Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 473 Sen Luo Is Angry, Zhang Wei Is Going To Die?

Mentioning the door-closing zombies, Fatty and the others all stared at them. The door-closing zombies are the core of Senluo, and so far, in their opinion, apart from Senluo, they are the ones who know the secret of Longjing best.

Although they joined Senluosi for various purposes, they all know that the purpose of Senluosi's establishment is to lock Longjing, and they are all fulfilling Senluosi's purpose for their own purposes.

Now that the door-sealing zombies have returned to Senluosi again after decades, how can they not let them, the senior executives of Senluosi who joined later, even the tailors are curious. Know nothing.

At that time, her mind was full of resurrecting her mother, and she didn't pay much attention to locking Longjing, but it's different now.


The fat man said with great interest:

"Then stop the ink, let's go, and take a look at the zombie that we Sen Luosi tried so hard to save, what kind of a powerful and tall villain it is."

"Abaa Baba (Let's go, I want to see it too)"

"Go, go, go."

The mutes also spoke out one after another.


They walked through the passage and came to the room with the long table. They saw two figures sitting on it. One was wearing a big cloak, and there was the faint sound of insects crawling inside. It is a high-level bug of Senluosi.

Everyone simply greeted the bug, and their eyes fell on the other figure.

It was a figure they had never seen before. Judging from the death-like complexion and zombie-like eyes, it was enough to confirm that this person was the legendary door-closing zombie.

Also at this time.

The tailor looked at the door-sealing zombie. She was the only high-level executive present who had seen the door-sealing zombie. She looked at the door-sealing zombie and said:

"It seems that the gardener took a lot of pains this time. He thought he just gave you a body to make do with it. It turned out that he created you a zombie body that looks just like you."

His words speak out.

Everyone observed the door-closing zombies. The other party was observing them. He looked at the tailor, raised his hand and said:

"I didn't expect that, apart from being weaker in strength and stronger than the body of the iron coffin zombie, there is not much discomfort. The tailor has been gone for a long time. Are these guys the current high-level Senluosi?"

in words.

The door-sealing zombie glanced at the dumb, stuttering, and others, with surprise deep in his eyes. When his eyes fell on Mr. Willow, he was even more surprised. It seems that decades have passed, and the Department of Health and Dao has not been able to cause harm to Sen Luosi. Ross actually improved a lot.

It seems that if I want to retaliate against Sen Luosi's idea of ​​taking action against my descendants, I have to take a long-term plan. With so many powerful high-level executives, revenge by myself is no different from suicide.

Immediately afterwards.

Fatty and the others sat down one after another, introduced themselves to the door-closing zombie, and chatted briefly with each other to get acquainted.

"I heard from Chongzi that a man named Zhang Wei injured one of you, and which two?"

The door-sealing zombie asked casually.

His words come out.

It can be seen that the corners of the mouths of both dumb and stuttering twitched. To outsiders, it was embarrassing for them to have their scars exposed, and the fat man laughed beside him:

"You two usually like to abuse people, now you are being abused, and you should reap the consequences, hehe."

Dumb: "..."


Yes, I have become a real partner with you after reaping the fruit of my own life.

at the same time.

The door-closing zombie who doesn't know the truth sneered in his heart... Heh, you two dare to mess with my descendants, but they are indeed my descendants. vengeful.

Immediately afterwards.

He looked at the fat man, and for this fat man who indirectly spoke for his descendants, the door-sealed zombie was pleasing to the eye... Sen Luosi recruited an interesting guy.

Just when the door-closing zombie was about to say something.

Da da da.

The sound of footsteps came.

All present looked at the door and saw Sen Luo walking with embroidered shoes and a paper man wearing a mask. Everyone raised their eyebrows for a while, and changed their chatting and playful smiles. I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Sen Luo seemed a little angry , the previous aura that strangers should not enter has become even stronger.

"What happened? Why does it feel like you have a bad face, Sen Luo?"

The fat man who has always been outspoken said without hesitation.

To this.

The others didn't say much, knowing Fatty's character, in normal times, they might be speechless, but now they want Fatty to ask curiously, wanting to know why Sen Luo, who has always been calm, is so angry.

Sen Luo glanced at the fat man, he also knew the fat man's temper, he was not angry, he waved his hand and said:

"It's nothing. It's just that things haven't been going well recently. Either the gardener didn't come to the meeting, or Sheng Xuan watched too closely, almost killing the paper figurine, or Suolongjing's contact plan failed."

His words speak out.

The Senluosi high-ranking paper figurine who sat down with him coughed violently, and everyone noticed that the paper figurine was injured, his face looked pale and haggard, sick, and he felt like he was going to die at any time.


Everyone was undisguisedly surprised. The top executives of Senluo Division all have their own characteristics. If it is said who is the least likely to die in Senluo Division, or who has the strongest life-saving ability, the paper figurine is definitely ranked in the top three, because he Is a paper maker, or a paper maker!

However, such a paper man with strong life-saving ability almost died now, how can they not be surprised.


The paper figurine said weakly:

"I was sent by Sen Luo to get the soul-calling banner to attract the attention of the Department of Health and Dao. After all, the Department of Wei Dao sent Shengxuan. Although that guy has a strange personality, his strength lies there. If he finds us, it will definitely affect the plan."

"So I planned to use my paper-making ability to copy some fake soul-calling banners, spread the fakes with my paper doll avatar, and confuse the Secretary of Health, but before I could act, Shengxuan found my paper doll avatar first, Not only did I kill all my paper figurines."


The paper figurine coughed violently, took a breath and continued:

"He even destroyed the fake soul-calling banners. Those fakes of mine had part of the power of the soul-calling banners, but he blocked them all, so let's forget that they couldn't hurt him at all. He almost found my body, if it wasn't for me If you change to other ghost exorcist professions, you will definitely die."

"It's impossible to spread the fake soul-calling flag now, and Shengxuan already knows."

At this moment.

Sen Luo took the words, eyes brightened and said:

"You don't need to be responsible for the paper figurine of Shengxuan's matter. I'll take care of it here. It won't affect Suolongjing's affairs too much. I still have the soul-calling banner, so don't worry about it. At present, Suolongjing is the main thing. touch."

"I think everyone knows that Suolongjing's contact plan has failed. This will affect the follow-up plan, so we must find an opportunity to contact Suolongjing as soon as possible."

"in addition."

"About that Zhang Wei who destroyed our plan, what do you think? I remember that you reported the tailor. This Zhang Wei affected your plan in the Northeast, and now it affects Suo Longjing Contact. The repeated destruction, his growth rate, Incompleteness will also affect follow-up plans.”

in words.

It seems that Sen Luo's emotions have calmed down, and he has returned to a calm and unfluctuated appearance again, but everyone who knows Sen Luo knows that Sen Luo is the most dangerous at this time.

Gatekeeper Zombie knows this too.

Although Sen Luo didn't say how to deal with Zhang Wei, according to Sen Luo's words, the other party was obviously murderous. In order to prevent the possibility of subsequent opportunities being affected by Zhang Wei, he wanted to eliminate this "danger".

Think here.

The door-closing zombie thumped in his heart. The secret path is not good. Based on his understanding of Senluosi, Senluosi's creed has always been that he must be punished. Now that Senluo has agreed, other high-level officials will definitely support it.

"No! I have to find a way, so that they can't take action on my Zhang Wei!"

The door-closing zombie said in his heart.


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