Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 471: Door Sealed Corpse King: Sen Luosi Wants To Hold A Meeting On Zhang Wei?

Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao were stunned, they couldn't help but look at each other as everyone's discussions echoed in their ears.

next second.

Zhang Chao swallowed his saliva and said slowly:

"Wori, is that true, true?"

Compared with Zhang Chao's shock, Zhang Wei's eyes were also brightened. Apart from being surprised by Zhang Chao's effectiveness, he was more concerned about how the door-closing zombie escaped.

Others may not know the security level of the Weidaosi Prison, but as someone who has entered and visited, and even visited the bottom floor, Zhang Wei knows very well that the security level is stricter than others expected. , how did he escape.


There are too few clues now. I only know that the door-closing zombie escaped. I don't know the specific situation, but knowing these is enough.

"The door-closing zombie, oh no, it should be great if grandpa can escape."

The corners of Zhang Wei's mouth raised, whispering there.

"Zhang Wei, what did you say? You're smiling, what kind of bad idea are you thinking of?"

Zhang Chao turned his head and looked over. He listened to the people around him. He didn't hear Zhang Wei clearly, but he noticed Zhang Wei's smile. Based on his understanding of Zhang Wei, he knew that Zhang Wei's smile must be a bad idea. up.


the other side.

In the Department of Health Prison.

at this time.

Every floor of the prison is flashing red lights and sounding sirens, notifying prisoners of escape from time to time, asking the guards of all departments to pay attention to intercept the prisoners and prevent them from escaping.

Also for this.

Throughout the prison, there were guards walking around from time to time, and prisoners booing in the cell from time to time, asking what happened.

However, in the lobby of the monitoring room, unlike the chaos outside, the warden Sun Jianyun and the deputy warden are here. Even though the prison escaped, their faces are not flustered at all. They are even drinking coffee and looking at the screen full of Monitoring, eyes fell on one of the screens.

That was the surveillance on the last floor of the basement. It can be seen that several rooms on the last floor have been opened, and the cells belonging to the door-sealed zombies are also wide open.

I do not know how long it has been.

A powerful guard came in, it was the guard belonging to the lowest floor, and he reported:

"Director, the door-closing zombie has definitely run away."

As soon as his words came out.

Sun Jianyun nodded, not angry because the door-closing zombies escaped from prison, on the contrary he smiled and said:

"It's fine if you escape. Next, let the various departments rectify the prison to ensure that other prisoners do not escape. The key person, the door-closing zombie, has already escaped. There is no need to let other prisoners escape. Send someone to catch some prisoners. If you dare to resist , killed them all."


The guard saluted and turned to leave.

The deputy warden glanced at the guard, then turned to Sun Jianyun and said:

"Everything is going according to plan, and the next thing is to see if the door-closing zombies will not live up to their expectations. I hope he can find Sen Luosi as soon as possible, so that we can catch them all in one go."

Sun Jianyun nodded upon hearing the words:

"If you can use this to wipe out Sen Luosi, it doesn't matter if the prison loses some reputation. Go and tell the capital that according to the plan, we will find a chance to let the door-sealing zombies escape from prison. The next step is to monitor the door-sealing zombies. Leave it to them."

in words.

Sun Jianyun recalled the meeting with the senior officials of the Ministry of Health and Dao not long ago.

After the Northeast incident, Sen Luosi refined a town-level magic weapon in the Northeast, and in view of the seriousness of the incident, the Guardian realized that if Sen Luosi continued to grow and develop as it did, It will inevitably become a huge hidden danger.

to this end.

The high-level leaders agreed to increase the encirclement and suppression of Senluosi. It is necessary to completely eradicate Senluosi in this era. However, given that Senluosi has existed for a long time and has resurfaced every time, they know the difficulty of eradicating and want to solve it completely. It is necessary to find out the general stronghold of Sen Luosi and the mastermind who killed Sen Luosi.

However, Senluosi hides so well that it has not been discovered for hundreds of years. Even the senior officials of Senluosi have little information so far. If you want to find Senluosi's headquarters, or even the mastermind, conventional search methods are impossible. .


They set their minds on Zombie Zombie, which is the only "clue" that the Department of Health can get Sen Luosi. They plan to let Zombie Zombie escape from prison, and then use it to escape, and follow them to find Sen Luosi's headquarters, and even the mastermind!

Think here.

