Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 468 Dumbness And Stuttering: Sen Luosi... Take Jujube Pills?

As Zhang Wei spoke, he motioned the dumb and stuttering to look around, which is self-evident, there are many people here, and the transaction is easy to be seen here.



Dumb and stuttering did not reject Zhang Wei's proposal, on the contrary they wished Zhang Wei would do so.

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering... I was thinking about how to propose to you, to trade in a place where there is no one, but now you propose it first, which is great. In this way, it is impossible for Sen Luo to know that we have locked up in order to trade with you. Longjing mission failed]

[Host obtains system points +400]

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei casually found an excuse with Wu Nian, and went to a nearby deserted grove with his dumb and stuttering.

for a moment.

Arrive at the woods.

Looking at the grove in the dead of night, with only the faint light of the silver moon in the sky, Zhang Wei was very satisfied:

"This is the best place to do things you can't watch."

at the same time.

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering's nice here! Do business here, no evidence will be left]

[Host obtains system points +420]

I thought about it.

Stuttering without ink marks, he stretched out his hand and said bluntly:

"Come on, come on, come on, give it, give it, give it to us."

Zhang Wei nodded with a smile:

"Don't worry, I keep my promise. My tattoo is very powerful. It's called Hundred Ghosts Night Walk. I think you have seen its magic. It is different from other tattoo techniques. It needs specific blood to make it."

in words.

Zhang Wei bit his finger and drew a rune on his palm.

at the same time.

Dumb and stammering, they looked at Zhang Wei's drawing.

【Ding! Dumbness and stuttering... As expected of a Hyakki Yakaku tattoo, do you really need special materials to get a tattoo?]

[Host obtains system points +440]

As tattoo masters, they know very well that although tattoos are all tattooed on the body, each tattoo is different, and the method of tattooing is also different, and some materials are needed. For example, some tattoos need special cinnabar, and some Special materials are made into tattoo pigments.


The most common one is to use blood as a pigment. For example, some evil tattoos require the blood of a virgin, or the blood of a cloudy year and moon to tattoo.

This is not only common in tattoo art, but also in ordinary tattoos. For example, if you use pigeon blood as tattoo pigment, if you use pigeon blood to tattoo, the tattoo will become invisible like invisible water, and you can’t see it clearly at ordinary times, but When the body warms up, the pigeon blood tattoo will emerge.

They couldn't help but look at each other.

Thinking of Zhang Wei's previous use of the tattoo of the ecstasy messenger, ignoring the hands and feet they did, he actually used it like that.

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering... It seems that Zhang Wei is not only a wizard in the rumors, but also a tattoo master. He can actually see our hands and feet, and he can directly use the ecstasy tattoo. This guy is more talented than us]

[Host obtains system points +460]

As soon as the idea came out.

They couldn't help but look at Zhang Wei who was still drawing the runes, with emotion in their hearts.

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering... It's a pity, it would be great if you belonged to me, Sen Luosi, we can happily study tattoos with you, but it's a pity that we don't agree with each other]

[Host obtains system points +480]

at this time.

Zhang Wei's voice sounded:

"Okay, the drawing is finished, this is the key point of the tattoo symbol of my Hyakki Yaxing, please give me your hands, put it on my hand, Hyakki Yaxing needs my blood, my blood is quite special, it is a fusion of Hyakki Blood is needed for night walk tattoos, so if you get a tattoo of Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, take my blood."

in words.

Zhang Wei said with a smile on his face:

"Don't worry, I keep my promise very well. If I give it to you, I will give it to you. If you come to take my blood, I won't play tricks. You can ask everyone in the world to know my character."

His words speak out.

Stuttering and dumb looked at each other, reaching out their hands to touch the tattoo symbol drawn by Zhang Wei, wanting to take Zhang Wei's blood on it, and said:

"Relax, don't worry, we are not afraid..."

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering want to laugh... Are you kidding, are we afraid? We are the tattoo artists of the top ghost king, you think you are the only one who can tell the tricks, but we can't... Uh, Cao! what's the situation! 】

[Host obtains system points +500]

this moment.

They reached out and touched the blood rune on Zhang Wei's palm together, a ray of light invisible to the naked eye bloomed, and the radiance was blazing.

can see.

On the back of Zhang Wei, under the original willow tree, there is a fat man holding a banner of the evocation flag, and an orange cat is lazily lying on the branch of the willow tree beside him, and below, there is a cat with curved horns. Attractive woman looks up at cat.

The tattoo picture changed. Beside the fat man, in the blank space under the willow tree, there appeared two identical twin men. They looked dazed, as if they were observing the environment.

same moment.

