Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 470: The Door-Sealed Corpse Wang Yue Is In Prison

Do whatever comes to mind.


Zhang Wei didn't stay long, and had a quick conversation with Dumb and Jieba. During the period, Dumb and Jieba were like two intelligent 'Xiaodu', asking questions and answering, in a state of panic, and even Stammer was in a state of trance for a while, so that he spoke a lot more fluently:

"Did you Sen Luosi do this lock Longjing incident?"

"Yes, Sensen Luo ordered us to do it."

"What did you trigger the Locking Dragon Well incident?"

"I don't know, Sen Luo just wants us to use the ghost... ghost method he explained, to cause the ghosts who died in the lock dragon well to come out, to create chaos, and not to be found out that Sen Luo did it."

He stammered and added:

"Sen Luo said that if the trigger is successful, then we can go down to Suolongjing, and then, then, tell him what we saw in Suolongjing."

"Does Sen Luo have anything else to say?"

"No, just let us lure the ghosts out, and then we will throw the dead exorcists and ghosts into Suolongjing after we come out of Suolongjing."

"Okay, then if Sen Luo still has to explain what you should do in the future, tell me in time."

As soon as the words came out.

The dumb and stuttering in the absence finally came back to his senses, his face froze for a moment, and finally nodded:

"Uh... OK."

"Abba (OK)."

Zhang Wei nodded in satisfaction when he heard the words, and after giving his instructions, he handed back the two severed arms to them, turned and left, ready to find Zhang Chao.

when leaving.

Zhang Wei did not forget to send a message to Fatty:

【Zhang Wei】: Fat brother, I found two more insiders for you, they are senior executives of Senluosi, dio laughs like a jpg

[Fat Brother]:? ? ? ?


for a moment.

Watching Zhang Wei go away until the figure disappeared in front of his eyes, the mute held the broken arm in his hand and gestured with one hand:

"Abaaaba... (what to do)"

Stammering held his arm, spread out with one hand and said:

"Also, what can I do, what can I do, Dangdang is of course... cool, cold salad, anyway, tailors, tailors are standing, standing on Zhang Wei's side, we can, can, but we can't play with tailors, also, also Hit, but die if you can't beat, die, die fat man."

His words speak out.

The dumb was silent, and the senior executives of Senluo Division all have their own advantages. In terms of cruelty, they can rank in the top three in Senluo Division, second only to glasses, but in terms of intelligence, they are not as good as tailors, and in terms of strength, they can rank in the top three in Senluo Division. Can't beat Fatty.

The most important point is that they can't tell Sen Luo and the others about the situation. Once they have a thought, Zhang Wei can sense it in the next second, and they will definitely die without saying a word.

Just when they talked here.

Ding dong.

A text message notification sound came from the stuttering mobile phone, and he picked it up to see that it was from Zhang Wei.

[Zhang Wei]: I forgot to tell you, the soul-calling banner is also controlled by me, and some of Sen Luosi's senior combat members are also part of my people, tongue out naughty jpg(?????)

Look at the information.

Dumb and stuttering: "..."


Stuttering leisurely opened the mouth:

"Let's be traitors in peace of mind."


the other side.

Zhang Chao's direction.

Now, with the help of Zhang Wei, this place has been cleaned up. Even if there are still some ghosts coming out of Suolongjing afterwards, the number is rare and they are not a threat.

To this.

Zhang Chao simply had a video chat with Stephanie and handed it over to others to exorcise ghosts.

But after chatting for a long time, Zhang Wei came over, saying that he had finished dealing with Wu Nian and had nothing to do, so he came here for a stroll.

Immediately afterwards.

After chatting for a while, Zhang Wei talked about everything, and it came to the prison of the Department of Health and Justice:

"Zhang Chao, you said that Sen Luosi's door-closing zombie is locked in the Weidaosi Prison, does he still have a chance to see the light of day again, and will Sen Luosi rescue the door-closing zombie?"

