Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 472: The Glasses Have To Trigger Mantis's Isolation Passive

in words.

The worms are very vigilant, they don't forget to feel the Gu worms all around, and they always check the surroundings that there will be no guards who are chasing them.

It was also this inspection, coupled with the trust in the zombie, the old man of Senluosi, that Chongzi didn't notice that when he mentioned Zhang Wei, the door-closing zombie frowned without a trace, and his heart suddenly became angry.

Handling Zhang Wei's meeting? !

Sen Luo who drafted it, you dare to do something to my descendants.


I can't let my descendants have accidents, I have to go to the meeting quickly to prevent them from doing things to my descendants.

The door-closing zombie couldn't sit still.

"Then let's not be late, take me back to Sen Luosi, the Weidaosi is chasing me too closely, and he will find me soon."

Chongzi nodded upon hearing the words, but did not act on the spot:

"It's time to take you back to Sen Luosi earlier, but not now. Sen Luo told me that it is not possible to rule out the possibility that the Department of Health and Dao is following you outside, so as to follow you and follow the vines to find the headquarters."

"So I'm sorry, I can't take you back now, but I can take you back in another way, which is why I was sent to pick you up."

The door-closing zombie is not angry, and Sen Luosi's caution is not unreasonable, otherwise it would not be possible to survive until now without being destroyed.

Immediately afterwards.

The bug stretched out his hand, spread his palm, and a centipede the size of a little finger appeared. Then, under the moonlight, a frightening scene unfolded. The centipede burrowed into the zombie's ear.


The door-sealing zombie felt his eyes go dark, and fell to the ground.

When he opened his eyes again, he felt that his field of vision had changed. In his field of vision, he saw his body lying on the ground, and he seemed to be on the hand of the worm. Through the reflection of the broken glass mirror, he saw himself. appearance.

Now I have become a centipede, to be precise, my thoughts have been transferred to this centipede.

"Gu Master?"

The well-informed door-closing zombie couldn't help but look at the worm and spit out human words.

The bug smiled and nodded:

"Yes, I am a Gu master. Now I have transferred you to my Gu insect and centipede. Even if I destroy your body now, you will not die, but your corpse is an iron coffin zombie. Sen Luo said stay If it’s useful, I won’t destroy it for you, but it can’t be left here.”

As he spoke, the cloak on his body fluttered, and a group of centipedes sprang out from under his feet.

Then under the gaze of the door-closing zombie.

Those centipedes glowed with special lines, biting the door-closing zombie and dismembering its body.

Finish these.

The centipedes, like worker ants, formed a group to lift up the body parts of the door-closing zombie and transport them outside.

The bug opened the mouth and said:

"Sen Luo ordered the tailor to ask my centipede to dismantle your body with the sewing technique carved by the tailor, so that you can hide it easily, such as hiding in the ground. My Gu worm is a small expert at digging holes, and then take your thoughts back. The gardener has prepared a new body for you to use temporarily."

"In the future, make sure of the situation at the Department of Health and Dao, and then get your body back and sew it back."

The door-closing zombie nodded:

"It's quite thoughtful, so let's go and go back to Senluosi."


This time the bug didn't hesitate, and the moment he nodded, the body in the cloak also slammed apart, turning into centipedes again, and then left with the centipedes of the door-closing zombies.

Not long.

Looking inside the room again, there was no trace of the two, and even the traces of their presence were completely wiped out, as if no one had ever been here.

Until the door-closing zombie left for a few minutes...

Someone came here again.

There were four people who came. Although their aura was subdued, it was enough to tell from their eyes that their identities were definitely not ordinary people. They were members of the Health Department responsible for tracking down the door-closing zombies. Each of them was a top Qilin guard, and even the leader was a A half-step true dragon guard.

"What to do, Sen Luosi is also on guard, and he came up with such a trick to deal with it."

One of the youngest middle-aged people spoke.

The words fell.

Another person took the call:

"Sen Luosi is notoriously cautious, and it is normal to have this move to deal with it. You can see the person they sent, it should be that the senior management of Sen Luosi did not run away. If we hadn't prepared in advance, plus The team leader is strong, otherwise he would have been discovered by the other party."

As soon as his words came out.

The leader responded:

"A top ghost king-level Gu Master, Sen Luosi is just as expected, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but it's okay, Wei Daosi expected Sen Luosi to be cautious, we just keep an eye on the corpse of the door-closing zombie, he has to come back sooner or later Return the corpse, otherwise it would not just dismantle the corpse instead of destroying it."

