Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 467 Alternate True Dragon Guard, Taishan Beidou Of Great Xia

Being stared at by three top-level ghost kings, and thousands of terrifying Yin soldiers, not to mention half-step ghost kings, ghosts who have really reached the middle level, or even top ghost kings, will be hairy.

for a while.

The half-step ghost king panicked and said:

"Wait, wait, misunderstanding, I..."

But he didn't finish talking.

Zhang Wei was the first to speak:

"Kill him, and kill all the ghosts here, leaving no one behind."

As soon as his words came out.

Behind him, the dumb and stuttering messengers turned into soul ecstasy stared at each other, then revealed an excited expression, and killed the half-step ghost king. The chain of soul ecstasy in his hand was thrown out, just like a real soul ecstasy, and the ghostly energy of Huangquan spewed out, filling the battlefield .

Although they followed Zhang Wei only for tattoos, when it comes to killing ghosts, they are very happy.


The Nether Demon army also made a move. Under the leadership of An Mixiu and other three Nether Demon captains, like a group of dead soldiers, they rushed forward without fear of death.

the other side.

Facing the killing of the ghost messengers and the ghost soldiers, the faces of the ghosts who didn't know the truth were almost green with fright, and they looked at the half-step ghost king one by one, with undisguised murderous eyes.

【Ding! The ghosts feel like they were shot while lying's all your fault, it killed us, shit, don't drag us down if you want to die]

[Host obtains system points +4000]

The half-step ghost king was not in a better mood, looking at the ghosts who were frantically culled by the Yin soldiers.

【Ding! Half-step ghost king... I now understand why the ghost technique I cast is called taboo]

[Host obtains system points +240]

With the addition of dumb and stuttering, the situation has changed, and the combat power is no longer proportional. In order to get Zhang Wei's tattoo quickly, the two of them have no ink marks at all, and their firepower is fully fired. In less than a blink of an eye, the half-step ghost king was killed. Death, even if the other party uses the taboo to become a middle-level ghost king.

Immediately afterwards.

Mute and stuttering did not stop, looking at the Nether Demons and ghosts who were still fighting, they couldn't help frowning:

"Abaaaba (too slow, when will this kill, stammer, let's do it together)"

"Okay, okay."

He stammered and nodded.

The words fell.

Dumb and stuttering are really like envoys of ecstasy, shooting out chains of ecstasy, sweeping away the ghosts and ghosts in this battlefield, every chain that flies out will surely harvest a life.

"As expected of Sen Luosi's high-level executives, it's really fierce."

Standing on the sidelines watching the play, Zhang Wei felt a sense of emotion in his heart, as if thinking of something, he added:

"But soon you will be mine."

Immediately afterwards.

While Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao were watching and chatting, the number of ghosts decreased rapidly:

"Zhang Wei, how did you manage to hook up with the ecstasy messenger and still listen to you like that, teach me."

"They're not spirit ecstasies, they just broke in to disrupt the situation when I was exorcising ghosts in the east."

In order not to be exposed by Mute and Stammer, Zhang Wei did not tell Zhang Chao their identities.

Zhang Chao frowned and said:

"Really or not, they are not ecstasy messengers, are they asking God, but they came out halfway to disrupt the situation, why are you messing around with you now, tell me what's going on."

"Well, it's a bit complicated."

"It's okay, if it's complicated, let's talk about it in detail. For example, start with how you met them and how you did it. I have time to listen slowly."

Zhang Chao had a gossip look on his face.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei responded with a smile:

"From meeting them, okay, first of all, when I exorcised ghosts, they rushed out suddenly, and then I saw that they were quite strong, so I transformed into a Super Saiyan, in Super Saiyan 1 mode, and fought with them .”

"Then they saw that I was so fierce suddenly, they didn't dare to be careless, and followed suit, and I saw that you were using big moves, so no matter what, I had to continue to use it, so I started Super Race 2 mode. "

As Zhang Wei said here.

can be seen.

Zhang Chao's mouth was slightly open, and the word "dumb" was almost written on his face. Not only him, but also Stephanie, who was watching through the video on the phone on the tripod, was also at a loss.

"Super Saiyan 1? Super Saiyan 2? Shit, Zhang Wei, you thought you were a Super Saiyan, you made it up for this reason, unless there is a video to prove it, otherwise I suspect you are taking me for a fool..."

The word fool was about to say it.

Ding dong.

A WeChat message came from Zhang Chao's cell phone. When he clicked on it, it was a message from Lu Lianfeng.