"I don't think there will be a chance to see the light of day again. When Sen Luosi attacked the prison, the security of the guard increased several times afterwards. Even if he wanted to save the zombies who closed the door, it would definitely not be easy. Even if he rescued them, many people would have to die. If I were Sen Ross, I'm sure I won't be saved, wait for the opportunity, wait for the opportunity first."

Zhang Chao said casually, and then continued:

"But this opportunity is expected to wait for a long time. Sen Luosi has suffered heavy losses in the Northeast recently, so there is no energy left to save him."

"Are you sure there is no chance to come out? You are analyzing it carefully."

Zhang Wei continued to ask.

Zhang Chao was stunned when he heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry and said:

"I said Zhang Wei, why do you care so much about that door-closing zombie all of a sudden? Didn't you just go to the prison to see it once? Why do you care so much about it? This is the legendary love at first sight. Zombie your family."

The words did not fall.

Zhang Chao waved his hand and said:

"Okay, okay, since you are so concerned, then I analyzed that the door-sealed zombie still has a chance to get out of the Weidaosi prison. After all, it is a door-sealed zombie, a senior executive of Senluosi."

That's all for words.

Zhang Chao slapped himself on the mouth, and then began to play monkey tricks madly pinching his hands there, gesticulating blindly and muttering words:

"For the sake of Zhang Wei that you are my brother, today I, Zhang Pindao, will consecrate once to help you realize your wish, Armani baby boom, for me, wrong, consecrate Pindao, poor crow's mouth. "

The words fell.

Zhang Chao slapped himself again and said:

"Okay, I'm done consecrating, hehe."

"Fuck, you bastard, you're playing tricks."

Seeing Zhang Chao's playful appearance, Zhang Wei laughed and kicked Zhang Chao. Zhang Chao seemed to have expected Zhang Wei's move, twisted his butt in advance, dodged and said with a smile:

"It's not for you. I don't hesitate to open my mouth. As you said, my mouth is very effective."

Zhang Wei smiled. Although he came with Zhang Chao in his arms, he just tried it. After all, the prison of the Department of Health and Dao is extremely strict. Knowing the purpose of opening his mouth, he couldn't help laughing and cursing:

"You also know that your mouth is effective, so you are not afraid that the door-closing zombies I told you will escape from prison."

"Don't be afraid, I know that my mouth is very effective, but I think no matter how much I consecrate it, it is impossible to shake the Weidaosi Prison. It is so strict. You have entered it yourself. You know, the candidate for the real dragon guard. There are various formations of the true dragon guard level, etc., and..."

Zhang Chao responded with a smile.

Zhang Wei agreed with Zhang Chao noncommittally. He had the same opinion as Zhang Chao.

But at this time.

When Zhang Chao wanted to continue to say something.

There was a sudden exclamation.


"You are joking, this joke is not funny."

"What you said is true?!"

Among the ghost exorcists present, the ghost exorcists belonging to the Ministry of Health, their mobile phones rang one after another, and when they picked up the phone, they all changed their expressions when they heard the news inside.


Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao couldn't talk anymore, they were attracted and they stepped forward to ask.

"What's wrong, what happened."

As soon as his words came out.

The exorcists of the Department of Health and Dao saw that it was Zhang Wei, and thought that the news had spread, so they had no intention of concealing it, so they responded in a deep voice:

"I just received news that something happened in the prison of the Department of Health and Justice, and some prisoners escaped. I heard that a large part of them are those who were detained on the lowest level of the prison."

The words fell.

The ghost exorcists of the other Ministry of Health also spoke one after another, telling the news they got:

"Yes, I also received the news, and I also got the news that the worst thing is that the prisoners on the bottom level escape, and one of the escaped prisoners is still the door-closing zombie."

"Me too. My captain told me that the door-closing zombies are fleeing. Damn it, don't let the door-closing zombies meet Sen Luosi, otherwise it will be difficult to catch them again."


Everyone was talking about the matter in the Prison of the Ministry of Health, but they didn't notice that when the news came out, the expressions of Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao changed.

Zhang Wei: "..."

Zhang Chao: "..."


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