Sun Jianyun took a sip of his coffee, looked at the monitoring station where the zombie escaped from the door, and said:

"The door-closing zombies fled, and we will see what Sen Luosi and the others do next. Given their dedication to the door-closing zombies, they should move soon."


Weidaosi Prison, as the most famous place for ghost exorcists in Daxia, once the news of the accident spread, it spread widely in just one night. Many ghost exorcists, even ghosts, knew about it. There was a sensation in Daxia for a while.

On the Weidaosi forum, the top ten posts were about the Weidaosi’s prison, accounting for more than half of them. Even after three days, they were still discussed by many ghost exorcists after dinner. The reason was that Weidao Prisoners escaped from the Prison, and they were still the lowest-level prisoners, and among them were Senluosi's high-level door-closing zombies.

at this time.

Three nights away from jailbreak.

Suburbs near Modu.

The door-closing zombie sat wearily on a moldy wooden chair in an old abandoned house, with those piercing zombie eyes, watching the surroundings all the time:

"Sen Luo has already been notified with a secret signal, so he should come to meet me soon."

For the sake of the show, even though the Secretary of Wei Dao found an opportunity to let the door-sealing zombie escape successfully, he didn't let it go. He kept sending people to hunt down the door-sealing zombie. These days, the door-sealing zombie has been evasive, almost being discovered several times.

However, he did not sit still, and informed Sen Luosi with the secret code he had with Sen Luo, and he should have received a message from Sen Luo Si to look for him.


The door-sealing zombie was talking to himself, but he seemed to have sensed something in vain, and suddenly looked in the direction of the window.

see you.

Under the moonlight, there were sparse sounds from the abandoned broken window, and then one after another, centipedes crawled in along the window. There were too many of them, densely packed, which made people suffer from dense phobia.


Under the watchful eyes of the door-sealing zombies, thousands of centipedes gathered in the blink of an eye to form a human figure, and turned into a strange figure wearing a big cloak. The centipede's wriggling sound could be faintly heard from inside the cloak. At this moment , a hoarse voice sounded from the cloaked figure:

"Don't be nervous, my own, I was sent by Senluo to meet you, let me introduce myself, my name is Chongzi, one of Senluo's current high-level executives."


The cloaked figure stretched out a hand, and showed the door-closing zombie the evidence that he was Sen Luosi.

The door-closing zombie felt relieved after seeing this:

"You guys are really slow. Decades have passed, is Sen Luosi so inefficient now?"

Originally his descendant Zhang Wei was attacked and killed by Sen Luosi, and the door-closing zombies were very dissatisfied. Although Sen Luosi is needed now, he does not let go of the chance of yin and yang, anyway, he is so used to it.

To this.

The bug seemed to understand the temper of the door-sealed zombie, and he was not angry, and said bluntly:

"We can't blame us. The main reason is that Sen Luosi has encountered some troubles recently. At present, other high-level officials have something to do. In addition, the Department of Health and Dao has been watching closely recently. Especially since you just escaped from prison, I pay more attention to you. It was hard for me to find an opportunity to talk to you. touch."

"What trouble did Sen Luosi encounter?"

The cover zombie looked over.

The bug didn't hide:

"Sen Luosi's plan for Suolongjing has begun to be implemented step by step. We have already refined the soul-calling flag. The next step is to contact Suolongjing. The plan is continuing, but the contact with Suolongjing plan has been stranded. Injured our Sen Luosi two high-level."

"Huh? Who did it? It can hurt two high-level officials. It's very capable. It can't be the real dragon guards like Shengxuan."

"It's not someone you know. You have been imprisoned for decades, but there are many capable people. One of them is a rising star. His name is Zhang Wei."

at this time.

The bug was focused on talking, but didn't notice that when the door-sealing zombie heard Zhang Wei's name, there was a faint flash of light in the depths of his eyes.

Zhang Wei?

Isn't that my descendant!

Haha, you are indeed a descendant of my family, you did a great job, and you have the same demeanor as I did before.

Just as the door-closing zombie thought about it.

As the worm said, it seemed that he was afraid that the door-closing zombie would think that Sen Luosi had fallen, and added:

"That Zhang Wei is very powerful. He sabotaged our Senluosi plan time and time again. He is very strong. Although he is not very old, he is no less powerful than our senior Senluosi. plans to sabotage."

"But Sili won't let him go easily, especially this time, Sen Luo has noticed him and is ready to hold a meeting to discuss Zhang Wei's handling and follow-up plans. I will take you back now, just to discuss this together. thing."


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