[Lu Lianfeng]: Brother Chao, look at the video I posted, you are right, Brother Wei’s pretend, I will never be able to learn it in my life, for example, this video of Brother Wei’s pretend I posted, unless I have a Super Saiyan Lineage, otherwise you can't learn it.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Lianfeng also sent a video. As soon as he opened it, Zhang Chao saw it. Zhang Wei roared, and then transformed from Super Saiyan 1 to Super Saiyan 2.

Just as Zhang Chao was watching the video, he fell into dead silence.

Two figures shrouded in the ghostly ghost came over, Zhang Chao looked up subconsciously, it was the dumb and stuttering incarnation of the ecstasy.

"Abba aba (Got it.)"

"Kill, it's over."

Dumb and stammered pointed to the battlefield behind, and spoke one after another.

Zhang Chao followed the trend, and his pupils shrank suddenly. At this moment, all the corpses of ghosts and monsters that were gradually dissipating everywhere on the battlefield had been killed.

"Good job, let's go support the last one."

Zhang Wei also has no ink marks, dumb and stuttering can't wait to get a tattoo, so why can't he just can't wait.


He hurriedly said a few words to Zhang Chao, and then rushed towards Wu Nian with the dumb and stuttering army of ghost demons.


Zhang Chao didn't listen to it, and his mind was still thinking about the video he just watched. It wasn't until the two ghost king-level Qilin guards in charge of this direction, and other ghost exorcists came forward and asked about Zhang Wei, that Zhang Chao came to his senses. .

"Mr. Zhang Chao, isn't Mr. Zhang Wei in the east? Why did he suddenly come to our side for support? Is the east side resolved? But why is there only Mr. Zhang Wei, and the other ghost exorcists in the east? And where is Mr. Zhang Wei? We found so many ghost soldiers and ghosts."

Facing their inquiries, Zhang Chao looked back at them, coughed and replied:

"Zhang Wei really took care of the east side. He should let the ghost exorcists in the east continue to wait there, just like Zhang Wei asked us to continue guarding here. As for where he found so many ghost soldiers, Ghosts, well, let’s talk about it.”

Before he finished his words, Zhang Chao chuckled and changed the subject:

"However, I can make a long story short. The reason why Zhang Wei has so many Yin Soldiers and Ecstasy Envoys to help him all starts with his transformation into a Super Saiyan when he was exorcising ghosts in the east."

All the exorcists: "????"


the other side.

Zhang Wei came to the direction where Wu Nian was, and he was dumb and stuttering to shoot. He didn't need to shoot by himself under his orders. In just a few minutes, the ghosts on the scene were wiped out one after another.

To this.

Zhang Wei was very satisfied, and his eyes fell on the system panel.

【Host】: Zhang Wei

[System Points]: 287990 (top ghost king level)

【Exorcism】: ghost back pattern

[Props]: Forty-meter broadsword, infinite yellow talisman, one-time ability 'temporary endowment', fallen angel spear and other equipment, demon heart, super Saiyan figure...

Recalling that when he came out of the Weidaosi Prison, his system points were more than 220,000, but this time he had increased to more than 280,000 system points for the Longjing task, which is a full 60,000 more system points.

Can't help it.

Zhang Wei blessed himself with all the system points, plus the system synchronization points, reached 560,000 system points strength, feeling the changes in strength:

"It feels like it's getting close to the level of the old man. It seems that reaching 600,000 system points is a half-step true dragon guard."

I had talked with old man Liushu before, and according to the old man, after hundreds of years of cultivation, his strength should be in the half-step of a true dragon guard. Now Zhang Wei feels that his strength is approaching that of old man Liushu.

In other words.

He has almost reached the half-step of the True Dragon Guard, which is enough to become a candidate for the True Dragon Guard. To reach this step, which one is not the Taishan Beidou of the Great Xia, which is recorded in the historical records of the major ghost exorcism forces.

"It's still 20,000 system points, and I can reach the half-step True Dragon Guard. Where should I go to get system points next?"

Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled.

Just thinking about it.

Dumb and stuttering came over, and the two spoke out one after another, interrupting Zhang Wei's thoughts:

"Abaabaaaba (The ghosts in Locking Dragon Well have been killed for you, it's time to fulfill the promise, Zhang Wei)"

"Zhang, Zhang, Zhang Wei, all the ghosts have been killed, it''s up to you to make a deal."

in words.

Their eyes are full of anticipation.

To this.

Although his thoughts were interrupted, Zhang Wei smiled even more in his heart. Compared with the half-step True Dragon Guard that has not yet been achieved, what he has to do now makes him more concerned.

Can't help it.

He grinned and waved at them again and again:

"Yes, it's time to trade, come, come, there are many people here, let's find a place where there is no one to trade."


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