between the two was too great, a half-step ghost king level, and a medium ghost king level, if they continued to fight, Zhang Chao would die.

But as soon as the words came out.

This time Zhang Chao didn't listen to his words, shook his head and gritted his teeth and said:

"I can't escape. If I escape, Zhang Wei and Wu Nian will look down on me, and this place will also fall. My task is to defend this place. Don't worry, I will be fine."

That being said.

Zhang Chao was not at ease in his heart, he was already ready to die, so he murmured:

"It's not going to be a ghost, Ma De, it's all my father's fault that you taught me that a man should be a responsible person, and what he does and what he doesn't do. Now, I'm going to die. Alas, I hope this heroic act of mine can be rewarded." In exchange for the benefits of going to the underworld, such as a good birth, or at least the emissary of the underworld can sing me warmly, and I can get half of the treatment from old man Qiu."

The voice just fell.

The half-step ghost king had already approached him, and he was about to explode Zhang Chao's head with his hand. Seeing this, Zhang Chao took up the sun wheel knife in his hand to block without hesitation.

Just at the moment when the two sides were about to collide with life and death.


The clanging sound of dragging like an iron lock came slowly, and the sound was faintly magical, from far to near, echoing in the ears of everyone and ghosts.

Immediately afterwards.

The earth began to shake at this moment, as if some great horror was approaching here, and the earth would tremble.

The sudden vision attracted the attention of everyone including Zhang Chao and the half-step ghost king, and the ghosts. They seemed to sense something and looked behind Zhang Chao.

This look.

The pupils shrank suddenly, and horror was written all over his face.

【Ding! Ghosts... oh my god! ! Ecstasy Messenger! ! What we did here, alarmed the earth, the earth, the underworld shot? 】

[Host obtains system points +3400]

【Ding! Half-step ghost king... Fuck, shouldn't I use the taboo method, I... didn't I just use the taboo, why did the underworld send so many ghost soldiers to arrest me?]

[Host obtains system points +340]

Not to mention ghosts, ghost exorcists are not much better, especially Zhang Chao.

Look closely.

In the distance, there is a dense mass of 'yin soldiers'. In front of the Yin soldiers, three soul-hunting envoys holding soul-hunting chains, leading an army of thousands of Yin soldiers, come here in a mighty manner walking a hundred meters. .

The sight was terrifying.

It's really like traveling in hell, all the evil spirits have to give way!

To this.

Zhang Chao was stunned and exclaimed:

"Cao, I'll just say it casually, the real Nima has come true, why not, I'm not dead yet, so come here and give me such a big welcome."


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