The youngest middle-aged man nodded, looked at the broken house that had been cleaned up and said:

"If it were me, I would destroy the corpses and eliminate all traces, so as not to leave any traces. They even cleaned up the traces of broken houses, so they should clean up the corpses. It seems that they are unwilling to give up the corpses of the door-closing zombies so easily."

Another person also echoed:

"It's not a waste of time this time. At least I know that Sen Luosi attaches great importance to the corpse of the door-closing zombie. It seems that his corpse is of great use to Sen Luosi. With this clue, maybe we can use it to investigate something."

in words.

He picked up his mobile phone and sent the clues and information obtained here to the Ministry of Health.

at the same time.

They didn't linger, and followed the direction in which the zombie corpses were moving, taking advantage of the situation to track them down.


Time flies.

Two days later.

Daxia, an unknown place.

The line of sight here is not very bright, an incandescent lamp that has been used for an unknown amount of time is suspended above the head, and the ground is a wooden table.

The fat man and the tailor walked in the corridor leading here, and the fat man said with great interest:

"Although it's not the first time I come here, every time I come here, I feel that I have a high standard. This is where the villain should be. Look at the tailor, how low you are every time you choose a meeting point. Sen Luo's taste is not good. It’s not black, it’s still very compelling.”

The tailor rolled his eyes:

"Fatty man, if you don't speak, no one will worry about being dumb."

The fat man was about to say something when he heard the words, but he seemed to have a feeling. He looked back and said with a smile:

"Mute, the tailor is pointing fingers and scolding Huai."

I saw the dumb and stuttering also coming from the corridor. I don't know whether it was Zhang Wei's words, letting them know the real identity of the fat man and the tailor, or the power of the tailor. The dumb raised his hand and gestured:

"Abaabaaaba (fatty, don't drag me when you quarrel, I can't beat you)"

The tailor ignored the fat man's nonsense. Recently, through the fat man, he already knew that the dumb and stuttered were also on the same boat, so he calmly said:

"How do you feel about the arm that was reattached to you? Tell me if there is any discomfort, and I will sew it up for you."

Hearing the words, the mute pointed to the arm he had sewed on, thanked him and said:

"Abaabaa (No, no, no, tailor, your sewing skills are really good, our arms feel the same as before.)"

at this time.

A voice came from behind.

"Guys, it's really early for you to come."

Those were glasses. There was a lazy orange cat lying on his shoulder, walking towards this side, pushed the reading glasses and said with a smile.

Same time.

The lazy orange cat on its shoulder raised its head and meowed at Fatty and the others to show a friendly response. After all, it is now the key training object of Senluosi, one of the future senior executives of Senluosi, according to the glasses , it can't always be so cold and cold, it has to build a good relationship with colleagues.


"Huahua has become fatter again, wrong, she has become stronger again."

The fat man looked over with a smile.

Huahua's chubby cat face smiled slightly:

"Excellent award, small progress."

【Ding! Huahua... who told the master to improve so fast, I use his ghost back tattoo to increase my strength】

[Host obtains system points +160]

But just after finishing speaking, the glasses interjected:

"Huahua don't need to be modest, you are very talented, I really have a good eye, I really know how to select talents, hahahaha."

is smiling.

A thud thud thump came from behind, followed by an old figure:

"You all seem to be in a good mood."

The glasses and the others heard the words, turned their heads to look, and couldn't help saying hello:

"Old willow tree."

That was Mr. Willow. Although he joined Senluosi the latest, his strength was among the best. In addition to his age, as he entered, all the senior leaders of Senluosi were very polite to him.

The glasses also smiled at this time and continued:

"It's because I'm in a good mood. The talents I've cultivated are getting stronger and stronger. Haha, I think they'll be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with us in a while. Can you be in a bad mood, but you seem to be in a good mood, Old Liushu."

As soon as his words came out.

The old man Liu Shu couldn't help looking up, seeing the fat man, the tailor, the dumb, stuttering, and himself walking in the middle, with fancy glasses on his shoulders, and replied with a smile:

"The old man is also in a good mood."

at the same time.

The fat man saw what the old man Liu Shu was thinking, and looked at the glasses with a smile in his heart... Fortunately, the glasses are not the praying mantis in lol, otherwise this situation would trigger the helpless passive, hahahaha

The glasses who didn't know the truth smiled and said:

"You should really be in a good mood. Today is a big day. Our zombie who was outside has finally returned. Let's go, let's go in quickly. I think the zombie has been waiting inside for a long time."


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