Zhang Chao screamed, looking at the Yin soldiers from the underworld that were gradually approaching. When he saw the soul-ecstasy messenger, he felt that his mouth was poisonous. , he was stunned, thinking that he was hallucinating, and subconsciously rubbed his eyes:

"Those Yin soldiers...why do they look like the ghost demons of the armored warriors?"

The more they look, the more they resemble each other.

Do not!

Exactly the same.

Zhang Chao couldn't help being stunned, and his mind was a little dazed. How come the Yin soldiers are the same as the Nether Demons. Did the Nether Demons imitate the appearance of the Yin Soldiers as the prototype, or did the Nether Demons unify the Milky Way, and were not sealed, but sent to the underworld? Served in the army?

It's just that the idea just came up, and he didn't wait for him to think about it.

The underworld yin soldiers led by the soul ecstasy messenger had already arrived at the place where Zhang Chao was, and they came straight to Zhang Chao and the half-step ghost king.

this moment.

The 'battlefield' where there was a lot of fighting before has become completely silent. Whether it is the exorcist or the ghosts, let alone shouting, they dare not even take a breath. The ghost messengers from the underworld will put too much pressure on them .

Among them, the three leading emissaries put the most pressure on them. The aura of the top ghost king overwhelmed the audience, and all the ghosts and exorcists were too scared to make a sound.

【Ding! The ghosts are desperate... It's over, it's over, we've hit the hell, they're here to catch us and reincarnate, don't! I don't want to be reincarnated...huh? Doesn't it seem like they came to catch us? 】

[Host obtains system points +3600]

Just when the ghosts were in despair, they suddenly discovered that those ghost soldiers and ecstasy messengers from the underworld arrived, and they did not do anything. On the contrary, among the three ecstasy messengers, the middle soul ecstasy messenger who was obviously the leader did not even look at them. They glanced at Zhang Chao.

This scene.

The ghost exorcists were dazed, and the ghosts were dazed.

But it was the next second.

A situation appeared that made them even more confused.

The leading ecstasy envoy looked at Zhang Chaohou, and then said:

"Are you okay, Zhang Chao, fortunately I have time, otherwise I think you are going to burp."

It's not loud.

But in this silent 'battlefield', it was so loud that everyone and ghosts heard it, their eyes stared like a cow's, and their brains felt dead.

"Zhang Chao knows the soul ecstasy messenger of the underworld?!"

"I, Cao, is Zhang Chao so powerful? I asked the ghost messenger from the underworld to help."

"Hiss! As expected of the successor of the Maoshan School, you even deal with the underworld. This is even more capable than Mr. Zhang Wei."

"Fortunately, I didn't go in the direction of Mr. Zhang Wei, but in the direction of Zhang Chao."

When the exorcists were shocked.

The ghosts also stood in place in shock, including the half-step ghost king, they were all in place in shock:

"It is said that the founder of the Maoshan School went to the Tongtian Court and descended to the Netherworld. It turned out to be true, so strong! Maoshan School!"

"It turns out that he is really the heir of the Maoshan School. It's over. I didn't expect him to have such a skill."

The half-step ghost king was the most horrified. Looking at the seductress who ignored him, stood beside him, and checked Zhang Chao's situation, he felt that his heart was about to jump out of the ghost's body:

【Ding! The half-step ghost king is so desperate that he wants to cry... It's over, the seducer is actually summoned by him, I'm dead, I want to kill him, isn't the seducer going to give me shoes, I won't be sent to the 18th floor of hell Come on, don't! I don't want it! 】

[Host obtains system points +200]

at the same time.

Zhang Chao didn't pay attention to the conversations between the people and ghosts around him, his attention was all on the seductress, and there was a hint of undisguised doubt in his eyes.

Why is the voice of the ecstasy so familiar, it sounds like Zhang Wei's voice!

Do not.

It's exactly the same!

Just now, Zhang Chao saw the ecstasy envoy looking at him. He was not frightened, but rather as expected. As expected, what he said was true. A large group of Yin soldiers came to welcome them grandly.

It's just that before he told Banbu Ghost King to kill him quickly, he wanted to be reincarnated earlier, the voice of the seductive envoy made him a little dazed.

at this time.

Sensing the change in Zhang Chao's eyes, the Ecstasy Messenger understood and said with a smile:

"Almost forgot, you can't see who I am like this."

in words.

The soul ecstasy envoy reached out and wiped his face, and in an instant the ghostly aura of the underworld that covered his face dissipated, revealing a delicate and handsome face.


The ghost exorcists were stunned, each of them seemed to be dreaming, rubbing their eyes vigorously there, thinking that they were hallucinating.

at the same time.

Zhang Chao cried out in surprise:

"My Cao?! Zhang Wei?!"

Zhang Chao's eyeballs almost popped out, looking at the face of the ecstasy envoy, could it be the face of his good brother Zhang Wei?

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei, who looks like a soul ecstasy, laughed and said:

"Yes, it's me, surprise or not, surprise or not."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Chao was sure that the ecstasy envoy in front of him was Zhang Wei. He couldn't help feeling a little dazed, and subconsciously said:

"Wori, Zhang Wei is really you, how did you become a seductress?"


He glanced at the two envoys beside him, then at the 'Yin soldiers', and continued:

"Aren't you on the east side, why are you here, and you have become a soul ecstasy, wait, you won't die before me, Wori, is it so tragic on the east side, even you are dead, but you It's too stupid to hang, just died, and became an envoy in the underworld."

Zhang Chaoyue said that the more he looked at Zhang Wei, seeing Zhang Wei leading the emissary and leading so many ghost soldiers, he couldn't help adding:

"Fuck, Zhang Wei is a good brother, take me with you, I'm going to die later, you have to cover me."

His words speak out.

The conversation between the two was undisguised, and all the ghosts were stunned.

【Ding! Ghosts... Although I don't know what they are talking about, but is this Maoshan faction so badass? ! Is the soul ecstasy his brother? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +3800]

Think here.

The ghosts couldn't help but look at Zhang Wei, looking at his delicate and handsome face:

【Ding! Ghosts...you must not be weak to be brothers with the descendants of the Maoshan faction. Sure enough, geniuses are geniuses everywhere. Even if they die young, they can quickly take office in the underworld, really awesome]

[Host obtains system points +4000]

at the same time.

Facing Zhang Chao's words, how could Zhang Wei not know what Zhang Chao was thinking, and scolded with a smile:

"What the hell, you're going to die before you wait, how can you die if I'm here, and I'm not dead yet, don't curse me, your crow's mouth can't talk nonsense."

Zhang Chao laughed when he heard the words, and agreed very much at the moment, his mouth is poisonous.

Immediately afterwards.

Knowing Zhang Wei's arrival, even though he didn't know why he brought so many ghost soldiers and soul ecstasy messengers, he knew that he couldn't die, so he immediately became confident, like a primary school student who was bullied at school and went home to ask his parents for help. Looking at the half-step ghost king beside him, he said:

"Zhang Wei, that's it, it can't beat me, just open it to improve its strength, if you don't come, I will die."

Words come out.

Feeling Zhang Wei's gaze, and following Zhang Wei's gaze, the eyes of the two terrifying emissaries and thousands of Yin soldiers who followed Zhang Wei's gaze, the half-step ghost king was scared to pee:

【Ding! Half-step ghost king...fuck! 】


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