Zhang Wei intuitively feels that he has established a strange connection with the dumb and stuttering in front of him, and he can clearly feel their emotions. He feels that as long as he wants, he can take them into his back tattoo at any time, and he can also... end them at any time. s life.

Dumbness and stuttering also have a similar connection. Apart from being unable to control Zhang Wei, the intuition has established a strange connection with Zhang Wei.


Dumb and stuttering changed color, and stuttering stared at Zhang Wei angrily:

"Fuck, shit, fuck!! You, you, what did you do, do, do to us!!"

The mute also roared over there:

"Abba! Abba! Baba!"

As the two roared, the killing intent in their eyes was undisguised, wishing they could strangle Zhang Wei to death right now.

But the killing intent just emerged.

They were like Monkey King who had been cursed with a magic spell. Now that the magic spell was on, they couldn't finish their words in pain. They screamed and covered their heads. The pain was so severe that their backs were soaked in sweat in a blink of an eye.

This sudden situation.

They covered their heads and looked up at Zhang Wei in horror:


What came from that head was not only pain, but also gave them a feeling of being in control of life and death. As long as the young man in front of him had a thought, they would die here. Killing thoughts, can't even do it.

realize here.

Dumb and stuttering already understood:

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering...a contract, this is a contract]

[Host obtains system points +520]

Also at this time.

In response to the stuttering question, Zhang Wei waved his hand:

"I didn't do anything. I just traded tattoos with you. Didn't you say that you want my tattoo technique? Didn't I pass it on to you?"

"You, you, you fart, this, this is clearly..."

"It's clearly a contract, right? My tattoo technique is a contract tattoo. Make a contract with me, and then I can lend you strength, and you can lend strength to us, so don't look at me like that. I'm really trading tattoos with you guys." Yes, if you don’t believe me, take a look.”

Zhang Wei said and motioned them to look at himself.

can be seen.

There is also a tattoo on their body, which is the same ghost back tattoo as Zhang Wei. This is the effect of the contract. As long as Zhang Wei is willing, they can all have ghost back tattoos. Vin's contract companions, used to prove that he is also a contract partner.

"Look, did I give you the tattoo technique? I'm very committed to it."

Zhang Wei responded.

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering, wanting to curse... You are so loyal... Ah, it hurts... You black-hearted trader]

[Host obtains system points +540]

"Untie, untie, quick, give it quickly, give it to me, untie it... ah!!"

Stuttering and covering his head in pain, he cried.

Zhang Wei shook his head and said:

"It's impossible to untie it. It's hard to get you two senior executives of Senluosi. How can I let you go so easily? Obediently follow me to work... Wrong, follow me."

As soon as his words came out.

Dumb and stuttering pupillary constriction:

"Huh?! You..."


【Ding! Dumb and stuttering in horror... does he know who we are? ! how can that be! impossible! ! How could he know, could it be...]

[Host obtains system points +560]

Immediately afterwards.

Without waiting for them to ask questions, Zhang Wei said:

"Are you surprised? I'm sorry. In fact, I already knew your identities because..."

"Old, old willow tree!"

Stuttering opened the mouth first, thinking of the reason, they are the top management of Senluo Division, it is impossible for outsiders to know, even the members of Senluo Division do not know, only the top management knows, and if Zhang Wei knows, it may only be leaked by someone inside, And it's high-level.

Thinking about it this way, then this high-level executive must be Lao Liushu, after all, the other party is Zhang Wei's contract partner.

the other side.

Hearing the stammering words, Zhang Wei was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said:

"Ah, that's right, that's what Old Man Liu Shu told me."

Zhang Wei's acknowledgment.

Dumb and stuttering are both as expected, looking at each other, can't help but grit their teeth and say:

"I didn't think about it... I, I, Senluoluosi, Yin, hid this for so long, and finally let you in. I got in... an internal answer, no, I shouldn't choose, I chose Willow. "

"Abaabaaaba (Oh, I shouldn't have agreed to let the old willow into Senluosi, and made our Senluosi into an undercover agent)"

But the words were just finished.

Zhang Wei shook his head when he heard that, he has a companion contract, he is not afraid that the dumb and stuttering will betray him and his companions, he couldn't help stretching out a finger while shaking it, and said slowly:

"Ah? An internal agent? No, no, no! You are mistaken. I have more than one internal agent in Senluosi. Counting the two of you, half of the top executives in Senluosi are my internal agents."

As soon as his words came out.

Mute: "Abba?"

Stuttering: "What?"


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