Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 469 Sen Luosi's 'Brain' Has Been Picked Off

I was stunned for a long time.

The dumb and stuttering came back to their senses, their brows were so wrinkled that they could kill a fly, and they said in unison:

"Abaa, abaa, abaa (you said that half of the top management is your internal response? Half?)"

"You, you, you said half of the high-level... yes, yes, it's your inner... should? Half?"

They felt that they were hearing hallucinations, but when they heard their brothers answering like this, they couldn't help being stunned. Obviously, they didn't have auditory hallucinations. Zhang Wei said half of what he said, not one.

To this.

They immediately felt that Zhang Wei was joking and teasing them, but seeing Zhang Wei's serious smile, it didn't look like a lie, and they had already been contracted, so it was impossible for them to betray Zhang Wei , Zhang Wei has no need to lie to them.

"Yes, half, let me do the math. There are twelve people in Senluosi's top management. I should have one, two, three, four, five, rounded up, almost half, if you count The last high-level executive who was given high hopes, and one high-level outsider, are more than half."

Zhang Wei counted with his fingers.

As soon as his words came out.


"A... ba..."

Dumb and stammered dumbfounded, their heads felt like they had been hit with a sap, they were dazed and dizzy, kind of dizzy.

There are a total of twelve high-level executives in Senluosi, and now five of them are Zhang Wei, which is almost half of them! That's the biggest evil force in Great Xia, Sen Luosi, the high-level executives of Sen Luosi! !

for a while.

They froze in place.

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering... How did Sen Luosi become like this, and when did he become infiltrated like this, it's impossible, that's a high-level person, why did he become Zhang Wei's internal agent, what happened]

[Host obtains system points +500]

With all kinds of doubts.

Dumb and Stutter stared at Zhang Wei suddenly, and then Stutter asked the question they most wanted to know without hesitation:

"Five, five, who is it?"

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering... Who is Zhang Wei's internal response, Liu Shu, the two of us, who else? paper man? Embroidered shoes? Glasses? It should not be the gardeners and tailors of the upper class...]

[Host obtains system points +540]

Just thinking about it.

Zhang Wei's voice came:

"There's Mr. Willow, the fat man, the tailor, and you brothers."

The voice just started.

Less than the next second.

Dumb and stuttering were already insane, their expression was like eating devil pepper, they took a deep breath, rushed to Zhang Wei instinctively, stared straight at Zhang Wei, wishing to observe Zhang Wei's every move clearly, trying to Find out where the flaws are:

"You, what are you talking about! Fatty? And... Tailor Tailor?!"

The mute was even more crazy, grabbing Zhang Wei's arm and questioning:

"Ahba! Ahhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


The dumb and stuttering are going crazy, the tailor is actually Zhang Wei Neiying, that is Sen Luosi's military adviser, not only the Northeast issue is the tailor's full power to plan, for more than ten years, she has been the one to advise on many Sen Luosi's affairs. To put it bluntly, Sen Luosi's 'brain' is a tailor.

But now...

Sen Luosi's "brain" is Zhang Wei Neiying. This doesn't mean that a person's brain has been manipulated, and his brain can't be autonomous. Then this person is still this person.


After being repeatedly confirmed by Zhang Wei, the dumb and stuttered like dizzy, almost unable to stand still.

Immediately afterwards.

They didn't have time to deal with the huge impact of the information. Thinking of Zhang Wei's previous words, they couldn't help but ask... When Zhang Wei just said internal response, what did the following sentence mean by the future senior executives of Senluosi and the senior executives of Senluosi outside? , who are those two.

Zhang Wei didn't hold back, and said bluntly:

"Well, isn't the glasses recruiting a new member called Huahua, that's my companion, as for the senior executives of Senluosi, think about it carefully, among the senior executives of Senluosi, which one is currently living outside? Come."

As soon as his words came out.

When Dumb and Stammer heard the first half of the sentence, their pupils shrank suddenly. That Huahua who was praised by the glasses was... Zhang Wei Neiying? !

Thinking of the glasses, he spared no effort to praise Huahua.

Dumb and stuttering mouth twitches.

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering... Fuck, glasses, what have you done, glasses, you brought an undercover agent home]

[Host obtains system points +560]

But they didn't wait for them to think too much.

When they heard the second half of Zhang Wei's words, their pupils almost shrank into cat's eyes, and they looked at each other instinctively, already knowing who the last high-level executive Zhang Wei was talking about...

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering... Zombies! ! Are you kidding me, zombies are Zhang Wei's internal agents? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +580]

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei said slowly:

"It seems that you have already guessed it. Yes, it is the door-closing zombie. Surprise or not, surprise or surprise."

"How did you know each other? He has been imprisoned for decades, and he is older than you."

Under the strong stimulation, he stuttered and felt that his mouth became sharper, and he asked a long question in one breath.

"It's a long story. In short, the relationship between zombies and me is very good, similar to the relationship between grandpa and grandson."

Zhang Wei grinned in response.

But the dumb and stutterers couldn't listen anymore. Although they asked questions, they already believed Zhang Wei's words. He had no reason to lie. He stood there for a while, motionless, not knowing what he was thinking, as if he was digesting the present. huge amount of information obtained.

For a long time.

They came back to their senses and looked at each other. Although they didn't speak, they both saw the meaning in their eyes.

【Ding! Dumb and stuttering...Sen Luosi is over, take jujube pills]

[Host obtains system points +600]

Think here.

They were afraid for a while, and even more inexplicably thankful. Fortunately, they met Zhang Wei today and were subdued by Zhang Wei, otherwise they would fight in the future...

Can't help it.

A picture appeared in their minds, that is, Sen Luo sent them out with the tailor, the fat man, and the willow tree to do an extremely important task, and then Zhang Wei rushed out to stop it alone, and the two brothers laughed at Zhang Wei for being overwhelmed, and then the next second With a puff, the fat man and the tailor stuck out their hands from behind them and pierced their chests.

Then the fat man said... Being a villain among the villains is very compelling.

Just figured it out here.

Dumb and Stutter shuddered and nearly got stabbed in the back.

at the same time.

Zhang Wei ignored what the dumb and stuttering were thinking. He didn't have Annie's skills now, and he didn't see the brain-filling pictures in their hearts. He said to himself:

"I have to find a way to get the zombies back to Senluosi, otherwise the zombies will be wasted."

When I mentioned zombies to the mutes just now, Zhang Wei couldn't help but realize that he had quite a lot of internal connections in Senluosi. If you count the 'senluosi members' that the succubi kept inputting, there would be even more. He thinks zombies are so A good 'undercover' cannot be wasted like this.

"But... how to get the zombies out of the Weddos Prison."

Zhang Wei was thinking, muttering as if thinking of something:

"Why don't you talk to Zhang Chao? A place like the Weidaosi Prison is like a dream. The normal method won't work. We can only use magic to defeat magic, eh! That's the decision."


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